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Steer-by-Wire & Four-Wheel Steering in Our Tesla Cybertruck Saved Us From an Imminent Crash – I’m Happy I Wasn’t Driving My Ram Pickup Truck

A Cybertruck owner who recently escaped a crash on the highway by inches says that he is fortunate that he was driving his Cybertruck rather than his Ram Pickup. The Cybertruck’s steer-by-wire & 4-wheel-steering saved the day.

A Tesla Cybertruck owner who lives in Houlton, Wisconsin, says the technology in his truck saved him from an imminent crash on the highway.

The person who goes by the username LuckysFabShop on the Cybertruck Owners Club forum details his experience and shares a video of the horrifying incident.

Here is what the Cybertruck owner wrote…

“After work yesterday, I was on my way to get my EMT/OET recertification as I am a member of the National Ski Patrol. I was on a two-lane highway, listening to the evening news when suddenly, I saw a car, glass, and parts flying at me. I cranked the steering wheel hard and fast to almost full lock. I missed the oncoming car by MILLEMETERS!

This is a testament to how well the four-wheel steering works, especially the drive-by-wire steering. Had I been in my Ram, I would have either hit the car to my right at the stop sign, oversteered, and had to countersteer, and would have either spun out, ditched it, or worse, rolled it.

The Cybertruck was stable, with very minimal body roll, and the drive-by-wire steering combined with the 4-wheel steer reacted fast enough and JUST enough to do what I wanted and nothing more that could have caused me to wreck my truck.”

As the Cybertruck owner holds an emergency medical technician certification, he continues to write…

“Sometimes, you are just at the right place at the right time. I was first on the scene, so I secured the road/traffic with the help of others and then assessed the three occupants. Both drivers were dazed and in shock but were able to walk out on their own and get off the road. The passenger of the rear-ended green Ford was hurt the most. I assessed her in the car and determined it was safe to help her get out of the car and away for further care.”

Finally, LuckysFabShop concludes his horrifying account by referencing another Cybertruck crash video in which a person claimed that the Cybertruck’s steer-by-wire steering is slow to respond.

LuckysFabShop writes, "This video debunks that inaccurate video of the guy saying the drive-by steering is slow to respond. I am very confident that if I had been in my Ram, I would have been in an accident.”

Below his statement, the Cybertruck owner shares a video of the near miss on the highway, showing several angles recorded by his Cybertruck’s autopilot cameras.

As you can see in the video, a black SUV speeds down the highway. According to LuckysFabShop, the SUV was driven by an elderly lady who had her large dog in the car with her. His theory is that she might have been distracted by the dog and did not notice the green Ford Focus in front of her.

Just before the crash happens, the SUV driver notices the Ford and tries to avoid the accident by swerving to the right. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time, and the SUV hits the Ford and flings the sedan onto the oncoming Cybertruck.

Here is where the Cybertruck’s and the driver’s quick response comes in. As the Ford jumps the double yellow to an imminent collision course with the all-electric truck, the Cybertruck owner quickly changes course to miss the Ford by inches.

Looking at a freeze frame of the incident taken by the Cybertruck’s side repeater cameras, less than a single finger width separated the two vehicles.

In this situation, the Cybertruck’s steer-by-wire, variable-gain steering system has played a decisive role in determining the outcome.

For those of you who might not be familiar, in a Cybertruck, you can go lock to lock on your steering wheel in only 170 degrees. This is less than half a circle; however, in most other trucks, you would have to turn the steering wheel 3 to 4 times to turn the wheels from one end to the opposite.

This is why LuckysFabShop says he is fortunate that he was not driving his Ram pickup truck, or else he would’ve luckily ended up in an accident.

We have written extensively about the technological marvel that underpins the Cybertruck’s steer-by-wire, variable gain steering ratio steering system. I recommend you read that article to see the details of why the Cybertruck’s steering system is the way of the future.

Another note here is that, in the process of determining which vehicle is at fault for the crash, LuckysFabShop says the deputy who arrived at the scene was interested in seeing whether the green Ford had its blinker on.

Since Tesla vehicles always record their environment, the Cybertruck owner says he was able to share a video of the incident with the deputy.

Overall, it’s nice to see how the Cybertruck’s technological features help to avert accidents. Let me know what you think about the situation. Share your ideas by clicking the red “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Screenshot from MKBHD’s YouTube video

For more information, check out: Tesla’s New 48-Volt Architecture Leads to Yet Another Bricked Cybertruck, Latest Victim – “Cybertruck Mom”

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.