The First Indoor Crane at Tesla Giga Berlin's Casting Area

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Watch Tesla Giga Berlin's first internal crane in the Casting area, while the Stamping area takes contours and the 1st roof beams being put on.

Our friend Jurgen, who tweets at GF4Tesla shows us the 1st crane and the progress update today from Giga Berlin.

This is epic progress at Giga Berlin. It's unbelievable - an American company shows Germany how a complex project can be implemented in budget and in time. Compliments to Tesla, consider the company is doing all at its own risk.

It's really amazing how well the project seems to work (yes, I know about the regulatory problems).

I am so looking forward to the Made-inGiga-Berlin Model Y.

Great progress in the past two days. If you look at Tobias Lindh’s video from Giga Berlin that was two days ago you will see what big progress has been achieved at Giga Berlin.

I have a question: Why is there a big space between the drive unit and the rest of the buildings?

You guys ask me, “When will we know when the new part is being cast and installed in new Model Y’s?” I think the answer is once the internal work is complete, then Tesla will start casting the Model Y body at Giga Berlin.

Apparently, It takes 24 trucks to move the Giga-Press, I didn't really grasp how big they were until I heard that, says one of our community members at Torque News Youtube channel.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.