Tesla Makes the 1st Warning To FSD Beta Testers

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Tesla called Full Self Driving Beta testers to warn not to do anything dumb or FSD would be removed. And FSD is freer to control the car than before.

"So they called everyone who got the beta and talked to them And they were like listen we’re looking at the data and if we see you screw-up, you’re gone. They’re like yeah, it’s different don’t expect it to stay in its lane as it did before. It’s freer to do stuff now," reports the Whole Mars Catalog Twitter account, who regularly posts reliable Tesla information.

Some people comment and say they got 510 area call today too and didn’t answer. It didn’t leave a message, either.

Gshasika writes, "it's not surprising, most of the beta testers are teens from what I seen so far. They should target specific people to handle beta testing: 1) People in QA or IT 2) People who drive daily This would provide the best feedback possible.

"I'm hearing it's a bit choosy on when to use its blinkers too. And that it likes to randomly change lanes "for a change of scene." And that in order to better simulate a human driver it likes to occasionally weave about like it's putting on its makeup."

So this means you are responsible for what the car does so be ready at any time to slap its wrist.

People are saying they hope this is referring to going around parked cars and stuff, not just drifting out of its lane all willy nilly.

It's not that it's going to do so "willy nilly", but that the car is taking much more into account (rather than just trying to find lane lines) and needs to be capable of much more in able to actually self-drive, which means if it makes a mistake, it could do anything.

OpenPilot, which is a level 2 system, for example, heavily limits the amount of available torque on the steering wheel so that it can't turn too fast in any situation, no matter what. Tesla FSD vehicles need to be able to take the tightest turns, so they can't do that--and if it makes a serious mistake, then it could be trying to make the tightest turns anywhere.

The release notes mention it will move around in traffic to get you in the correct and fastest lane - I’m assuming it means without confirmation.

Our friend Dean Mcmanis says This is what research and development, and progress looks like. It is very impressive, but it is clear that Tesla wants to be very careful with the deployment because the FSD software is handling a great many more driving tasks, and because it's redesigned neural network is still learning. I am glad to the FSD progressing.

And The Verge says, "Using untrained consumers to validate beta-level software on public roads is dangerous."

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded TorqueNews.com in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.