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Tesla Cybertruck Immediately Dies in Canadian Winter – Owner Bricks the Truck Trying to Use the Defroster, Says “In Love to Heartbroken on the Same Day”

A brand new Cybertruck owner from Canada says his truck bricked itself as he was trying to defrost it. After the truck died in less than 24 hours, the Cybertruck owner says he went from being “In love to heartbroken on the same day.”

Rob Roth is a brand new Cybertruck owner from Alberta, Canada, and says his heart is broken after his truck completely fell apart less than 24 hours into ownership.

Rob adds that the Cybertruck bricked itself as he was attempting to defrost the truck before driving it.

Rob shared his story on the Tesla Cybertruck Canada group on Facebook and simply titled it “Heartbroken.”

 Here is what he wrote…

“I picked up my Cyberbeast yesterday afternoon, drove two hours home, and had a blast driving it last night with friends and family. This morning, I defrosted it and drove to work. At lunchtime, the defrost did not engage(46% battery left), would not go into Drive or Reverse, started giving me errors/warnings, and then shut right down.”

This is not an ideal situation for a truck with a starting price of $165,999 in Canada. Continuing his post, Rob provides more details about his failed attempts to revive the truck.

“I Spent the next 4 hours on the phone with Tesla service, trying to revive it by “boosting” it. We did revive power, and some things activated, but others did not. Eventually, nothing worked…even with boosting. I went back to meet the tow truck driver, and we were able to get some power with boosting again(maybe it’s because we boosted frunk again?) and got it in some sort of emergency mode and was able to limp drive it onto the tow truck.”

What’s interesting here is that Rob only drove his Cybertruck for approximately two hours; however, he has already spent four hours trying to revive it.

I don’t know about you, but I would be unhappy if I had to spend twice as much time trying to solve the issue with my brand-new vehicle than the entire time I was able to drive it.

As for what exactly went wrong, Rob hasn’t yet received a definitive answer from Tesla but says he believes it has something to do with the truck’s heating system.

Rob continues to write…

“I am unsure what happened, but I noticed later at night that the fan noise under the dash seemed louder than before. I just assumed it was because of the cold temperature (-18C) (-0.4F), but maybe something else was going on?”

Tesla employs a heat pump on the Cybertruck to increase the heating and cooling efficiency. This is good for preserving battery power and range, but there are questions about how effective this system is in harsh environments.

Whatever the cause, Rob is not thrilled with the whole situation and continues to write…

“Anyhow, I sure hope Telsa makes me whole on this. I feel like spending this type of money and having this sort of hassle within 24 hours is unacceptable. In love to heartbroken on the same day.😭💔

Finally, Rob concludes his post with a picture of his Cybertruck loaded onto a flatbed. Most people would be unhappy with this sight, but Rob doesn’t seem too bothered writing, “Note: My Cybertruck does look awesome on that tow truck!”

Overall, the Cybertruck appears to be failing its first test in the Canadian winter and at the same time, breaking some hearts. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Share your ideas by clicking the red “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Screenshot from IMCARS YouTube channel

For more information, check out: Tesla’s Autonomous Cybercab Involved in First Minor Accident

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


LaMonte Morman (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 4:56PM

Has anyone done crash test on eletric vehicles. What are the survival rates on a high speed crash . Cars are made to absorb the energy of impact but what about electric cars .

LaMonte Morman (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 4:58PM

Has anyone done crash test on eletric vehicles. What are the survival rates on a high speed crash . Cars are made to absorb the energy of impact but what about electric cars .

Zed (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 5:21PM

It seems to me that if you don't have the money for a well heated garage you got no business owning a Tesla Cybertruck in cold weather areas. Dumb move. Those turkeys can't stand cold, rain, ice, sleet, snow, heat, or ... dirt. And raccoons think they are dumpsters. He got what he paid for-- pricey trash

Peter Q (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 5:57PM

First of all, I'm sorry for you troubles. With you B.N. Cyber truck. Second, a cyber truck does not look awesome under any condition.
I hope you get satisfaction from Tesla.

Brian (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 6:28PM

Would not waste my money on one of the piece of garbage trucks seems like there are more problems with them than what they are worth

Pamela (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 7:25PM

May I say..while I'm not a cybertruck fan, as a convertible Mustang driver, your comments show you to be level headed, resilient and have a great sense of humor. Maybe you can move to the US cause God knows we need many folks like you:)Not an Elon fan in anyway except I do think he has some sense of how to seek answers to problems as well as likely will make good on the fortune you spent for two fun hours of joyriding before the bad stuff began. Best of luck ! From sunny New Mexico ( USA)

David (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 8:12PM

This is why I will never own electric vehicle where temps get below 32 degrees f or 0 c.
Don't want to freeze to death stuck on backroad or even in a town because it became a brick.

Makofoto (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 10:10PM

Note that Tesla is the Number One car in Sweden and Norway … which extend past the Arctic Circle. Like many vehicles in Canada, should be left plugged in, in Cold. The vehicle will then keep it self warm enough.120V would be enough. Pre-condition remotely before driving off.

Michael (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 10:52PM

How Musk has any credibility is beyond me. When he bought Twitter, he let anybody willing to pay 7.99 a month register a verified account for any company or personality. It was the biggest invitation to fraud the world has ever seen. How is he not in jail for this? There is no doubt in my mind he is an agent of a foreign adversary.

R. King (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 11:08PM

I think tjis is story is BS. Too many inconsistencies and zero supporting evidence. This is nothing more than gossip.

Daniel Reynoso (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 11:13PM

Extreme cold conditions no doubt causing a disruption of normal and stable power supplies that are never an issue in regular temperature conditions.....46% Battery left??(not a lack of juice for sure) Most likely a software issue (flash program upgrade) and not hardware problem.......[Thought they already went over this when going through R&D and testing extremes?😁] .....Musk has to make this right and throw in an accessory or two as a good will gesture....Truck is still new.
I'm sure he'll make it right and I know he's one busy guy.....never got back to my SpaceX email about partnering in on the Evtol I'm building but I know he stands behind his products.

Phil King (not verified)    December 3, 2024 - 11:32PM

I am from Alberta as well and wondered if they did testing in our harsh environment....going to guess it won't be the last issue...time will tell

ANNE (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 12:18AM

Honestly, just read about the guy who killed his Cybertruck by hauling hay. I have a freaking minivan that can haul 4 bales of hay AND drive in the snow. As a matter of fact, 2 days ago there was an accident in front of my house where my van was parked. A 4 door sedan rolled and landed on the hood of my van. Yeah, my hood is dented, but my 2008 minivan started right up and still runs like a champ. I call it BattleVan now. (Everyone in the accident is ok, and I realize the car hit mine "just right" to be as damage free as we are) Definitely would not trade BattleVan for a CyberTruck.

Vplw1226 (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 12:18AM

It absolutely blows my mind that people spend that kind of money on something they know has had nothing but issues. Then less than 24 hours after purchasing the truck it's dead and on a flat bed being towed away yet these owner's are still all happy about their purchase. Wtf is wrong with y'all? With the other options available you have to be an absolute clown to purchase that pos. These cyber truck owners are getting what they deserve.

John Lyles (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 3:24AM

Considering the price of the vehicles and All of the registered customer complaints thus far, and the fact that the vehicles are NOT manufactured here in North America but in China I'd probably be upset as a overstuffed child's stomach who has eaten/paid too much candy and is now suffering from what my eyes saw and I just had to have, and now that I have it I wish to GOD I could give it back. Just to say I have this and it cost this is Not for Grown ups, Grown ups spend wisely.
And Elon doesn't Need Anymore Money From Anyone Else.

Mark Heckman (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 4:13AM

Edison motors
Has developed a hybrid truck that has a diesel generator that charges the batteries ,

This reduces emissions while extending mileage

Fred Fredburger (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 5:03AM

The more I hear of this things failures, the more I think these owners are coping with the fact they blew $100k+ on a shoddy built meme. I don't feel sorry for any of them.

Ikonos (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 6:53AM

I'm sure Tesla tests each of their vehicle models in extreme weather conditions for at least maybe ten minutes or so before giving them the ok to be sold in every market.

Marjorie Stevens (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 11:29AM

The whole point in buying an EV is supposedly to “save the planet”, to save the environment with less CO 2, and to stop using fossil fuels. However, these cars make absolutely no sense to me because to make the batteries for these vehicles is causing HUGE damage to the environment! It’s unbelievable how much mining takes place just for the lithium alone. The batteries are very expensive and don’t last that long, especially in a colder climate. Why anyone would buy one who lives in Canada is nuts!
These batteries are also very heavy and will apparently cause a great deal of damage to the roads. But the worst part of EV’s is that there is no recycling of these batteries and that is an enormous problem and very destructive to the environment, which is so ironic because that is what they are NOT supposed to do.
The price of EV’s is ridiculous, and the cost to replace the batteries is another huge expense.
Thankfully Trump is taking away the mandate to get rid of gasoline powered cars, even though he has now become buddy buddy with Elon Musk!
I like and admire Elon. He is a genius, but I’m sorry. You couldn’t GIVE me an EV! And there is NO RESALE VALUE! Who would EVER buy a USED EV? NO ONE!!
Oh, and I forgot to mention the insanity of charging these vehicles! How do you think the charging stations operate? The electricity is made from coal or oil! Interesting fact that most people never think about.
And when driving an EV, you would be constantly looking to see how many miles/km you have left on your latest charge. If it’s hot out, better not use the AC because that uses battery power.
If it’s cold out, better not turn the heat on because that uses up battery power so your battery could die before you reach another charger station….and where is a charging station near where I am going?
The entire stress of ever going anywhere would drive me crazy!!!
I feel sorry for the guy in Calgary who bought a very expensive lemon 🍋, and to top it off, the price he paid was insane for a very ugly vehicle.

Tyrrell Cornwall (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 11:31AM

Not sure when it became acceptable to be OK with such shoddy workmanship and reliability with vehicles and be happy.

$165,000 is a bit of stretch to pay for a broken glamour toy.

Elsie Dodd (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 12:48PM

Sounds like he needs to get his money back as it sounds like the truck is garbage. Why would you want a truck that only works in summer.

Alfred Smith (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 1:27PM

To Whom It May Concern:
Hello, I would not pay 0.05 for any Tesla vehicles, furthermore, Canadian climate is too cold for electric vehicles. Not only Tesla has found that out, the Canadian Federal and Provincial Government will soon learn this harsh reality in the not too distant future.


Alfred Smith