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Tesla Cybertruck Rumors Abound on Range and Price

There are many rumors about the Cybertruck regarding range and price. Let's go over what we think these will be.

Cybertruck Range

The range of the Cybertruck is something that hasn't officially been confirmed. The good news is that this quarter, we'll probably know what the range is.

Bearded Tesla, a Twitter account, says that according to confidential conversations with 3 people, he believes we'll be seeing 350 miles of range on the entry level or launch edition of the Cybertruck.

The energy density of the 4680 battery cells aren't quite where they need to be to get to 500 miles of range, and we'll likely see a launch edition of the Cybertruck until Tesla is ready to launch the tri and quad motor variants.

It's likely that the Cybertruck launch edition will be the only Cybertruck launched for the next few years. I predict that it will be a dual-motor vehicle.

Cybertruck Price

The price of the Cybertruck is another topic of great debate. There have been many ranges of prices suggested for the Cybertruck from $49,000 to $69,000.

I don't think the Cybertruck will launch with multiple range options. Tesla wants to keep things simple. There will be one exterior choice - steel. There will be a dual-motor.

There are some who say that a quad-motor version of the Cybertruck would not have good efficiency. This may end up not being an option then.

Dual motor seems to be what Tesla will have for a while and since Ford cut prices of their truck by $10,000, many think the Cybertruck will also be $10,000 less than predicted and closer to $59,000.

I think the launch edition with 350 miles of range will have to be around $59,000, otherwise, it becomes too close to the Model Y long range vehicle. It has to be in its own market segment.

To conclude, it looks like the Cybertruck will have 350 miles of range and will cost $59,000 for the launch edition. Do you think this is correct?

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Jeremy Johnson is a Tesla investor and supporter. He first invested in Tesla in 2017 after years of following Elon Musk and admiring his work ethic and intelligence. Since then, he's become a Tesla bull, covering anything about Tesla he can find, while also dabbling in other electric vehicle companies. Jeremy covers Tesla developments at Torque News. You can follow him on Twitter or LinkedIn to stay in touch and follow his Tesla news coverage on Torque News. Image Credit, Tesla, Screenshot