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Tesla Brought in a “Special Technical Team” After a Cybertruck Got Bricked With the Driver Still Inside. However, a Month Out, Tesla Engineers Still Can’t Figure Out What’s Wrong With the Truck

A Cybertruck owner says his truck was bricked while he was still inside. Tesla even brought in a special technical team; however, after a month, they still can’t figure out what’s wrong with the truck.

Nic Baean is a Cybertruck owner from Wisconsin, and he says his Cybertruck got bricked while he was still inside the truck.

Nic was able to use the backup manual door release to escape the vehicle; however, after a month, even Tesla’s “specialist team” could not figure out the issue with his truck.

Nic shared his story on the Tesla Cybertruck group on Facebook.

Here is what he wrote…

“On January 16, my Cybertruck was rendered undrivable and had to be towed on a flatbed 3 hours to the nearest service center.

At first, they thought it was the front drive inverter, but that was not it. They kept saying they were waiting for parts such as the wiring harness, etc.

Finally, last Friday, it appeared that I would be able to pick up my truck. That afternoon, I got a message saying they had gone to drive it, but the same errors were occurring, making the truck undrivable.

They don't know what's causing the issue, so they brought in their FTS (field technical specialist) team this week to identify the problem.

I did ask for updates every day, as we are approaching one month now, and the truck has been in the shop.

Today, they said they are still unsure what is causing the issue and are still researching with their FTS team. (I have no idea what that means.)

This is definitely not ideal. Nic is only a couple of days away from a full month since his Cybertruck was towed to Tesla service.

Waiting a month is bad enough, but it could be understandable if the wait was for a special part to arrive from the factory or something of that nature.

However, in Nic’s case, Tesla has yet to identify the issue.

What’s even worse is that Tesla has already brought in field technical specialists. These are highly skilled engineers and technicians who provide advanced troubleshooting, diagnostic support, and technical guidance to the service centers.

However, despite the specialized workforce, the issue appears to have stumped the Tesla team.

Here, Nic asks how long he has to wait before Tesla gives up and offers him a new Cybertruck.

He writes…

“At what point do they throw in the towel and give me a new truck? Is that even a thing? Or do they keep working on it indefinitely until they find the issue? 

Thankfully, they gave me a Tesla Model Y as a loaner, but that has nowhere near the capabilities of the Cybertruck, and I do use the Cybertruck for business.

It’s becoming a little bit frustrating at this point, and I don’t know what to do besides wait.”

Nic is hoping that Tesla will give him a brand new truck; however, making things more complicated, he has already put over 33,000 miles on his 2024 Cybertruck.

The truck is less than a year old and technically qualifies for lemon law provisions; however, there are questions about how much Tesla will offer Nic even if the EV maker decides to buy back the Cybertruck.

Looking at the comments, fellow Cybertruck owners shared that they have also experienced similar problems that Tesla hasn’t been able to figure out.

A fellow Cybertruck owner, Rick McCally, writes…

“What are the symptoms??

Three weeks ago, I put my Cybertruck in Reverse, and it started to roll slightly. Odd!!! Then, in Drive, I realized it was freewheeling.

No regen braking. I had to STAND on the brakes to stop it. Errors & Alerts ‼️ Traction control, ride control, etc, are ALL disabled.

Everything smart stopped working. Tesla towed it in, kept it for seven days, and “replaced parts” without further explanation.

Two weeks later (today), it happened again. I drove it to the service center, and they couldn’t tell me what they had done two weeks before. Very disappointing!”

In response, Nic also explains exactly how his Cybertruck got bricked, writing…

“After driving my Cybertruck 33,200 miles, I was at the supercharger, and I got an alert when I was in the store saying that charging had stopped.

I went out to the truck and unplugged the charger, and a bunch of alerts came up. The truck then bricked, and I had to use a manual opener to get out.”

A Cybertruck that gets bricked while the driver is still inside is concerning; however, fellow Cybertruck owners say this is to be expected if you go with a technologically advanced vehicle like the Cybertruck.

A fellow Cybertruck owner, Jon Roethler, in response to Nic’s bricked Cybertruck, writes…

“Nature of the best when it comes to technology”

That’s certainly an interesting take.

Going back to Nic, there are questions about whether he can use lemon law to force Tesla to buy back his truck after 33,000 miles.

Some forum members even say that lemon law doesn’t apply if the vehicle was used for a commercial purpose, as it was in Nic’s case.

However, please let us know what you think in the comments. Share your ideas by clicking the “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Screenshot from Abstract Ocean YouTube Channel

For more information, check out: Elon Musk Denies that Tesla is Getting $400 Million to Supply Armored Vehicles to the Government; Musk adds, “I’m Pretty Sure Tesla isn’t Getting $400M. No One Mentioned it To Me, At Least.”

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


Donald J. Trump (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 12:03PM

The sucker bought one of those 'EV' cars. Give you windmill cancer. Should have bought their car from Elon. Elon's cars are great. Everyone tells me that. That guy bought Chinese Mexican junk and now he is covfeffed.

I am not senile. I have a good brain. Everyone tells me.

Nah (not verified)    February 20, 2025 - 3:04PM

Silly little boy with a bit of mulah buys something he doesn't understand, and then gets mad about it... Get real dude. 🙄