Tesla Giga Berlin Wants To Buy New Massive Land in Grünheide

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Tesla Giga Berlin wants to buy massive amounts of land in Grünheide. The purchase price is unclear. The municipality of Grunheide, where Tesla Giga Berlin is located, must agree and we have the date for the new construction start. I am also going to tell you what this purchase suggests about Tesla's new plans.

With 300 hectares, Tesla already owns one of the largest commercial properties in Brandenburg. Now the company wants to buy about 100 hectares. A freight station and storage areas are to be built there. The excavators could roll as early as next year. Philip Barnstorf tells us the details in today's RBB24, which is Brandenburg's Public Radio.

The Tesla company is planning to massively expand its property in Grünheide (Oder-Spree). The rbb learned this from official circles. Accordingly, the company intends to purchase approximately 100 hectares of land located directly east of the Tesla site between the RE1 railway line and the L23 and L38 state roads.

Tesla To Use Trains for Giga Berlin Deliveries

Tesla had already announced in 2020 that it would have as many supplier products as possible delivered to the Grünheide plant by train. Completed Teslas are also to be transported away by rail. The group is now planning additional storage areas and a freight station for this purpose. This suggests that Tesla plans to keep the rest of its property free for future car factory expansions.

Tesla's Purchase Price Still Unclear But We Have Hints

About six hectares of the site east of the Tesla property belong to the electricity supplier Edis. He built a substation there last year, from where electricity flows to Tesla, among other things. The rest of the area between the railway line and the two country roads - a total of about 140 football fields in size - belongs to the state of Brandenburg and would be suitable for Tesla's plan.

According to official circles, a purchase price has not yet been determined. If the state authorities charge the same price per square meter as for the first 300 hectares, Tesla would have to pay around 13 million euros for the additional area.

Municipality of Grünheide Must Agree to Tesla's New Land Purchase

In order for Tesla to be able to build on the site, the Grünheide municipal council must also have the development plan for the site changed. Tesla wants to propose to the community representatives to take the first steps in June. In the procedure, all authorities involved must agree to the change. The water association Strausberg-Erkner, which is critical of new construction projects due to the lack of water in the region, has to wave the plan through.

Start of Construction June 2023 at The Earliest

Citizens and associations can also send in questions and comments. Because the 100 hectares - like the previous Tesla site - are in a water protection area, a lot of discussion could arise. Overall, it should be at least June 2023 before Tesla can start construction.

Pine forest is currently growing on the site. If Tesla falls, the company has to plant new forest elsewhere in Brandenburg - as with the previous clearings.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded TorqueNews.com in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.