News topics for August 12, which is a Sunday. Of course, to my ancestors, this day was non-existent since the Gaels and Northmen did not use a 7-day calendar until the Romans showed up. Scrol was the Gaelic word for "Bright Day" and the Norse saw this day as female.
In Utah, of course, this is the day the sidewalks roll up. Out here in the civilized world, though, churches wait until a decent hour for services and the liquor store has a drive-thru.
Republicans say new CAFE rules favor Detroit
Are Republicans just desperate to find fault with the White House's new fuel economy standards, or do they actually have a point?
I have my doubts
In reply to Republicans say new CAFE rules favor Detroit by Aaron Turpen
Probably just Coneheads! And what if it does favor Detroit? Is that a problem somehow? Seems to me the foreign brands have been building higher mileage cars for decades while Detroit just kept building bigger V8s.
Ferrari 599 GTB gets Bespoked
The 599 GTB is getting a last hurrah as A. Kahn Design gives it the once over for perfect customization.
Frito Lay buying more electric trucks
trucks w/ chips to deliver chips
The disappearing difference between police and private cars
The differences are there but for how long as inboard and cloud based apps narrow the gap.
Three tips for spotting an unmarked police car
Though they come in surprising forms today they all have some subtle clues.
Launch a new career designing a perfect pizza delivery vehicle
Or just win a few bucks from Dominos!
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