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The Charge Port Won’t Open on My Day-Old Cybertruck, My Battery is Dying & I’m Afraid I Will Need to Get it Towed 60 Miles to the Nearest Tesla Service Center

A Tesla Cybertruck owner says he picked up his truck yesterday and drove it a lot; however, today, when he went to charge his truck, the charge port won’t open. Without enough range, the day-old Cybertruck might need to be towed.

Kevin is a brand new Cybertruck owner and says he can’t get the charge port to open up on his day-old Cybertruck.

Kevin picked up his Cybertruck only yesterday, drove it around a bit, and says he enjoyed the vehicle; however, when the time came for the Cybertruck’s first charging session, the charge port would not open.

Making the issue worse, excitedly for his new truck, Kevin has been driving it a lot, which means the truck does not have enough battery capacity to make it to the closest Tesla service center, which is 60 miles from his home.

In order to avoid having to get his day-old Cybertruck towed and hoping to get a solution, Kevin shared his frustrating experience with the Cybertruck Owners Club forum.

Here is what he wrote…

“I picked up my Cybertruck yesterday morning. Drove it around all day and loved it. Did a trip this morning, then came home to plug in and charge. The charge port will not open. Tried both ways to do it from the touch screen, from the app, and by tapping it.

I tried a reboot and then a power down and back up. Any other ideas? Is there any way to manually open it so I don’t have to be towed to make it to the service center 60 miles away?

Finally, Kevin concluded his post by simply writing, “Very frustrating!”

It’s understandable that the Cybertruck owner is not happy with the prospect of having to get his truck towed less than 24 hours into ownership.

Having said that, Kevin should feel thankful that his issues are not as bad as those of another Cybertruck owner we covered a few days ago.

Yes, not being able to open the charging port of your all-electric truck is frustrating; however, another Cybertruck owner had his truck die while it was connected to a wall-mounted charger.

Unable to free the charger cable, the Cybertruck owner was forced to disassemble the wall-mounted charger from the electrical circuit and get his truck towed with the charger taped to the tonneau cover.

Also, another thing to be thankful for, Kevin was at least able to drive his Cybertruck for a day before it experienced any issues. This is better than another Cybertruck owner, who was told by Tesla his Cybertruck needed a full high-voltage battery pack replacement even before he took delivery.

There is also this Cybertruck owner who had to get his Cybertruck towed just as he was driving away from the delivery center. Since then, his Cybertruck has left him stranded on the road on three different occasions.

Having said that, although Kevin’s Cybertruck woes aren’t among the worst we have seen so far, it’s still frustrating to have a brand-new vehicle towed.

However, thankfully for Kevin, forum members were able to find him a solution that does not permanently solve the problem but at least allows him to charge his new Cybertruck enough to be able to drive it to the nearest Tesla service center.

Since Kevin’s Cybertruck is not dead, he’s able to access the bed and find the backup mechanical charge port release.

Tesla has marked this as a way to disconnect charger cables if the vehicle doesn’t let go; however, this same mechanism can still be used to open the charge port door.

After pulling the mechanical release and opening his charger door, Kevin writes back…

“The manual release worked!!!!! But now the door is manual and not powered. I guess the service center will fix that? Unless I can solve that too.”

This is good news for Kevin; however, according to Tesla, the manual release should only be used during an emergency, and if Kevin doesn’t want to damage his charge port further, he’ll have to drive it to Tesla Service as soon as possible.

Overall, Kevin ends his post taking the blame for his ordeal, writing…

“I should have checked the charger port at delivery! Lesson learned.” 

This is certainly an interesting perspective; however, please let me know what you think in the comments. Share your ideas by clicking the red “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Screenshot from State of Charge YouTube channel

For more information, check out: Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) Sells His Tesla Cybertruck, Likely Loses $50,000, & Says “I Like the Rivian Better”

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


Brad Devens (not verified)    January 2, 2025 - 8:58PM

Reputable car manufacturers spend 5 or more years in the development for release of a new model which is largely based on legacy vehicle technology and systems. This is a premature product release that is aggravated by accelerated introduction of EV. Just in, a short time ago another cyber truck caught fire. When an EV starts on fire it can’t be put out because it has its own oxygen supply. Yet another piece of the technology that hasn’t been adequately addressed. Besides it’s ugly (my opinion).

Michale Perszhke (not verified)    January 3, 2025 - 9:25AM

This is just the tip of the iceberg … for Tesla the Cybertruck will be a financial Desaster …. Order book melting, FSD not working, corrosion issues and many more … it will not pay for it s development costs and create big liabilities … followed by the Semi which is still not in full production and will not happen before mid 2026. technically it is already beaten by Windrose Technology !So while ARK Investment Management LLC is / was still bullish on Tesla (yet sold a large stake recently) we shall expect a drop of the shares to around 200 US$ in the next 6 months ! Why ? … because there is a BEV war in China 🇨🇳 and Tesla is caught on the backfoot.