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Dec 27 Topics

New Monday, but final week of 2010 writing

Frank Sherosky    December 27, 2010 - 12:15AM

Non-News: Design integration of an automobile involves far more than just placing a dummy called Oscar into position then setting up the steering wheel and the driver seat. Few people outside of auto design realize that placement and integration of the human foot relative to the pedals is crucial to a robust and safe vehicle.

Frank Sherosky    December 27, 2010 - 5:09PM

Cars may have an easier time of meeting fuel economy mandates with weight reductions than trucks. That’s precisely why many SUVs switched over to body-integral designs over body-on-frame designs. Those heavy-framed chassis’ for trucks are at a disadvantage for weight reduction due to the structural demands. Getting smaller is not necessarily a viable option.

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