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Ford Billboard Is A Slap In The Face To Elon Musk And Tesla

Apparently, no one recognizes Tesla as an American car company? At least Ford does not seem to. Take a look at why this is bad publicity and a slap in the face to Elon Musk.

When it comes to hate-mongering these days, Tesla Motors seems to be the recipient. The startup tech/car company has completely changed everything we once knew about the electric car's feasibility.

Tesla's wild success is mainly due in part to the one and only Elon Musk, who has pushed against highly stacked odds to create the company.

While Tesla has been benchmarking the automotive industry in the electric car world, you would think that major manufacturers would be celebrating this achievement. Think again.

According to Ford Motor Company, there is no other company out there that is building an electric vehicle or, more specifically, working with California on standing with them in the zero-emissions regulation.

Ford Motor Company Hysterical Billboard

This is more than laughable; it actually is hysterical. Not only does it show Ford as ignorant, but a statement like "Proud to be the only American Automaker to stand with California for reduced greenhouse gas emissions" shows that Ford is very insecure about sharing the EV market.

Why This Sign Is A Slap In The Face To Elon Musk And Tesla Motors

Not only that, but this sign is a failure to recognize the hard and well-deserved recognition put forth by Elon Musk. If we think back on Ford's heritage, I think that we can clearly see the parallels that Elon has with Henry.

Both hard working AMERICAN entrepreneurs set out to change the transportation industry. Both have, and both deserve recognition for all they have accomplished.

2009 Tesla Roadster White

Honestly, who does Ford think they have become to not recognize Tesla and Nissan (though I am not much of a Leaf fan) in being part of the California environmental plan?

Hello? Ford, you do realize that both Tesla and Nissan had PURE electric vehicles back before you thought it was cool? So did you not get the memo? Or are you just sour that Tesla, an American car company, achieved more in 12 years than you have done in the last 50? Ouch. Truth hurts.

Do you know what would be vastly beneficial to Ford right now? A billboard stating; We stand with California, Tesla, Nissan, and other EV manufacturers in supporting the new environmental plan.

Look, I get it, bold statements are powerful, but have we not already had enough hate this year? I think an American company like Ford can see that banding together for the future of transportation will help keep this country together rather than ripping it apart.

I think Ford has done a magnificent job over the years, giving us iconic American cars. But claiming you are the only one who is doing anything for the future is lame.

Henry Ford did think that model T was the best car ever and did refuse to believe anything could rival it. Maybe this is the approach the company takes when the competition gets hard?

Either way, Ford, give credit where credit is due; you would be focusing on gas and diesel if it were not for Tesla, so get over yourself.

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Peter Neilson is an automotive consultant specializing in electric cars and hybrid battery technologies. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Automotive Service Technology from Weber State University. Peter can be reached on Linkedin and you can tweet him at The_hybrid_guy on Twitter. Find his page on Facebook at Certified Auto Consulting. Read more of Peter's stories at Toyota news coverage on Torque News. Search Toyota Prius Torque News for more in depth Prius coverage from our reporters.

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