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Is $9.5K A Good Deal For A 2016 Corolla S With 89K Miles? ―Not If You Can Spot The Problem Between These Two Car Images

A Toyota Corolla used car shopper looks for help trying to decide whether to jump on the chance of what appears to be a good deal before it disappears. A critical eye points her in the right direction to take.

One of the most common posts on any car forum is the ubiquitous question, "Is this model with X-number of miles on it a good deal?" as recently asked on the r/Corolla Reddit forum.

This begs at least one question right off the bat: If you do not know much about cars except that Toyota models are generally accepted as the best used cars to buy, should you listen to what strangers have to say on social media?

Even if you truly believe in Toyota infallibility to the level of, “But It's A Toyota, Why Would I Open The Hood?"

Sometimes, but perhaps only the comments deep down inside that tell you what you really do not want to hear.

When a Used Toyota Deal Looks Too Good to Be True

On Reddit yesterday, OP ShakingString82 showed images of what looks like a good deal for a 2016 Toyota Corolla for sale by a personal seller rather than a used car dealership―that unicorn deal all used car shoppers dream about and hunt for online.

The unfortunate side of this hunt is that the old nugget "If something looks too good to be true, then it is," is more often the case than not when it comes to used cars, as recently reported in one example where a "Toyota Truck Seller Admits Deceiving Used Car Shoppers."

But, hey! This is a Toyota Corolla! Worth the risk. Right?! And it just happens to be one of the "Toyotas That Last a Lifetime" recommended by experts.

Furthermore, the images provided by the OP show that this car is a beaut―nearly immaculate inside and out.

But to those in the know of the used car business, everything the OP says and shows on the forum raises red flags:

Someone cleaned the engine compartment hopefully, it wasn't to hide something" ―EntryLonely6508 comment

What the Comments are Advising the Corolla Shopper

Unfortunately, most of the comments were on this unicorn deal's positive side. At best, some point out that even if it has some problems with it, Toyotas are fixable and worth sinking some additional money into it.

Readers' Comments About the Used Corolla


The Most Useful Comment Posts

As it turned out, the most valuable comments were just the opposite, crushing the dreams of the OP riding that unicorn home. Including these two casting a critical eye one the engine bay:

It has been in a wreck. Driver side front. Bracket bent and radiator support are crunched. I would get a full Carfax report. If it was minimal damage, then that's a great deal, ―daddyMG7

I'm also noticing some pretty major damage to the radiator support in the engine bay pic, aluminum work hardens very easily. If you bend it from a crash and then bend it back, it is significantly more brittle. This will greatly reduce its effectiveness in a crash so this may not necessarily be the safest choice. That shouldn't have had a major impact on the mechanics, although it's very possible someone tried to start the car without coolant immediately after the crash. Needless to say there is some gray area with this car. ―Anderskiki1234

What the Potential Used Corolla Shopper Discovered

Presumably, due to a little prodding from the more negative side of the comments provided, the OP reported the following findings and the next steps she will take before making a final decision, including checking with CarFax that, not long ago, advised shoppers where to look extra hard before agreeing to that used car sale.

He said no accidents and a clean title but mentioned the back bumper was changed. I asked why but he did not elaborate?

Checked it out this morning. Despite him telling me it was a clean title, I saw the rebuilt sticker on the driver's door frame…the seller lied and told me it was a clean title. As soon as I got there, I looked up the VIN and saw it was a rebuilt. Ended up wasting an hour of my time unfortunately"

Going to see if my mechanic friend can join me tomorrow to see what the situation is. I'll try to have a family mechanic friend come with me!"

My Take on The Used Car Situation

Personally, when I saw how immaculate the engine and engine bay was, my inner BS alarms sounded off; It was clean enough to eat off of.

However, I could have been wrong because there are Toyota owners who go beyond good maintenance, and wipe down the engine and engine bay with each wash and wax. Anal retentive people like me.

The takeaway message is that used unicorns do show up on rare occasions, and being too cautious can result in a missed opportunity. Bitcoin, anyone?

That said, for anyone facing a similar situation with a used car, what can be learned from the posts is that a careful and critical examination of the engine bay can be helpful and reveal whether someone is hiding the truth by making a lie a bit too clean.

When in doubt, it is good practice to find online images of the model's engine and engine bay when new and do a side-by-side comparison for those little tell-tale signs that something is amiss as shown in the title image.

What Would You Do or Have Done In a Similar Situation? If you have a "too good to be true" used car story, tell us in the comments section below.

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Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati who currently researches and works on restoring older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. He also reports on modern cars (including EVs) with a focus on DIY mechanics, buying and using tools, and other related topical automotive repair news. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites as well as on Facebook and his automotive blog "Zen and the Art of DIY Car Repair" for useful daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.