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my 1999 lincoln town car air suspension is not holding the
It sometimes felt like I couldn't go anywhere without being bothered. I was "recognized" at church, at the gym, by one of the clients at Haven for Hope. My fellow journalists here at the Express News never seem to tire of needling me whenever my clone does something newsworthy like leaving the White House and being elected mayor of Chicago..
The ignition switch on the steering column of the Chevrolet Cobalt and other small cars was so poorly designed that it easily slipped out of the run position, causing engines to stall. Engineers knew it; as early as 2004, a Cobalt stalled on a GM test track when the driver's knee grazed the key fob. By GM's admission, the defective switches caused over 50 crashes and at least 13 deaths..
How can we help it?" LIAM BARTLETT: If you're out there doing all that amongs the plastic and the rubbish it sort of takes the gloss off it. LAIRD HAMILTON: The ocean full of plastic is an ugly place. IAN KIERNAN: What you've got to realise whatever you drop on a mountain or in a creek or on the beach or in the street or in the paddock is eventually most likely to end up in the ocean, the ultimate receiving waters.