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A U.S. Army Veteran, EV/Tech YouTuber Says – “Tesla is Refusing To Give Me a Replacement Cybertruck After Mine Has Been Broken 4 Times” – “I have 16.8 Million Views Showing Issues With My Cybertruck”

A U.S. Army Veteran, EV/Tech YouTuber, and Tesla Cybertruck and Model Y owner shares his nightmare Cybertruck experience. His Cybertruck left him stranded on four different occasions and has spent two months at Tesla service without a resolution.

Since the very first Roadster, Tesla has been known for selling sleek, desirable electric vehicles but with atrocious build quality and subpar customer service.

Thanks to the technology and performance of Tesla vehicles, many early adopters overlooked these glaring manufacturing and service issues.

However, thanks to the incredible work of the Tesla team, the EV maker has grown to be a mass-market automotive player.

Only three years after starting deliveries, Tesla’s all-electric mid-sized SUV, the Model Y, has ascended to become the world's best-selling vehicle of any powertrain, whether internal combustion engine or otherwise.

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Even more impressively, in 2023, Tesla sold 1.2 million Model Ys worldwide. This is more volume than the 2nd best-selling vehicle in the world, the Toyota Corolla, which is priced at half that of the Model Y.

With these kinds of reach, Tesla is no longer selling vehicles to enthusiasts and early adopters; now, most Tesla buyers are regular customers who use their vehicles daily.

This massive change in the makeup of Tesla’s customer base means that the once-excusable quality and service issues have now become front and center.

Early adopters willing to overlook certain problems for the performance and technology have been replaced by critical buyers who expect nothing but the best from their brand-new, multi-ten thousand-dollar vehicles.

This issue is exactly what happened with one new Cybertruck owner. Lamar MK is a U.S. Army Veteran, EV/Tech YouTuber, and Tesla Cybertruck and Model Y owner.

Lamar took delivery of his Cybertruck in March; however, he says that despite two months of ownership, he has only been able to drive his truck for two weeks.

Lamar explains his predicament, stating that only after a week of owning his Cybertruck, his new vehicle started showing a “high-voltage system” error, which rendered his Cybertruck undrivable.

Lamar says he took his truck to the Tesla service center in North Carolina, where he lives. After two weeks, Tesla returned his truck, stating that the issue had been fixed; however, only after 24 hours the same issue reappeared, forcing him to return his truck to Tesla service.

For the past two months now, Lamar has been dealing with the same issue getting his Cybertruck and returning it to Tesla service with the same problem on four separate occasions.

If you spend over a hundred thousand dollars on a new car, you would expect the vehicle to be at least in working condition, but that’s unfortunately not what happened in Lamar’s case.

This is the technical difficulty Lamar has experienced with his Cybertruck; however, the veteran’s issue with Tesla has evolved into a broader customer service and manufacturing quality complaint.

Lamar says he has shared his Cybertruck experience with his viewers and garnered over 16.8 million views across multiple platforms.

Due to his reach, Lamar says several high-up Tesla executives are aware of his predicament; however, despite multiple attempts, he has been unable to find a solution.

After the fourth time he brought in his Cybertruck, Lamar asked Tesla to replace his Cybertruck with a brand-new vehicle. Lamar even informed Tesla of North Carolina’s “Lemon Law,” which allows a car buyer a full refund if the vehicle was delivered not in a working condition.

In Lamar's situation, North Carolina’s “Lemon Law” allows vehicle owners to choose between a full refund or a replacement vehicle with the same specs.

Despite the multiple issues, Lamar’s desire for the Cybertruck is still not shaken. Lamar wants Tesla to give him a replacement Cyberyruck; however, Tesla appears to want to fully refund the YouTuber and put the issue behind it.

Lamar says he has already set up a bank loan, and it appears he was setting up a Cybertruck experience business where his organization will lend out the Cybertruck for party arrivals for a few hundred dollars.

However, Tesla says the company is only willing to refund him. According to Tesla, if Lamar wants a new Cybertruck, he should make a new reservation and get to the back of the line behind the million or so Cybertruck reservation holders.

According to Lamar, he was the first person to get delivery of a Cybertruck in North Carolina. Since then, he says 30 to 40 people have taken delivery of a Cybertruck in the same Tesla store.

Lamar says that after waiting in line for many years, setting up a bank loan, and getting delivered a non-working truck, he should not be forced to make a new reservation and wait in line but should be assigned a new VIN and a new Cybertruck.

Tesla Cybertruck quality issues?

Since the Cybertruck is built on a brand-new vehicle architecture, production quality has been a mixed bag. Similar to Lamar’s case, other new Cybertruck owners have reported multiple faults with their trucks.

We have reported a nightmare Cybertruck delivery to Tesla superfans with 17 prior Teslas a few weeks back.

Tesla handed them a vehicle with missing steering wheel chunks, multiple scratches, misaligned trims, faulty window seals, and overall atrocious quality for a brand-new vehicle.

In that case, the owners stated that Tesla had noted every fault and that the EV maker was preparing to fix all the issues under warranty.

However, Lamar’s case is different because his Cybertruck did not suffer minor issues and is entirely underivable.

There are few reports online of brand-new Cybertruck owners getting a non-working truck delivered. However, most owners have seen minor problems that cause vehicle trims to fly off on the highway and other similar issues.

Tesla’s response to Cybertruck quality issues?

In Lamar’s case, after working on the same issue four times, Tesla is now stating that the company has finally solved the issue with its truck.

Tesla said the “high voltage” issue was caused by a loose connection. The issue has been identified and fixed, and the vehicle is currently in working order.

However, Lamar has heard this line from Tesla every time he gets his truck back after a service visit. Lamar states he has no reason to believe this time is different and would rather Tesla give him a replacement Cybertruck.

Owner’s response to Cybertruck quality issues?

Like the earlier-mentioned Tesla superfans who received a Cybertruck with multiple issues, Lamar is also a Tesla enthusiast and says he has referred multiple people to buy a Tesla.

However, after this ordeal, Lamar recommends his viewers never buy a Tesla. Lamar says if Tesla treats an influencer with millions of views explaining his predicament this way, regular customers will get even worse treatment from the EV maker.

This ordeal appears to have turned the Model Y and Cybertruck owner from a Tesla fan to a Tesla hater.

Response from the Tesla community?

Most people appear sympathetic to Lamar’s plight, stating that Tesla should do the right thing and give him a new Cybertruck.

However, other more ardent Tesla supporters are accusing Lamar of using his platform to try to get special treatment from Tesla.

These individuals state that, since Tesla offered to fully refund him, the company has already done the right thing, and he should make a new Cybertruck reservation and wait in line.

Overall, Lamar’s case appears to be still unfolding. However, we’ll be sure to keep you posted as we receive further updates on this unfortunate case. Until then, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

So, what do you think? Are you surprised to see Tesla deliver a non-drivable Cybertruck to a customer? Also, do you think Tesla has done enough offering to repay his loan, or is Lamar entitled to a brand new Cybertruck? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below by clicking the red “Add new comment” button.

Image: Screenshot from WhipAddict YouTube channel

For more information, check out: The Sharp Corner Piece on My Cybertruck Door Slashed My Leg Open, and I Needed Stitches – I Still Love my Tesla Cybertruck, But It’s Sharp & Dangerous

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


David Moore (not verified)    August 19, 2024 - 5:00PM

Brit here.

If he gets perceived preferential treatment because his platform is costing Tesla sales, then that's excellent. It encourages others to complain too rather than just accepting the quality failings like obedient fanpeople.