I Got a Free Oil Change on My Toyota Camry, But I Would Have Rather Paid $100, It Took Over 3 Hrs, I Will Never Get My Oil Changed at Toyota Again

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Michelle was excited when she got a text from the dealer about a $19.95 oil change special. She jumped at the chance, but the appointment was a disaster. They forgot about her and left her sitting for hours. Here is Michelle's shocking story.  

Michelle describes her experience as the 'oil change from hell.'

While these may seem like strong words, if you've ever taken your vehicle to a car dealer for routine service, you'll likely relate. The frustration of waiting for your car to be ready, often past the promised time, is a common experience

It's a common issue in many dealership service departments, employees overpromise and underdeliver, leaving customers like Michelle feeling frustrated and undervalued at a Toyota dealer.

Michelle's experience serves as a cautionary tale. Taking her 2015 Toyota Camry in for service, especially on a Friday afternoon, was a disaster waiting to happen. Michelle's story, shared in her TikTok video, is a stark reminder to be cautious when considering dealership service departments on their busiest day.

I will omit the Toyota dealer's name because this scenario happens dozens of times at many car dealer service departments. 

Imagine taking your Toyota Camry in for a great deal on an oil change. It's only $19.95, including synthetic oil and a complimentary multi-point safety inspection of your car. It's a great deal, so who wouldn't jump on it?

However, they tell you it will be an hour to an hour and a half, and you are okay because you have some work you can do while you wait. However, the service department employee who checked you in is nowhere to be found. 

He likely went to lunch but unfortunately forgot about you and didn't tell you your car was ready. You are still waiting.  

When you finally inquire about your car after two and a half hours, everyone is busy, and no one is eager to help you. After nearly three hours, you can finally get the service manager to help you. 

Here is Michelle's unbelievable story.  

Michelle says, "If you have a Toyota and need an oil change, do not get your oil changed at Toyota.… I got an oil change for free, which normally I would be excited about, but I would rather have paid $100."

She says I got a text message from Toyota of ….about a promo: they're having an oil change special for $19.95. I was like, heck yeah.  

The text to Michelle read: "Michelle, a $19.95 oil change is available for your 2015 Toyota Camry with VIN ending…..only at Toyota of ….! This price includes all the synthetic oil needed for your vehicle, a free multi-point inspection with pictures and video, a better test, and a free wheel alignment check. Offer ends 1/31/25. You can't beat that deal! Appointments are still available tomorrow, but we are filling up fast. Call us at…., or respond with your desired date and time. Jessica :)

Michelle continues, "An oil change for my car normally would cost $100, but if I can save money and get one for $20, why not?" 

So, I booked an appointment to get my oil changed today at 1:30, and I showed up right at 1:30. The check-in went well, and I gave them my keys, and they said it would take an hour to an hour and a half max. 

It wasn't a big deal because I had work to do, and I brought it all with me, so I waited in the waiting area and started doing my work. The guy who helped me came by and asked for my email because they didn't have it on file. I didn't see him for the rest of my appointment. I thought that he might be helping other people.

An hour goes by, and maybe they're not done yet. I won't ask anyone because they seem busy, so I'll wait another 30 minutes. It's now 3:00, and I started asking around me, Hey, do you know if my car is ready? Who can I talk to?

They say no, your car isn't ready yet. If it is, they will come and get you. So now 4:00 rolls around, and I'm getting antsy at this point. Because I've been here for two and a half hours. 

So, I went to the counter where you check out and get your car, and I asked them, hey, can I get an update on my car? I was told it would take an hour and a half, but now it's been two and a half hours. 

The lady was so nonchalant and standoffish that she didn't even give me the time of day. She looks through a bunch of files like she's doing something, but I know she's not doing anything for me.

Then one of her coworkers interrupts our conversation and asks her a question, and then she completely ignores me. They start talking about a new employee who is working tomorrow. I'm like, hello? Can anyone help me? 

I must have been standing near the manager because he had overheard our conversation and asked me what I needed help with. I told him I'd been here for almost three hours now, and I was told I would be out in an hour and a half. 

He asked who had helped me, and I described who he was, and then he went over and asked about my car. It turns out that he forgot about me and my car, and he starts scrambling through his paperwork, and he's like. Oh yeah, she's done. 

My car had been done for over an hour, and no one came to tell me. The manager apologized and told me someone would bring my car out, and I could get it from the front. The manager was so nice, by the way, and he felt so bad that no one had helped me. 

So, he ended up comping my $20.00 oil change. But I was so frustrated that I just wanted to get my keys and go home. The manager said I could wait inside because it was really cold out. 

He said someone would come in and hand me the keys; they need to update the oil change sticker on your windshield. So, I stand by the cashier because I am afraid that if I sit down, they will forget about me again! 

So I waited inside until I saw my car being pulled up, stepped outside to the curb, and waited for the guy to give me my keys. I see him wiping the windows and getting some paperwork, and then he leaves the car with the door open.

I thought he had to get something. I see no one attending to my car; the door is wide open, and cars behind me are getting backed up because the other workers are pulling the cars up the driveway. 

We made eye contact before the guy left my car, and I was like that's my car. The moral of the story is if a deal is too good to be true, it probably is. And I will never get my oil changed at Toyota again.  


This scenario has been played out dozens of times in Toyota and other car brand dealers' service departments. However, the service Michelle received was significantly inferior. 

What should Michelle have done differently?

Michelle wasn't the only customer who received a text from Jessica at the Toyota dealer offering the $19.95 oil change special. Dozens of customers likely took them up on the good deal. 

On a Friday afternoon, they were extra busy with customers wanting to get their cars serviced before the weekend. It's the perfect storm.

After waiting an hour and a half, Michelle should have gone to the service desk and inquired about her car and been persistent until someone could tell her when her car would be finished. 

In this case, the Toyota service advisor dropped the ball and let her slip through the cracks. 

When are the best and worst times to get your car serviced at a dealer?

According to Kelly Auto Group, the worst times are Friday and Saturday. "Usually, Friday and Saturdays are the busiest for dealers. They get a ton of inquiries and will have cars for service all over their place. People tend to get their vehicles checked on Fridays and Saturdays to make sure their weekend road trips are smooth and safe."

They say mid-week is the best time.

Kelly says, "Tuesdays through Thursdays, are ideal and the best time to get your car serviced. Many dealers also offer mid-week deals and discounts to attract customers. You can check the dealer website to learn about mid-week specials and offers.”

Check out another one of my Toyota dealer stories titled: Toyota Serviced My Corolla Transmission and Used the Wrong Fluid, They Said It May Cause Issues In the Long Run, But Don’t Worry, We’re Getting It Fixed Up Right Now

Have you had a similar experience at a car dealer's service department? If so, click the red Add New Comment link below and let us know.

I am Denis Flierl, a Senior Torque News Reporter since 2012. My 30+ year tenure in the automotive industry, initially in a consulting role with every major car brand and later as a freelance journalist test-driving new vehicles, has equipped me with a wealth of knowledge. I specialize in reporting the latest automotive news and providing expert analysis on Subaru, which you'll find here, ensuring that you, as a reader, are always well-informed and up-to-date. Follow me on my X SubaruReportAll Subaru, WRXSTI, @DenisFlierlFacebook, and Instagram.

Photo credit: Denis Flierl via Michelle Tran

Submitted by Paul O'Neal (not verified) on January 13, 2025 - 12:42PM


You kinda have to be on them about that. Always check the lot outside the service bay to make sure your car isn't ready.

They got me in a different way...
I got a special deal according to Toyota.
I end up paying the same as regular with all the charges.
I even asked the rep where was the savings? All he said was that it was done by a Toyota specialist.

It is any dealer they look for something to charge for. I took my 2500 to the dealership for my free oil change I use amsoil oil which i had supplied and a oil filter all they had to due was change the oil. I purposely changed the air filter. They took 2hrs told me that I needed a new air filter I asked why the informed me it was well overdue. I caught at them and asked are you supposed to change it every fill-up. They looked puzzled after they told me everything that needed to be changed my tie rods and a bunch of front end work which was done 1000 miles before. Just got new tires they insisted I need a front end aliment told me the tires were wearing wrong. They still had the nobs on them. When I finally got my truck back they wanted to charge me for labor on my free oil change. I went to my truck and a huge puddle of oil was underneath it. Also spilled all over the engine. I blocked their bay and told them to fix it. Or you won't get another car in the bay. And if it needs oils it better be amsoil they told me that the tech was short and couldn't reach the oil cap and spilled some. I said then assign someone who can. I have a history with that service department and a good report with the manager of the car lot. I walked to his office told him what happened. And informed him that he just lost a customer and many referrals because of there incompetence. Never go to Mosic kia.

Submitted by Alan (not verified) on January 13, 2025 - 6:35PM


This happened to me at dodge all in the oil change always took 4.hours. I hated going there it was like an all day affair and this was their Express service

Submitted by DudeWhoUsedToBeATech (not verified) on January 13, 2025 - 11:11PM


Unless you are getting warrantied service never ever ever ever pay for any service at a dealership. This case is an exception but they will always charge double the amount of what it will usually cost at a mechanics shop and they will try to tack on extra charges on top of the service. Also never expect your vehicle to be done in the time frame a service writer tells you. Especially if you take it mid day like this person did. Always try to do the earliest appointment possible.

Submitted by Alan D (not verified) on January 14, 2025 - 9:13AM


I can get a free oil and oil filter change every 5k miles for free on my Lexus as long as I own it, but choose to pay for that service every 7.5k miles at an independent shop that services only Toyota and Lexus vehicles. I get my tires rotated at the same time. My Lexus dealer's attempt to get me to pay for unnecessary maintenance is the main reason why.

Submitted by Producer (not verified) on January 14, 2025 - 12:58PM


The young woman clearly doesn't know how to find and manage a service arrangement. My Toyota Camry is only serviced at a single dealer. And I also have an OEM extended warranty, and they also do any of that work. I have an excellent relationship with my service advisor and get very competitive prices for services. I've only owned six cars, and always used select dealers for the work I didn't do myself. So the sing-song of bad service is for those who don't check the dealer's reputation, know to avoid certain days of the week - and manage the relationship. It ain't like ordering at McDonalds.

Submitted by Marq (not verified) on January 14, 2025 - 6:47PM


This happened to me at AutoNation toyota in Las Vegas. I was so irritated, it's crazy how her story matches my almost exactly. Smh.

Submitted by Ashok Karnani (not verified) on January 14, 2025 - 11:27PM


Yup..it does take way too long to get oil change done...even with an appointment.
Its because these mechanics at toyota in the USA qre lazy slow and they get paid high salaries per hour.

Submitted by Larry Borshard (not verified) on January 15, 2025 - 2:06AM


In fairness, just from this article, we know very little about Michelle, her social skills or life experiences. It's sad, but too many customer service people need help for us to get the best service. Better to have lower expectations than to wait endlessly for the service rep to report back to you. "Eye contact" is not a good substitute for non-confrontational talk. And no, it does NOT cost $100 for an oil change, ever! To her credit, Michelle is very trusting. I would have treated that message as a scam - No mention of an oil filter, 'all the oil needed' (goes without saying!), an inspection "with pictures and video" (a mechanics body cam?), an alignment check (I doubt they use a machine, probably just eyeball tread wear), and what the heck is "a better test"? Shame on that dealer! Good on the service manager to comp this incident, but more appropriate and better publicity to give five free oil changes. Not that Michelle would ever go back. Thanks for sharing!

Submitted by Jenni Lee Williams (not verified) on January 15, 2025 - 2:22PM


I had free oil changes with my car and I still paid for them because I do not want to sit at a dealership for 3 to 5 hours for an oil change I just got mine done the other day for 90 bucks but it was 15 minutes My time is worth more than the money saved. Also I like seeing them work on the car not it just disappearing for 5 hours