There's a clear distinction…
There's a clear distinction between the yield strength of a cast part vs that of a ladder frame section made from high-strength steel. There's a significant knockdown factor comparing formed steel vs castings. And the Tesla castings aren't steel either. They are aluminum, which is even worse. You can slap on the fancy giga wording on their frames, but at the end of the day, it's still a die cast aluminum part, which is significantly weaker at the same thicknesses. I'm sure Tesla has increased the wall thicknesses to compensate a weaker casting to make it strong enough for towing capacities. But it's obvious that smacking a casting multiple times by dropping it off a flatbed and driving it off of some concrete tubes won't help it. It probably has sustained multiple shock loads and have started cracking before the knuckle heads decide to yank a F150 off, without giving a shit about the integrity of the cast frame. The kids here are trying as hard as possible to ruin these trucks to get the views. That's how they get paid by YouTube. If nothing breaks on either trucks, their videos would be boring. They HAVE to break something.