Every modern automobile can be unlocked and then started even if its key fob is dead a doornail. Automakers use a variety of methods to ensure that when the battery dies you are not left stranded. The methods vary a bit from automaker to automaker, but with all Toyota vehicles, the method to unlock and then start the vehicle is the same. We will demonstrate using the Prius as our example.
Unlock Your Prius With a Dead Key Fob
The first thing you will need to do is look closely at your key fob. There should be a little button along the side. Depress that button and then pull on the end of the key fob as shown in the image above. A metal key will be revealed magically. That key then goes into the lock on the driver's door old-school style and you then turn it and open the door.
Next, you will want to replace that little key. No sense letting it get lost.
Start Your Prius With a Dead Key Fob
If you hold the dead key fob very close to the start button the start button will be activated. You can then push the start button and the vehicle will start and run. If this doesn't work perfectly, touch and hold the fob to the start button for a moment and then give it a push, using the fob to actually depress the start button. Should work.
Get That Key Fob a New Battery
You can replace the battery inside your fob yourself. The plastic cover can be separated using the same hidden key as a lever. Check out this video if you have any questions on that. Don't discard your old battery. Bring it with you to buy the replacement button battery wherever you go. Most pharmacies, home improvement stores, hardware stores, and similar stores have these in stock. The exact button battery type is printed on your old battery. Those get placed in a special recycling bin normally, so don't toss it in your trash or the stores.
Good luck! Hope this helped.
Similar for my WRX (same key
Similar for my WRX (same key fob) except you place the key in the center console/armrest as that is where the actual proximity sensor is. Says it in the user manual.
Great advice. Thanks for
In reply to Similar for my WRX (same key by Paul Cahill (not verified)
Great advice. Thanks for pointing that out Paul.
The author clearly did not
The author clearly did not watch the video that he recommended. I broke the FOB by following the directions given in the video that is suggested in the article or he would have seen that the FOB and car were very different. I'll be kicking my own ass over this for a while.
The fob is locked inside my
The fob is locked inside my Prius. No extra key. What can I do?
Please tell me how that is
In reply to The fob is locked inside my by Jan Taylor (not verified)
Please tell me how that is possible? One locks the car with the fob. I don't want to end up in the same situation.
Mine is a 2008 Prius. I
In reply to Please tell me how that is by Barbara (not verified)
Mine is a 2008 Prius. I opened the car door, Pressed the “lock key” on the Inside of the door , stepped out, shut the door leaving my purse with the fob inside. It was locked up tight. Had to call a lock Smith.
Oh no! I never thought about
In reply to Mine is a 2008 Prius. I by Janis Taylor (not verified)
Oh no! I never thought about the "lock key," but I will now. Thank you - and I'm sorry that happened to you!
I replaced the batteries in
I replaced the batteries in both my fobs but the car still won't start without putting it up to the button. Remote lock and unlock work however I cannot use my touch sensor on my door. There are no indications on the dash that my key fob batteries were ever low. What could be the problem?
My 2nd gen prius key fob is
In reply to I replaced the batteries in by Christopher Maynard (not verified)
My 2nd gen prius key fob is dead even when New battery is replaced car can't start. Do I buy a new key fob and reprogram it.
Fab key won’t start car. I
Fab key won’t start car. I hold it in front of ignition, on the inigition Any suggestions?
I get an error message when…
I get an error message when trying to start my 2014 Prius. "P-Lock malfuncttion. Park on level ground, etc.." The car starts, but can't shift it into gear. If I disconnect the 12V battery then reconnect after an hour or so, the car starts and I can shift it into gear. Anyone know how to fix this?