Yoni Menaker is the owner of Blue Angel Roofing in Atlanta and says he’s losing a lot of customers because he drives a Cybertruck.
Yoni shares that his company’s page is flooded with negative reviews and adds that he lost $70,000 worth of roofing deals only last month.
Yoni says the customers who terminated the roofing contract specifically told him that the issue was that he drove a Cybertruck.
Clearly, Yoni doesn’t want his company to suffer, but he says he’s in a dilemma because he also loves his Cybertruck and doesn’t want to let it go.
The conflicted Cybertruck owner shared his story on the Cybertruck Owners Only group on Facebook.
Here is what he wrote…
“I have a dilemma. I have started to lose customers because I drive a Cybertruck. I have also received some bad reviews in the past, and I am not sure what to do. I love this truck, and it's the best truck I have ever had.
But last month, we lost around $70k in deals, and the customers said that it was because we drove a Cybertruck.
Any suggestions?
I’m in Atlanta.”
Below his post, Yoni shared a screenshot of a review left on his company’s page.
It says Blue Angel Roofing, and the reviewer goes on to write…
“I’m just going to say, if a roofing company has a Cybertruck, maybe reconsider using them as your roofer.”
The reviewer also added a picture of Yoni’s Cybertruck showing the Blue Angels Roofing logo plastered over it.
This suggests that Yoni is driving his Cybertruck not only for personal use but also as a work truck, taking it to roofing job sites.
It appears that some people were so unhappy with the roofing company's use of a Cybertruck that they decided to go with another company.
This is a surprising turn of events. When Cybertruck started deliveries back in November 2023, businesses were excited to plaster their logos all over it.
There are some businesses that even bought multiple Cybertrucks specifically as an advertisement opportunity.
However, fast-forward a little more than a year, and the Cybertruck has become a very divisive vehicle.
Some Cybertruck owners, such as Zack from the JerryRigEverything YouTube channel, bought a Cybertruck as an advertisement billboard.
Now, Zack says he’ll be selling not only his Cybertruck but all his Tesla products before the end of the year.
Elon Musk loyalists will argue until they’re blue in the face that Musk is not harming Tesla’s brand; however, based on the experiences of Tesla and Cybertruck owners in the real world, that argument is becoming increasingly difficult to make.
In the past few days, we’ve covered the story of a Cybertruck owner who says he was punched in the face simply for driving a Cybertruck.
After this incident, the Cybertruck owner says he’ll leave a $1 bill on every Cybertruck he sees to “spread the love.”
Another retired Cybertruck owner also shared that a guy with a lifted Ford F-350 came at him with his fists balled and ready to fight simply because of his Cybertruck.
The owner of a golden Cybertruck also shared that he, his wife, and his children face constant hostility because they drive a Cybertruck. He adds that because of the harassment, his wife now refuses to drive the Cybertruck altogether.
Overall, it’s interesting to see all the challenges Cybertruck owners are facing in the real world. Please let me know what you think in the comments.
Share your ideas by clicking the “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site, torquenews.com/Tesla, regularly for the latest updates.
Image: Screenshot from Top Gear YouTube channel
For more information, check out: Tesla Brought in a “Special Technical Team” After a Cybertruck Got Bricked With the Driver Still Inside. However, a Month Out, Tesla Engineers Still Can’t Figure Out What’s Wrong With the Truck
Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.
He has no control over…
He has no control over public perception of Tesla, but he does have control over public perception of his business. Whether or not the perceptions are justified in either case, it's his responsibility if he allows it to affect his business.
ugly car
In reply to He has no control over… by meraj (not verified)
ugly car
It's amazing how out of…
In reply to He has no control over… by meraj (not verified)
It's amazing how out of touch people can be. So it comes down to your business being viable and your family being provided for versus you driving what has become a blatant symbol of fascism. Is he looking for sympathy? Why even open his mouth? It's all on him. Wake up and grow up.
People can drive what they…
People can drive what they want but anybody who shows up to give me an estimate in a $100,000 vehicle is suspect. My job will be paying for that vehicle and is question how good a business person is to weekend that kind of money for unnecessary equipment.
Shows how little you know of…
In reply to People can drive what they… by Mac Samuels (not verified)
Shows how little you know of the truck market because where I'm from most contractors show up in a diesel truck and guess what they come in between $90-120k depending on options.
Starting with an insult is…
In reply to Shows how little you know of… by LetsGoBrandon (not verified)
Starting with an insult is always a good way to influence people.
So you overpay
In reply to Shows how little you know of… by LetsGoBrandon (not verified)
So you overpay
The diesel truck is useful…
In reply to Shows how little you know of… by LetsGoBrandon (not verified)
The diesel truck is useful for the business. It can pull a trailer filled with roofing supplies. Do that with a Cybertruck and you will apparently rip the hitch receiver off.
That said, if they show up in a lifted brodozer of a diesel "work" truck with every accessory from Truck Toys bolted on, I'm not hiring them either. I'm fine with you making a profit, but if you're making enough profit to make your truck a less useful vanity statement then you don't need my money.
I hate cybertrucks but if…
In reply to People can drive what they… by Mac Samuels (not verified)
I hate cybertrucks but if you price out a brand new pickup with all the bells and whistles I see a lot of the bigger companies estimators and owners using they easily break the 100k mark.
In reply to I hate cybertrucks but if… by Jason (not verified)
If the US were not to ban…
In reply to I hate cybertrucks but if… by Jason (not verified)
If the US were not to ban Chinese EV’s the price would be half of that.
Agreed. When a contractor…
In reply to People can drive what they… by Mac Samuels (not verified)
Agreed. When a contractor shows up in what is clearly not a work truck that doesn't have their business name, phone number & licence # on the sides of their truck, I assume that they shouldn't be trusted. As there are a lot of contractors who bid out your work project to the cheapest contractors in the area and then charge you 150% the cost or more.
The Cyber Garbage Truck just adds the additional assumption that the owner of the contracting business is a Tool, Fool or Idiot. And I wouldn't make the same assumption if the companies work vehicles were eTransits or other EVs capable of doing the work...
So any roofing company owner…
In reply to People can drive what they… by Mac Samuels (not verified)
So any roofing company owner can't drive a new Superduty unless it has plastic floors? There are a lot of pick up trucks around $100k now. I'd be more worried if he showed up in a 2000 Chevy. If someone is doing jobs that cost $25-45k each and isn't financially savvy enough to drive a nice vehicle I'd be worried about him being on something and giving me a subpar product.
“ financially savvy enough…
In reply to So any roofing company owner… by Wil C (not verified)
“ financially savvy enough to drive a nice vehicle”?
Driving a new vehicle is a financially smart move now?
To your point, I had a boss…
In reply to People can drive what they… by Mac Samuels (not verified)
To your point,
I had a boss once (company owner) for a construction company who would say his vehicle is supposed to make him look professional and successful without flaunting his success.
He normally drove a mid level Cadillac
So, I probably also wouldn't…
In reply to People can drive what they… by Mac Samuels (not verified)
So, I probably also wouldn't give this company my buisness. But how much do you think a FORD F-150 is? Any work truck is going to be comfortably over 100K in 2025 lol
Don't drive your Tesla truck…
Don't drive your Tesla truck to estimates .I had a boss who would drive his Porsche to customers houses, not a great look.
Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,…
Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful, and all inclusive left showing themselves to be children cosplaying as adults as usual. Imagine punching someone or harassing a woman and children because you don't like the guy that owns the company that makes the truck they drive. Lunatics.
And why do we think the…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
And why do we think the perpetrators are leftists?
Said the guy who boycotted…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
Said the guy who boycotted Bud Light
Forgetting how some awful…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
Forgetting how some awful people on the right have done the exact same to Prius drivers for years?
Bruh, you feeling ok? You…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
Bruh, you feeling ok? You seem to have some deep seated issues. May be time to get some help. Your family loves you and will take you back once you're free of the hive.
It really has nothing to do…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
It really has nothing to do with your “tolerant, joyful left.” It’s a $140 k car that doesn’t really operate as a truck. It cannot haul, tow or carry much more than some groceries and a light load from Home Depot. Also from an investment point of view Teslas crater in value when musk decides to cut the price. If you are a tradesmen and you roll up in one I think A) someone is paying for this car, it’s not paying for itself in “work” b) if you’re my financial planner/estate lawyer maybe I should reconsider your actual common sense.
So am I foolish that I don’t want to fund this useless automobile/midlife crisis? It’s my money, I’m allowed to spend it as I see fit. You go ahead and hire the bros rolling in a fleet of cyber trucks. My contractors roll up in heavy duty trucks that help them do their job. Don’t jump to poorly thought out conclusions, I get it’s the prevue of the misspoken/joking right-however it doesn’t play well in writing or in Germany apparently.
You seem terribly confused,…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
You seem terribly confused, but a great example of why these kinds of things are happening.
You seriously forgot…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
You seriously forgot Budweiser? Tractor Supply? Target? Garth Brooks, and the list is about 1000 more companies over the years. The cupcakes of the right invented it.
You posted all that…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
You posted all that unironncally? Imagine crying because someone doesn't tolerate your intolerance.
You want to make the statement that you love fascism while driving the incel camino, by all means do so. Makes it even easier to identify you than your cheap red hats. This guy has proudly displayed he's a poor businessman and now he's crying like a snowflake because the market is expressing itself.
Oh Bill. You are so cute…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
Oh Bill. You are so cute. Your take on 'the left' as being intolerant and children engaging in cosplaying as adults is probably formed from your viewing FOX "News" and not paying any attention to what is happening to our government and our democracy. People on both sides of the political spectrum are upset about an unelected millionaire taking over everything while an old man suffering from dementia sits at his big desk with his sharpie signing whatever people put in front of him. No one is mad at the truck. People are angry at losing every bit of dignity they had to someone who owns the Oval Office.
No, we're also mad about…
In reply to Oh Bill. You are so cute… by Diana (not verified)
No, we're also mad about that useless, ugly truck. No one is responding the same way to other Teslas, even though they also suck. The response to the Cybertruck is so extreme because no matter who had made it, it makes everybody's eyes bleed and it feels shameful even to be on the same street as it, let alone to sit inside one while not at gunpoint.
You’re next
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
You’re next
This is rich coming from the…
In reply to Ahhh, the tolerant, joyful,… by Bill (not verified)
This is rich coming from the party who invented go woke go broke. Elon is a monster (and I’m actually a Tesla owner since 2018 - which I will be getting rid of now due to elons insane behavior in the last year). Elon and Trump represent everything that is wrong with America, and if people like me want to avoid giving business to people who support those guys, it’s too bad for them. Want my business? Don’t support scumbags psychopath billionaires.