"Lizard Lick Towing" began on truTV as one of several vignettes on "All Worked Up," which is a mix of a process servers, meter maids, wrestling-show security guards and licensed repo agents who take back cars, trucks, limos, boats, private airplanes and even pets from deadbeats.
"Lizard Lick" is totally worth watching, if not for the entertainment value of being a fly on the wall as two southern gentlemen repossess cars and trucks and having fun doing it, then for the owner's use of Southern truisms to describe sticky situations. It's Gomer Pyle with license.
The Lizard Lick crew of Amy (the wife), Ron Shirley (the owner, pictured) and Bobby (Ron's best friend and the big guy who holds you down when you mouth off) are more brawn and trickery than finesse. Because Lizard Lick is in Confederate country, the men (and the women) on the show are big, bold, heavy and mouthy. Deadbeats are foul-mouthed, outrageous and violent.
Ron and Bobby are big boys, but they're stealth. They get in and out and giggle like schoolgirls as they drive off, with the steamed R.O. hopping up and down swearing like a wild man in back of them. Most of Lizard Lick's confrontations come when the car owners come to the shop to get their cars back. Things often get ugly, but it's good TV.
My favorite scene was when Bobby and Ron snuck into a race track and repo'd a visiting race driver's vehicle that was parked on the track. As Bobby drove off unmolested, Ron was attacked by four men at the gate and was beat up real good but was OK.
Amy has no sympathy for anyone. She even scorns her husband with regularity. Plus, she throws men twice her size out of the shop. In a rerun that ran tonight, Amy was attacked by a pimp twice her size who was mad he couldn't get a book listing his girl's clients back right away. She held her own as Bobby threw the man out of the shop. Amy showed a soft side by driving the girl home after her pimp drove off. The girl was at the shop to get her Acura back after Bobby pretended to be a client and got her to a motel so Ron could repo her car.
Ron always tells us he's the boss of Lizard Lick Towing & Recovery, but we all know that in reality, AMY is the boss in this family. She always gets what she wants ... unlike the registered owners of the cars they repossess.
You can reach TN's Hawke Fracassa at hawkefracassa@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @HawkeFracassa.
Image source: lizardlicktowing.com / truTV
When is the return of Lizard
When is the return of Lizard Lick???? 10-29-2014
When r u lizzird lick coming
In reply to When is the return of Lizard by Sandra Burch (not verified)
When r u lizzird lick coming bac on tv
I love youre show plzz reply
In reply to When is the return of Lizard by Sandra Burch (not verified)
I love youre show plzz reply when dose youre show come back on
when is lizard lick coming
In reply to I love youre show plzz reply by Dallas Abell (not verified)
when is lizard lick coming back on it said in 2017 but what month and is it still on trutv?
Lizard lick Return
Lizard lick Return
Cannot wait for new season!
Cannot wait for new season!
What happened last night ? I
What happened last night ? I thought lizard lick was going to be on tru tv and when i tuned in to the channel ...It was something else??? What the heck is going on? Not a happy camper !!
Will there be a new 2015
Will there be a new 2015 season of Lizard Lick ?
bring lizard lick and south
In reply to Will there be a new 2015 by B (not verified)
bring lizard lick and south beach tow back on air and also full throttle saloon those are some good ass shows we miss them a lot I wish operation repo was still on too
In reply to bring lizard lick and south by lowell berg (not verified)
Full throttle saloon is back
In reply to bring lizard lick and south by lowell berg (not verified)
Full throttle saloon is back on now just not on truTV. I'm also heard that Lizard Lick towing got cancelled by truTV but they're going to start recording again in January of 2016 is going to come on a different network.
I hope they bring a new
In reply to Will there be a new 2015 by B (not verified)
I hope they bring a new season back in 2015 cause they were the best show on tru tv bobby Amy Ronny we all miss u
when is Lizard lick coming
when is Lizard lick coming back? I really liked it and watched every week
My husband and I moved here 3
My husband and I moved here 3 years ago. Watched your show from N.Y. For many years. I am personally excited to know we live in Fayetteville, and before I die, I have to meet you all. Amy is beautiful, and the love you and Ron have are like me and my husband. I'm also a redhead and learning to get an attitude. Please contact me. I really want to meet you all! It would make me happy till the day I die. A happy wife is a happy life.
My brother is a US Marshal and my cousin is NY state senetor. If you want names, I need proof its you.
This does mean a lot to me!
When does the series start in
When does the series start in 2015?
When will lizard lick be back
In reply to When does the series start in by Rick Wasser (not verified)
When will lizard lick be back on tv 2015
Could someone please let us
Could someone please let us know when lizard lick is starting it's 2015 season...having lizard lick withdrawl.
When do the new series come
When do the new series come back on i miss the show so bad I enjoy watch it will it be a 2015 shows may God bless Ron & Amy . Love y'all !
i think trutv has canceled
i think trutv has canceled them. canceled like last year if im not mistaken.
When do the shows start. And
When do the shows start. And is bobby coming back
Will it be back on in 2015
Will it be back on in 2015
PLEASE bring back Lizard Lick
PLEASE bring back Lizard Lick! I have so much missed Ron and Amy and handsome Bobby Brantley!!! I live just on the outskirts of Wilmington and watched the episode of them going to the North End of Carolina Beach and really wished I was there with them all. I have wanted for sooo long to meet all of you and the rest of your team. God Bless all of you and please come back into our homes via TV!!! I love you all and take care of your little ones!!!
Try TV really needs to bring
Try TV really needs to bring back Lizzard lick towing that was the only reason I watched that channel that and south beach
Lizzard Lick we are wating!!
Lizzard Lick we are wating!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't forget Juice :)
I would ke to know when
I would ke to know when Lizzrd Lick will be back 2016 it was on today Friday 12/18/2015 on True Tv I would like to know when it is coming back on I have DirecTV
when is it comong on in 2o16
when is it comong on in 2o16 please post it on fb
when is the new season of
when is the new season of lizard lick come on and witch channel pls let me no
i love this show especially
i love this show especially bobby