Reservation Holder Says Tesla Just Called Him About Model 3

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Tesla Model 3 is possibly coming to New York's Manhattan flagship store, which Tesla possibly may open in November of 2017.

A Reddit user, who seems to be a Tesla Model 3 reservation holder, says Tesla just called him.

"There will be a new flagship store opening in Manhattan and the model 3 will be there in November. The Rep was unsure if test drives will be available right away, but this is good news for Tri-State reservation holders. I was added to the email list for more information as it develops," wrote Ender310, who claims to be a reservation holder.

It's good that Tesla is offering these options in the Tri-State area Model 3 reservation holders. Who knows the company add the same thing in some other big Metro areas. When forum members read Ender310's message that wanted to see if they could be added to the email list. He made a second post and wrote this.

"Hey guys, I just called, there is no additional list to subscribe to, it’s the same email list you’re already as a reservation holder. So no need to call. Also they said they would only be offering test drives to reservation holders, and as a reservation holder you’d be first to know when they have model 3 in store and ready for test drives."

So look for call from Tesla if you are a Model 3 reservation holder. On July 18, there was a rumor that Tesla would send one Model 3 to each showroom in following priority. It turns out that the rumor may have been correct and if you are a Model 3 reservation holder you may hear from Tesla in the next few months for a test driving possibility of your Model 3.

If you have been notified by Tesla or received a call by Tesla representative please comment below and let other fellow Model 3 reservation holders know about it too.

Submitted by Lawrence (not verified) on August 22, 2017 - 2:06PM


Elvis called me about test driving the Model 3 and about the location of Amelia Earhart's crash location as well. Spread the word.

Submitted by Frank Thorley Jr (not verified) on August 23, 2017 - 8:39AM


I had a call about a month ago and Tesla employee asked about my interest in a model S. I indicated still waiting for M3.