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Toyota Has The Perfect Alternative To The EV and Could Revolutionize The Market

Toyota thinks the hydrogen combustion engine would be the solution to all pollution problems. And now the Japanese automaker wants to burst the market with this change.

The electric car is increasingly present in urban centers. But besides electric vehicles, the large vehicle manufacturers are looking for alternatives to the problems generated by traditional fuel and gradually more charging points are being seen for this type of passenger car, which began its adventures in the world as something futuristic that 'was going to last two days'. However, even if they generate fewer emissions for the ozone layer, they cause other problems such as a shortage of lithium or massive exploitation to get the maximum number of batteries possible . There are not a few who insist that this transition to the electric vehicle is useless, since it does not do any favors to improve the environment or the planet. Volvo, for example, dismissed this as a fad, notes Xavi Mogrovejo.

What does this revolution proposed by Toyota consist of?

Toyota, on the other hand, seems to have a solution for this: hydrogen combustion engine.

Toyota already has vehicles with hydrogen cells, but there are too many problems in manufacturing for them to spread throughout the world. In order for interest in this type of product to grow, the production costs of this liquid should be lowered, as well as providing industries with access to it so that the manufacturing network grows like foam and massive construction processes begin to be carried out of these prototypes . As an alternative, Toyota offers the hydrogen internal combustion engine.

The company's president, Akio Toyoda, has long argued that the problem with combustion engines is not the combustion itself, but rather the carbon byproduct of burning fossil fuels. That's why hydrogen, which emits an almost negligible amount of carbon, is the perfect solution in Toyota's eyes . After seeing the Yaris GR, which has these characteristics, several manufacturers in the industry want to join this change. Toyota with this could give a strong blow on the table and shake a company like Yamaha or Rolls-Royce. It remains to be seen, of course, how this fits into the current market and if these types of vehicles are embraced, since although there are electric or hybrid cars, traditional fuel cars are still the most sought after.

What do you think of Toyota's alternative to electric vehicles? Please, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below and thanks for reading and sharing in social media.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.


Bob (not verified)    October 15, 2022 - 9:18AM

No one is discussing the cost of hydrogen production, transportation and storage . Are we going to produce hydrogen by using electricity from or present power grid? 60% of our electricity is still produced using petroleum products. This fact is a large part of our problem.

Ken Sansonetti (not verified)    October 15, 2022 - 9:35AM

Another problem with electric cars is that over 85% of the electricity in the USA comes from fossil fuel generators. So are electric vehicles really zero emissions. Then there are the used batteries which produce additional waste. These things are the elephant in the room no one wants to talk about. Plus if even 25 of the cars on the road were electric, do we have the infrastructure to support it? I don't know what all the challenges with the hydrogen cell vehicles are but it would be interesting to see the comparison between it and the electric vehicles.

Issa (not verified)    October 15, 2022 - 10:11AM

Nothing against Hydrogen per se, it just looks like a non starter. Hydrogen refueling is the problem. I will pay more attention to this when I see refueling. If Toyota is serious about this, they will invest H refueling like Tesla did in charging. Otherwise this all just ideas.

Darwin (not verified)    October 15, 2022 - 12:39PM

So much ignorance, bias, and fallacious reasoning in the comments here it is shocking [pun intended].

20 years ago there was still a huge number of little saying solar power was a scam, whole books were written on it with similar fallacious reasoning. And we all know how that worked out.

Ryan (not verified)    October 15, 2022 - 10:48PM

Well I'm invested in hydrogen. You'd think I'd be biased for it, but I'm not. Because I know cheap green hydrogen isn't reality and most likely won't be for a bit.

So what sense does it make for Toyota to tout a hydrogen powered vehicle when it doesn't want to address everything to support it, make it run, make it convenient for people to refuel, make refueling cost competitive and make the hydrogen people use for fuel, green.

Sorry. It's just reality. Which makes me laugh at the people who thought hydrogen was the answer all the way back when Reagan was president. Yet they don't address the elephant in the room surrounding it. In fact not one pro hydrogen post addresses any of its issues. Just a bunch of ignorant cheerleaders.

But then again, the author of this article doesn't seem to be any better.