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Tesla Cybertruck Immediately Dies in Canadian Winter – Owner Bricks the Truck Trying to Use the Defroster, Says “In Love to Heartbroken on the Same Day”

A brand new Cybertruck owner from Canada says his truck bricked itself as he was trying to defrost it. After the truck died in less than 24 hours, the Cybertruck owner says he went from being “In love to heartbroken on the same day.”

Rob Roth is a brand new Cybertruck owner from Alberta, Canada, and says his heart is broken after his truck completely fell apart less than 24 hours into ownership.

Rob adds that the Cybertruck bricked itself as he was attempting to defrost the truck before driving it.

Rob shared his story on the Tesla Cybertruck Canada group on Facebook and simply titled it “Heartbroken.”

 Here is what he wrote…

“I picked up my Cyberbeast yesterday afternoon, drove two hours home, and had a blast driving it last night with friends and family. This morning, I defrosted it and drove to work. At lunchtime, the defrost did not engage(46% battery left), would not go into Drive or Reverse, started giving me errors/warnings, and then shut right down.”

This is not an ideal situation for a truck with a starting price of $165,999 in Canada. Continuing his post, Rob provides more details about his failed attempts to revive the truck.

“I Spent the next 4 hours on the phone with Tesla service, trying to revive it by “boosting” it. We did revive power, and some things activated, but others did not. Eventually, nothing worked…even with boosting. I went back to meet the tow truck driver, and we were able to get some power with boosting again(maybe it’s because we boosted frunk again?) and got it in some sort of emergency mode and was able to limp drive it onto the tow truck.”

What’s interesting here is that Rob only drove his Cybertruck for approximately two hours; however, he has already spent four hours trying to revive it.

I don’t know about you, but I would be unhappy if I had to spend twice as much time trying to solve the issue with my brand-new vehicle than the entire time I was able to drive it.

As for what exactly went wrong, Rob hasn’t yet received a definitive answer from Tesla but says he believes it has something to do with the truck’s heating system.

Rob continues to write…

“I am unsure what happened, but I noticed later at night that the fan noise under the dash seemed louder than before. I just assumed it was because of the cold temperature (-18C) (-0.4F), but maybe something else was going on?”

Tesla employs a heat pump on the Cybertruck to increase the heating and cooling efficiency. This is good for preserving battery power and range, but there are questions about how effective this system is in harsh environments.

Whatever the cause, Rob is not thrilled with the whole situation and continues to write…

“Anyhow, I sure hope Telsa makes me whole on this. I feel like spending this type of money and having this sort of hassle within 24 hours is unacceptable. In love to heartbroken on the same day.😭💔

Finally, Rob concludes his post with a picture of his Cybertruck loaded onto a flatbed. Most people would be unhappy with this sight, but Rob doesn’t seem too bothered writing, “Note: My Cybertruck does look awesome on that tow truck!”

Overall, the Cybertruck appears to be failing its first test in the Canadian winter and at the same time, breaking some hearts. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Share your ideas by clicking the red “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Screenshot from IMCARS YouTube channel

For more information, check out: Tesla’s Autonomous Cybercab Involved in First Minor Accident

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


Gordon Burnett (not verified)    December 2, 2024 - 9:04PM

He drove it significantly more than 2 hours, it was two home and then ripping around showing friends and family all evening.
That heat pump is probably frozen, and there's not enough heat in the cabin to defrost the core.
Get it on a super charger and get back above 50% and hopefully it should be good.

Dodo (not verified)    December 2, 2024 - 9:14PM

Whoever has too much money and hubris to get sucked into an ugly,angled useless piece of scrapmetal deserves to have their heart broken.Just like going to the Ritz dance club looking for a ranch wife!

Somyung Guy (not verified)    December 2, 2024 - 9:22PM

Your biased reviews of Tesla are not only embarrassing, but the amount of slander you tout is deplorable. Please, clean up your act.

phluffiii (not verified)    December 2, 2024 - 9:41PM

I've got a heat pump for my house, and it gets setup so it can't kick in under 25F (-3C) because it'll fail or be notably less efficient than the furnace. So I'm going to assume it's only useful above -3C, based on my mostly ignorant opinion. It doesn't get colder than that in Canada right? :)

Eddy Gordo (not verified)    December 2, 2024 - 9:53PM

My friend bought a brand new Dodge truck shifted it into reverse and then we heard a click- The transmission broke the first day.
Sometimes these things happen the Cybertruck is awesome. Looks amazing and is an amazing machine. All around, for off-road don't be fooled by these gas guzzling diesel chugging, guys in denial.

Viro (not verified)    December 2, 2024 - 9:53PM

Something seems odd about the amount of time he drove, the amount of charge left and the amount of time defrosted. This sounds like the typical “I’m a new EV owner and I left the house with too little charge in the middle of winter / really cold weather.”

Jonas (not verified)    December 2, 2024 - 10:18PM

I'd love to hear the followup story in a few days time. What will be the issue and how does the Tesla service resolve the issue. All manufacturers have the occasional warranty issue, how they handle it is where a company either shines or stinks.

Patrice Manderson (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 12:19AM

How could one buys anything from this unstable person, don't you see how ugly his cars &:trucks are? Just a sign of madness!! Wait till the little elon's grows up,l!! Ha! Ha!!

Erma Jay (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 12:34AM

Rob seems to be handling this problem with the Cybertruck very well. $165,999 is quite a lot to pay for a pile of junk, but hey, prestige matters.

Rotorhead (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 2:11AM

I ordered a trimotor when I thought my unit would deliver after 200 or 300k units has hit the owners to test them out,
Tesla emailed me fairly early on and after the buzz buzz buzz of the motherboard ship In my ear for an hour. I must have over chugged my fomo latte and had a contract with a July September delivery.
As I watched all the failures daily on the internet, I canceled one day and sacrificed my 1000 usd to the god of great decisions
When the price is 69k usd and has a fifth wheel hitch that Whilsthin diesel can’t tear off with a yuppie mobile, tow a real 16 k trailer loaded with hay, for a least 360 mile,
Well I’ll be back with with cash in hand

jamesgoth (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 2:37AM

Everyone predicted months ago that the trucks wouldn't survive winter. They can barely handle average summer days. Everyone I knew started listing all the things that would most likely die on this truck during winter.

John (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 5:29AM

This is a terrible experience especially for paying this much money to experience it, if you can afford a price of that much I'm sure you can afford to unbreak the feelings

Mike (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 5:45AM

That whole story sounded like a huge pile of crap. If you are going to make up stories, at least make them believable. I'm not disputing the fact that this could very easily happen. It's an I Pad on wheels. And we all know some computers do not like the cold. If your going to quote someone, at least make that part believable. If this scenario did happen the owner is not going to be polite and say things like it looks good on the tow truck. The language is going to be raw and vulgar. Just because we are Canadians doesn't mean we are polite. Especially if we get taken for a large amount of cash.

David Dettmer (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 6:06AM

This is the very reason I could never own any type of EV. All I am hearing lately is negative feedback and very little positive. I guess having very little interactions personally with EV's is also a factor. I have thought about trying an EV but all the horror these stories stray me away......

Otter Possum (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 6:16AM

You guys are such losers. Shit talk anything tesla, which has immediate torque by the way, and generally way more than your personal cars. I don't have an EV but see nonsensical bias easily. Get an EE degree so you can mod your electric cars and shut up with your pathetic complaining. Yes, it's harder than a nut and bolt mod, that's life.

Sophie D. (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 6:28AM

So my ring doorbell battery does well for 2-3 months in the summer. But the colder it is, the shorter the time. Batteries don't like cold or water. Those vehicles set garages on fire during hurricane season in Florida area this fall (some attached to homes).

R (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 6:31AM

Well I live in Alberta too and the 2008 Civic I bought for $8000 in 2013 starts every time. It costs about $40/ month to fill.Stop wasting money on stupid stuff.

Thomas Devinson (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 7:22AM

Honestly, what do you expect when you buy an overpriced, ugly, unproven vehicle? Several massive issues are well-documented, with many more like this to be discovered. Buyer beware!

Tom (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 7:23AM

I have seen these “trucks” down here in Florida present with all types of problems. Keep them away from sea salt, don’t put magnets on them or they rust.. I’ll stick with the proven, an F-250 is a TRUCK! The strange looking creation from Tesla is nothing but a misshaped pile of stainless steel looking for a sucker that has more money than brains!

Shane Taylor (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 4:48PM

In reply to by Tom (not verified)

So basically this cybertruck is a glamified oversized DeLorean it probably can't do 88 miles an hour and not built for winter keep them down south where it's plenty warm enough for the oversized junk box a call a cyber truck

Adriano Marcoccia (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 7:49AM

Yea sorry but were not letting this clickbait obscurantist BS go on here. Does the author of this emotionally biased garbage know that this isn't Tesla's first product in Canada? The issue with the car was clearly not a defrosting issue and was a defect with that particular car which happens to any carmaker, but you won't hear this author be objective about that, no, they needed a reason to project their own emotionally driven bias by masking it with some obscurantist horseshit. Do better.

Crazy Stuck (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 8:04AM

“Note: My Cybertruck does look awesome on that tow truck!” uh...ok Maybe even better in a junk yard? Get a MERC G-series and a trailer if you really even need it.