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10 Reasons To Buy Cars Built In Japan…And Not Just Toyotas, But This One Specific Make and Model You Might Regret If You Do Not Buy It In 2025

The truth about why buying a Toyota (or this one specific non-Toyota model) made in Japan is a smarter car-shopper decision compared to buying the same model in North America.

From the same Toyota expert from Japan who answered the question, "Are Toyota's Made in Japan Better than Toyota's Made in America?" David Koichi Chao, a global expert in the field of automotive evaluation, engineering, and strategy is back once again with an update about the reasons why he as an engineer and many car owners swear by sticking to only car models that are made in Japan.

Are Japan-Built Toyotas Really Better Than US-Built Toyotas?

Are the claims that there are differences in build quality between the same models when comparing Toyotas built in Japan vs the US accurate? It might sound like purely anecdotal evidence on online forums where car owners express their personal beliefs, but there may be something to all of these car claims that are so pro-Japan.

For example, here are two claims that are common testimonies from made-in-Japan Toyota owners:

Vehicles that are built in Japan are still the best because Japanese people still care about their jobs and their products. Also, their ethics are the best in the world! That's my personal opinion anyway― @sombunkom442

Japanese take discipline & work ethic to another level compared to the world. It's that characteristic that, if given the opportunity, I'd choose a car built in Japan vs anywhere else― @kosanmr2

In other words, the common element is that the owners believe that the difference is not so much in the parts (although there is some truth to that) but in the hands and minds of those that put the parts together.

That was the message in a recent video from the Automotive Press YouTube channel, in which Mr. Chao explains that Toyota owners' "Toyotas from Japan are Better" impression is accurately attributed to the perspective a plant possesses when it comes to assembly work.

According to Mr. Chao:

"So, are there really advantages in buying cars that are built in Japan? I still do think so even though there are many cars built in Canada, the US, and Mexico or elsewhere, that may be as good or sometimes better than those built in Japan. However, if you look at the whole thing from a holistic perspective and look at all the different attributes, you will still find many advantages in buying cars that are built in Japan like this one right here which is a refreshed 2025 Mitsubishi Outlander."

10 Reasons To Buy Cars Built In Japan

To qualify and quantify what he means by this, here are the ten reasons he observes that explain why many Toyota owners believe and testify that made-in-Japan models are preferable when buying a Toyota.

To make his point, rather than using a made-in-Japan Toyota model as an example, he showcases a 2025 made-in-Japan Mitsubishi Outlander for effect―a model that would not typically be at the top of most car shoppers' lists.

1. Kaizen―A word in Japanese that means continuous improvement. "But it's more than just continuous improvement; it's also about making sure that you get feedback from customers from suppliers, from engineering, and making sure that the changes are meaningful; that the improvements actually make a difference when you drive a car or when you own a car," explains Mr. Chao.

Kaizen advice or Kaizen feedback from me and many other customers were taken very seriously to the point where this car (the 2025 Mitsubishi Outlander) drives nothing like the 2024 and prior pre-facelift… this thing drives a lot more like a real fun-to-drive SUV getting closer and closer to Mazda, BMW, and Porsche.

2. The Overall Quality―Fitment between body panels is one good example where good fitment are those models with 3.5mm (or less) gaping that is consistent throughout panels and doors, as shown with the new Mitsubishi Outlander.

There are many cars that are built in North America. Especially Canadian factories that do really well in the quality check and sometimes they're better than the cars built in Japan. So, I'm not saying as a blanket statement every car built in Japan is better, but if you look at the collective data overall, the cars built in Japan tend to do better in terms of quality in terms of reliability and so forth. so there are some differences… the quality of most Japanese cars built in Japan are typically better than cars that are built somewhere else.

3. Paint Depth―Another good measure of quality in a build is the thickness the manufacturer uses for painting a model. With most Toyotas, the measure is between 100-120 microns; With the new Mitsubishi Outlander it is between 150-170 microns.

That is a good 30 to 40%, maybe even 50% thicker than many other manufacturers' paint jobs, so this is an amazing thickness that you only find in some really high-end European cars.

4. Interior Component Quality―The dashboard, seat, controls, etc., are not made by the manufacturer but by the suppliers. Hence, depending on the source, the interior quality of the same models can vary.

Japanese-built cars often have really good component quality because the suppliers have been around for a very long time, and they have been working together with automakers for a long time. They build up this experience and this craftsmanship over time that sometimes you don't get in other parts of the world.

My frustration with cars that are built in North America or somewhere else in the world is often the quality of the materials in terms of plastic. Sometimes they look too shiny, sometimes they look cheap, and that's a common issue with many cars, but you can tell in this Outlander everything looks high-end.

5. Long-Term Reliability―Toyota models have a long history of being more reliable than other manufacturers. However, sometimes even Toyota does not make the top of the list in reviews.

One example is the 2024 Mitsubishi Outlander. The reason why the newer 2025 model is not ranked is due to a lack of data to be included in updated reviews and reports, but it is expected to have at least the same level of reliability as the 2024 model.

6. Japan Has Long-Term Talented Engineers―Engineers in Japan are respected and typically stay with Toyota throughout their careers, which means many of them are specialists who focus on specific car systems and their components.

Whereas in the Western World, the engineers move around a lot. In fact, the car companies often encourage these Engineers to move around from designing an engine to maybe suspension to transmission, so sometimes their expertise does not stay in that particular field.

I visited almost every factory in many parts of the world, and I can tell you that the attitudes of the Japanese Engineers are very different from many other countries.

7. Japanese Attention to Detail is World Class―Nowhere is it truer than the saying "The devil is in the details," which accounts for many differences between automotive makes and models. One example is the change in Mitsubishi's sound system from Bose to Yamaha, with an emphasis on the stereo and speakers for the best sound in conjunction with the interior acoustics supporting the sound system quality.

I can tell you based on my experience so far, listening to their stereo system, I think they achieved that because when I'm listening to the system I feel like I'm in a concert hall and it's just a fantastic sound you have to hear it to believe it―there's no echo, no vibration… attention to details and getting all the little nitty gritty done correctly, well, that's a Japanese trade.

8. Collaborative (Synchronous) Engineering―In short, the bringing together of engineers and suppliers to discuss how to make something even better as a team.

That collaborative approach is really the heartbeat of Japanese thinking, Japanese engineering, and Japanese development.

9. Better Feedback Cycling Between Consumers and Dealers and Engineers―If there is a problem or fault found, the Japanese community system ensures that information is shared and addressed in rounds of communication until that problem or fault is remedied.

As an example, this Mitsubishi Outlander for 2025 has received many, many, hundreds of little improvements that are directly the result of feedback from the dealers and customers and owners. And that has resulted in this Outlander feeling quite different to the 2024 and the prior version.

10. Tariffs Might Be Avoided and Japan-Made Models Have Better Resale Values―For now, tariffs are not expected to be the same problem Toyota builders in Canada and Mexico will be experiencing.

Furthermore, resale values of Japanese-made models in the US tend to be higher because Japan has earned the street cred of building better cars.

If it's built in Japan, there tends to be a bit of a trust and therefore resale value is higher and it's also easier to sell cars down the road… it does translate to slightly higher resale value.

Final Recommendation from the Host

If you are looking for a new made-in-Japan car, the 2025 Mitsubishi Outlander is the best you can find right now. Mr. Chao believes it surpasses all other current Toyota models today. This is because the Outlander meets all 10 of the aforementioned reasons, whereas Toyota is having some design and manufacturing problems of late by not meeting all of those reasons to the degree they should.

For all of the details covered by Mr. Chao, the video below is provided for your convenience: 



Are you convinced that buying a made-in-Japan Toyota or other Japanese model improves reliability and build quality? If you have recently purchased one or know someone who has and has expressed opinions about it, please let us know in the comments section below.

Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati who currently researches and works on restoring older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. He also reports on modern cars (including EVs) with a focus on DIY mechanics, buying and using tools, and other related topical automotive repair news. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites as well as on Facebook and his automotive blog "Zen and the Art of DIY Car Repair" for useful daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.

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Image Source: Deposit Photos
