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2 Years Later - My 2022 Model 3 RWD: Range, Battery, Maintenance, Fuel, and More

I have had my Tesla for two years now. Here are all the details of those two years including range lost, maintenance, fuel cost, and more.

Tesla Model 3 RWD From 2022: 2 Years Of Ownership

I've owned my Tesla for 2 years straight now. Here's the scoop of owning this car for exactly two years now.

First off, I paid off the car earlier in the year from a minor cryptocurrency windfall, which I am grateful for. All in all, I paid just over $50,000 for it, including taxes and interest, which is quite a bit more than a 2024 Model 3 RWD is. I would have paid about $10,000 less had I waited - even more with the EV tax credit.

Nevertheless, it's a great car and here is why.

Fuel Cost:

Fuel cost is virtually non-existent for me, unless I travel and have to use regular public charging, either at a hotel or the Supercharging network. Even then, the cost ends up being no more than $15 to go from 0% to 100%. At hotels, the cost is about half that - very cheap.

For day to day driving, I don't pay for fuel. I charge at Harmon's, or a public charging series of stalls down the street from my condo where there are businesses, on the weekend, when nobody is around.

A+ on Fuel Cost


Maintenance has been 0 cost outside of washer fluid. So I'd say about $30 to maintain the car over two years. I haven't replaced my tires yet, but that is coming soon. I have 18,250 miles on the car and I think at around 20,000 miles, I will need new tires. I have driven the car very aggressively, especially those first few months, which wore out the tires.

Tesla has come by with mobile service to fix an issue with my driver seat a couple of times. Something has come undone or unsnapped, and they've had to fix it. It's still not quite fixed, but isn't an issue in my driving - it's more of a cosmetic look type of thing.

A on Maintenance

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Range Loss & Battery

My current range at 100% is 256.7. if you take 256.7/272 you get a range loss of about 5.7% after two years and driving just over 9,000 miles per year. Not bad since most Tesla vehicles degrade at 10% the first year. However, this car uses LFP batteries, which are slower to degrade.

It will be interesting to see how much degradation happens each year now, since the majority of batter degradation happens at the beginning of the life of the battery.

Still, losing any range is not an A+, so I give this one:

A- on Range & Battery

Driving Capability

The car still drives as good as it did when I got it new. It accelerates quickly, even for the RWD version that has a 0-60 mph of 5.8 seconds. I wonder what I'd do in one of the performance versions of a Tesla - probably wear out the tires even faster!

I love how the car drives and it is very efficient. These days, I am getting about 178 Wh/Mi, and I am averaging close to nearly 300 miles per charge, even with the degraded battery. That's very impressive! However, it is also warm and the summer.

A+ on Driving Capability


The Model 3 RWD is not a car you want if you want space. If you want handling, and lower cost, with greater efficiency, then this is the car for you.

I fit fine in my car, but would probably feel more comfortable in a Model Y or Cycbertruck - but those are more expensive. I am 6'4'' and weight 220 lbs.

B on Space


It's been a great car! I don't pay for anything really except monthly insurance through Tesla Insurance. That's about $100 per month right now at a 98 Safety Score, though this last month, I got a 95, and I am paying $117.

Overall, I'd recommend the Long Range Model 3 RWD that has 363 miles of range, if you are looking for a Model 3!

For Further Reading: Donald Trump Says He Has To Back EVs After Live Discussion With Elon Musk

Have you owned a Tesla for two years? Does your experience fit mine?

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Hi! I'm Jeremy Noel Johnson, and I am a Tesla investor and supporter and own a 2022 Model 3 RWD EV and I don't have range anxiety :). I enjoy bringing you breaking Tesla news as well as anything about Tesla or other EV companies I can find, like Aptera. Other interests of mine are AI, Tesla Energy and the Tesla Bot! You can follow me on X.COM or LinkedIn to stay in touch and follow my Tesla and EV news coverage.

Image Credit: Tesla, Screenshot

Article Reference: Tesla