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July 5th News Topics

News topics for July 5th, 2012. Taxes and delivery charges not included.

John Goreham    July 5, 2012 - 10:06AM

In reply to by Patrick Rall

Generallisimo Fransisco Franco is STILL Dead! Just teasing Patrick. We know that it seems like an old story because of the long process. Let's all hope they leave it alone like they have with some of the other primum brands and thank God it was VM and not one of other two German brands - Or Peugot!

Anthony Faccenda    July 5, 2012 - 8:04PM

In reply to by Aaron Turpen

I did some additional research on Seinfeld and found out he owns 46 Porsches and even gave his wife one for a wedding present. What's one vehicle huh? Ha. The show is called "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee."

Aaron Turpen    July 6, 2012 - 12:59AM

Most electric vehicles that are releasing in the next couple of years are not really meant for wide production, but are instead exist only to make California regulators happy.

This will be another installment in my campaign to win the world record for hate mail from EVangelists. :)

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