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Firefighters Struggle to Break the Tesla Cybertruck’s “Transparent Metal” Glass During Emergency Response Training

A new video posted on X and TikTok shows firefighters attempting to break the Cybertruck’s windows. However, despite wielding heavy axes, it takes three blows to see the first crack and over 12 blows to break the window completely.

A Tesla Cybertruck owner based in Florida has donated his Cybertruck, at least temporarily, to be used by firefighters to train them on how to break into the all-electric truck during emergency situations.

The Cybertruck was provided by Allset Collisions, which is a Tesla-approved repair and detailing shop that works exclusively on the EV maker’s vehicles.

The firefighter who had the honor of smashing the Cybertruck windows into pieces, Eddie Torres, posted the video on his TikTok account, and the same video was later reposted on Twitter.

In the video, two firefighters in complete gear can be seen next to a Cybertruck with a satin black wrap and the logo for Allset Collisions.

Own Sparks, who shared the video on X, says, “Firefighters training on Cybertruck's windows. It took three swings for the first crack to form and 12 plus to actually break through. It is the perfect car for the apocalypse. No Zombie is breaking in.”

As you can see, it took more swings than expected for the Cybertruck’s windows to crack. This is the case even though the firefighters were both wielding large axes, supposedly able to break a vehicle window without any trouble.

In the comment section, people were asking whether the cybertruck’s glass poses a safety risk if it can not be easily broken during an emergency situation.

This question is particularly pertinent in light of a story we covered a couple of weeks ago, where a Cybertruck owner was trapped in his truck following an accident.

In that incident, the Cybertruck owner was sadly unable to escape as his truck burned to the ground, and as a result, he ended up losing his life in the most horrific manner.

However, although there are fears about being trapped inside one's Cybertruck, what’s surprising here is that despite Tesla touting the Cybertruck’s glass as “transparent metal” and “shatter resistant” for actual Cybertruck owners, their experience with the transparent metal glass has been less than ideal.

Just yesterday, we reported about a Cybertruck owner who says his Cybertruck windshield shattered into pieces as he was drying it using a microfiber cloth.

There have also been a string of reports showing that the Cybertruck’s glass has a tendency to crack on its own if left in the sun for too long.

One Cybertruck owner, who had tinted his Cybertruck’s glass roof, says he left his truck in the sun for three weeks while traveling and found it completely shattered.

However, going back to the recent Cybertruck glass versus axe situation, in that video, you can see it takes more than a dozen swings before the firefighters can completely break in through the window.

Naturally, this raises some questions. And we have some explanation. What’s going on here is that, in part, Eddie Torres, the firefighter swinging the axe, says, “I was told to start soft then go hard for dramatic effect.”

This explains the fact that the Cybertruck glass did not break despite three blows with a large axe. 

However, there is still a big difference between the Cybertruck’s glass holding up to moderate hits by an axe and the glass shattering into pieces with a microfiber cloth or, even worse, the glass shattering into pieces simply because of sunlight.

Given Tesla’s history, what’s most likely going on here is that the EV maker indeed created lightweight, strong glass for the Cybertruck; however, there were blunders in the manufacturing stage, and people ended up with super-fragile glass.

Overall, it’s interesting to see how the Cybertruck’s “transparent metal” glass stands up to an axe. Please let me know what you think about the video and whether you believe the Cybertruck’s glass not easily breaking poses a safety concern.

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Image: Screenshot from @dirtyceedawgttv’s TikTok page

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Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.