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CAR Business Seminar starts with large attendance

Monday's sessions begin the four-day event with two seminars: World Class Manufacturing; Connected Vehicles: Are they already here?

Finally the CAR Management Briefing Seminars have begun. For the World Class Manufacturing seesion, six speakers are in order from various OEM and suppliers, including VW, GM Chrysler Group, Inteva Products and Oiliver Wyman.

For the record, this reporter is siiting in each of these sessions today and will report in greater detail after the sessions. Also found out that 4 speakers from GM will be presenting.

A TN interview is scheduled with Achates Power today as well.

The afternoon session will cover connected vehicles. This coincides with my recent visit with Ford at its technical center in Dearborn.

Morning Session: World Class Manufacturing

Think passion for detail. And global in automotive now means being a good receiver as well as a sender of complete autos and parts.

Quality, though, is inreasingly the cost of admisssion.

However, expect the future not to be limited by a single material, but a collection of multiples of materials. So, any thought that steel or plastics will take over is short sighted, in my opinion.

Enviromental conscience is in vogue for all auto manufacturing; and VW is quite proud of this, as they should be.

Production flow will be a major deal as shown by the VW presentation today. Expect more on this as I complete more interviews and attend more sessions.

GM speaker especially showing off the Chevy brand, including the Volt and the Cruze. Think inter-buildability and flexibility to respond to vehicle changes in how they are received by the market,

Most impressive was the Harbour presentation. He gave a real outsider view of the lean mfg experience; more truthful than OEMs admit in media sessions.

Connected Vehicles: Are They Already Here?

The afternoon session just so happened to be the session I signed up ahead of time. The issue is, V2V or vehicle to vehicle safety; especially as it applies to driver distraction.

Having designed interior systems, I fully concur that cell phones and other electronics contribute to driver confusion, enough to possibly lead toward an accident.

So, seven speakers are lined up to give us a view of the connected automobile future: Jeff DeBest (JCI); Linda Marchall (OnStar); Michael Foley, PhD (Bluetooth Special Interest Group); Rick Warner (ParkingCarma); David Miller (Covisint); Scott Nelson (ATX Group); Roger Stafford (MDOT); John Maddox (NHTSA)..

Stay tuned here at TN today and the rest of the week for my entries. When I cannot write, I will at least tweet.

About the Reporter: After 39 years in the auto industry as a design engineer, Frank Sherosky now trades stocks, futures and writes articles, books and ebooks like, "Perfecting Corporate Character," "Awaken Your Speculator Mind", and "Millennial World Order" via He may be contacted here by email:
Additional Reading:
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ZF introduces the first 9-speed automatic transmission
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