Tesla Model 3: What Will Happen On July 28

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After the announcement, pictures and video of the first production Tesla Model 3 all the interested parties, enthusiasts and hundreds of thousands of reservation holders are anxiously looking to see what will happen on July 28. They hope that the Model 3 configuration will open either on that day or earlier.

Three days ago, on July 7th, when I received the latest press release from Tesla (TSLA), in which the company discussed this year's 2nd quarter vehicle production and deliveries, there were two sentences regarding the July 28, which is going to be the next major milestone for Tesla.

The first certified production Model 3 that meets all regulatory requirements will be completed this week, with a handover of ~30customer cars at our Fremont factory on July 28. More details to follow soon, said Tesla in the statement.

Interestingly, Tesla hasn't made any updates regarding Model 3 on its blog since April 6. That's when the last update about Model 3 was written.

What We Know About Model 3 Configurator

So, Tesla is going to announce more details about July 28 and who will be invited to the party soon. No word is announced about the Model 3 Configurator.

Last month, on June 6 Electrek reported that Tesla will have limited configurations for the Model 3. In fact, they will be fewer than that of Model S. The publication quoted Tesla CEO Elon Musk saying "Initially, the Model 3 configurator it’s going to be like “what color do you want? and what size wheel do you want?”. That’s basically going to be the configurator."

Thus, expect the configurator open either on July 28 or before that with very limited options. Those options are not Tesla's main concern right now. The carmaker is primarily concerned by meeting its pre-orders and responsibly ship quality electric cars to its customers.

"If the configurator is going online on July 28th, I wonder if that means that non-reservation holders can place an order? Also, if a non-reservation holder places an order on July 28th and pays in full in advance, can they skip ahead of reservation holders that have yet to place an order or have not paid in full and thus get their car a bit sooner?" asks a forum member in Tesla's discussion board.

Suggestions and Expectations for July 28 Model 3 Delivery Event

Here is one suggestion that came from a Tesla forum where a member suggests this as a great morale booster for the company.

"A great PR and morale booster would be to have a lottery of factory workers who have reserved the model 3 and deliver their cars. No Board members/friends of Elon/one percenters. In fact, I would have the Board and EM pour a glass of champagne for these lucky workers and toast them, and by proxy, all the factory workers," wrote this forum member referring to July 28 party.

What do you expect to happen on July 28 with the delivery of the first 30 Model 3 vehicles? If you haven't seen the video yet, here is the first production Tesla Model 3 HD Video, which appeared yesterday from Fremont Factory. Another major chatter today in discussion boards is comparing Tesla Model 3 vs 2018 Nissan Leaf IDS concept, if you want to see which one is prettier.