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Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines get their own license plates

For the first time military veterans in Michigan can buy license plates beginning next week that promote the branch of the armed forces that they served in.

Those plates, which will be offered for sale beginning Tuesday, the day after Memorial Day, will showcase the official seals of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard.

The plates have the actual insignia, in color, of their armed force of choice.

Michigan offers veterans more than 20 different plates highlighting military service. More than 75,000 cars in Michigan have plates like this on them.

The cost for a veteran plate is the annual registration fee for the vehicle plus a one-time $5 service fee for the standard white plate or a one-time $10 fee for the Spectacular Peninsulas graphic plate, Secretary of State Ruth Johnson said. Personalizing a license plate costs an additional $30 if bought when the vehicle’s existing plate is due to be renewed. If the plate is bought at another time, the cost of the plate is pro-rated. Renewing a personalized plate costs an added $15 each year.

Potential personalized plate buyers can visit the Secretary of State “Plate It Your Way” webpage to check if a plate configuration is available.

For more information about veteran plates, the Department of State, which issues the plates, has a Facebook page with more details at

To talk to a person about this, contact a customer-service representative at (888) SOS-MICH.

Hawke Fracassa covers the auto beat from Detroit for You can reach him at
