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Franchot Slot (not verified)    October 13, 2024 - 4:03PM

Amazing what happens when you lie to customers about cost, range, features. Then you force them into an un-American resale prevention clause. Then you get caught lying about battery degradation and gaming the battery capacity to look really good in the first few months but then create a committee to deal with all the battery complaints. Then you treat your employees badly. Then you fail to allow third party repairs and lock customers into a horrible app and repair experience at the dealer, who is literally many months behind because you only set up a limited number of far away repair shops and keep a choke hold on parts so auto body shops, even when licensed can't do repairs in a timely manner and are 6 months behind just for a consultation. Then you lock customers out of supercharging randomly without notice when there is a fender bender. And then one day people don't want to buy your cars because the cost, hassle, frustration, and anger just can't be justified any longer when there are viable alternatives. Amazing.

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