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Donald Trump Says He Has To Back EVs After Live Discussion With Elon Musk

Elon Musk and Donald Trump had a conversation on an X spaces recently, lasting a couple of hours. They talked about EVs and many other topics. Here's a summary.

Donald Trump and EVs

The future of EVs may be a little brighter in the future, depending on the U.S. election results coming up later this year. Elon Musk and Donald Trump had a live discussion for a couple of hours, and EVs were talked about.

Donald Trump has been clear in his overall stance on EVs before this and that is that the consumer in the U.S. should have choice with vehicles, whether it is gas, hybrid or electric.

This view has shifted slightly after getting backing from Elon Musk and an endorsement for his nomination. Donald Trump says, "I'm for electric cars, I have to be because Elon endorsed me very strongly." He goes on to say he has no choice, but still feels that electric vehicles are for a smaller slice of the population.

EVs are here to stay and right now, they are indeed just for a smaller amount of the population. However, as technology improves and supercharging improves alongside it, EVs will become a more attractive option for purchase while being more affordable.

In the end, economics and technological progression will make EVs the majority of vehicles that people drive or ride in, even if that isn't the reality today.

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Future of EVs

Elon Musk believes his views are moderate concerning oil and gas, as well as the people who worked hard in those industries. He says if we were to stop using oil and gas right now, the economy would collapse and that the oil and gas industry should not be vilified.

At the same time, Elon says that we do want to, over time, move to a sustainable energy economy and transition away from oil and gas. He says there is some risk - and that it isn't as high as people think - that as we increase carbons in the atmosphere, that it simply gets uncomfortable to breathe, as we get to 1,000 parts per million. We are at 400 right now and seem to be adding a couple per year.

We don't need to rush and stop farmers from farming or prevent people from having steaks, or stop the oil and gas industry.

Donald Trump says that in terms of fossil fuels, that even to create an EV with its electricity, fossil fuels are really what creates that right now. You can't get away from that at this moment, but sometime in the future that may be so.

Donald also talked about how Biden ended Anwar, which is an oil project in Alaska, that could be bigger than Saudi Arabia. This could be big for the United States, says Donald Trump, and there is pure and fantastic stuff there.

There are perhaps hundreds of years left. Elon Musk's estimate is that we don't have quite that long. If you look at the 2 or 3 parts per million every year and that accelerates, that's a problem.

Elon Musk says we don't want to get too close to 1,000 parts per million because of the discomfort that will happen. Elon says that if we are mostly sustainable 50 to 100 years from now, that that will be OK.

I think it will be the utility of EVs, the price, and their improvement as better cars that will make people buy them in the future, not any mandate or political movement.

For Further Reading: EVs Are STILL Not Being Taken Seriously - An EV and 10x Robotaxi Tsunami Is Coming - And Nobody Is Ready For It, Except Tesla

What do you think about what Donald Trump said about EVs? Will it help them to go forward if he wins the election?

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Hi! I'm Jeremy Noel Johnson, and I am a Tesla investor and supporter and own a 2022 Model 3 RWD EV and I don't have range anxiety :). I enjoy bringing you breaking Tesla news as well as anything about Tesla or other EV companies I can find, like Aptera. Other interests of mine are AI, Tesla Energy and the Tesla Bot! You can follow me on X.COM or LinkedIn to stay in touch and follow my Tesla and EV news coverage.

Image Credit/Reference: ELON DOCS


Ron Krikorian (not verified)    August 14, 2024 - 11:31PM

"Donald Trump says, "I'm for electric cars, I have to be because Elon endorsed me very strongly." Wow, what a great bit of analytical thinking to explain support your position on EVs Mr. Trump. With Trump it's always about "ME."