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Owners of 2014 Chevrolet Silverados want the FTC to force a recall for their air conditioning problems

Owners of 2014 Chevrolet Silverados are taking action trying to force General Motors to either recall their trucks or reimburse owners for the persistent problems with their air conditioning. Thousands of owners have reported problems and the condensers to fix the air conditioning are on back order.

When the 2014 Chevrolet Silverado was voted Rocky Mountain Automotive Press Pickup Truck of the year, no one could have known that down the road the truck would develop huge problems with its air conditioning system. I’ve written two articles about the problems and they consistently draw the most comments. Now 2014 Chevrolet Silverado owners are asking the Federal Trade Commission to step in and force a recall.

Thousands of owners affected

I detailed the problems with the air conditioning in both 2014 Chevrolet Silverados and GMC Sierras last month and also in October of 2016. Instead of air conditioning the vehicles start blowing hot air. Dealers are charging around $1000 to put in a new condenser to fix it. Owners say it is a faulty design and General Motors should be expediting the repairs.

An owner named Matt recently posted a comment on one of my stories. “Just called Federal Trade Commission, they were very surprised to hear there is no recall. Number is - 1-877-382-4357. Please give them a call and file a complaint.” Matt’s complaint is very similar to others I’ve heard. Matt writes, “The A/C unit went, now a national back order. Dealer said when it gets here it gets here, GM said call the dealer to find out when. There aren't even any after market condensers to get. Just how many vehicles are affected by this. I do know it covers Silverados between 2013 and 2016, I imagine it affects GMC also's. I've been waiting since April 2017 with 3 vehicles in front of me at the dealer.” Matt says he has also contacted a lawyer about a potential class action suit.

Chevrolet and GMC losing loyal customers

Scott W. speaks for a lot of owners when he commented on my story. Scott also bought his truck new in August of 2013. “I am sitting at 30 days since the part was ordered. As with everyone else I placed complaints to the dealership and GM customer service. I am in Tucson AZ which will average 100 degrees until the end of September. It is absolutely ridiculous that GM has not fast tracked design-engineering to create a resolution. Last time I checked they are one of the largest manufacturers on the planet. I also thought that with the large truck segment and loyal buyers, GM would step up and create solutions. I am shocked that they have not released a statement for dealers to explain what action they are taking. When you spend $50k on the new have very high expectations. GM, you are losing good customers!!”

Freddy M. commented on my post, that he, too, is fed up. “I also bought a brand new 2014 GMC Sierra that the AC went out on. I have already spent several hundred dollars to re-charge the unit and for new hoses only to have it all leak out the first day after. I have since ordered a new condenser unit that has been on BACK ORDER for over 3 months and still no news on when it will ship. I will assume that this back order is due to the ongoing problems with this particular condenser and the overwhelming need for them due to their poor design. GM should definitely step up and take care of this obvious problem with this particular condenser unit. It's probably going to cost me close to $1,000 out of my pocket and I have been without my truck for 3 months and still waiting.... I have been a loyal GM fan my whole life, but it might be time to start looking at other brands.”

An owner named Craig posted a response that he received from General Motors. “Hello Craig, Thank you for following up with us. I certainly understand how stressful this situation is for you and I do apologize for the delay you're experiencing with parts. I can confirm the condenser is on national backorder. GM is working with two suppliers in order to alleviate this backlog for customers and are filling orders as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, there is no ETA for delivery at this time. If you'd like, we'd be glad to connect with your dealership just to make certain your part is ordered and formally document your concerns in our system. If this is of interest, feel free to send us your contact information, dealer name, and current mileage. Jasmine GMC Customer Care. Been a month so far waiting for a new condenser, I agree that this may well be the last GM truck I own, my last truck was a 2012 GMC Sierra and had air conditioner problems and now my 2015 GMC Sierra, get it together GM!”

One of the problems in mandating a recall is that typically federal agencies only require companies to recall vehicles if there is a risk of danger to the driver or passengers. A lack of air conditioning is uncomfortable but may not rise to the level of danger in all circumstances. It is surprising to me that General Motors hasn’t stepped up to fix such popular and important vehicles for the automaker.

Mary Conway reports Car News at and you can follow Mary at @maryconwaymedia and send her news tips.


Brandon D. (not verified)    September 3, 2020 - 10:36PM

Add me to the list. Bought a new 2014 Silverado z71. The a/c compressor locked up at 67k miles. Luckily I bought the extended warranty but I was still out about $180. Now my truck has 97k miles and my condenser is leaking. It has also always rode horrible at highway speeds. When it was under warranty the dealership blamed it on the tires. Well I’m out of warranty now and I’m on the 3rd set of tires. It still shakes and rides horrible. I guess all 3 sets of tires are bad? I paid almost $50k for this truck. I have always owned Chevrolets and always bragged on them. Older Chevy’s are well made but the newer ones are junk. I WILL NOT BUY ANOTHER CHEVROLET! They produce junk and then don’t back their products.

john Hawthorne sr (not verified)    October 2, 2020 - 1:02PM

MY 2014 Silverado with 53,911 miles developed a leak on the AC condenser there is no recall on this repair, total cast to repair was $1221.34 contacted gm @ 800/462/8782 with no help on the problem

Brian R (not verified)    March 27, 2021 - 2:34PM

Wish I had read this thread before I recently purchased a 2014 Silverado with 74Kmi from a Chevy dealer. Truck was very well taken care of by previous owner, practically spotless. Just had first week of warm weather, and discovered out no A/C. Found the exact same leak in upper driver side corner of condenser that is widely reported online. Sooo disappointed that GM can't design an AC system after all these years.

John Pile (not verified)    May 21, 2021 - 4:38PM

In reply to by John (not verified)

Update: i replaced the compressor myself for about $200 from local auto parts store and filled along to a youtube video on what to expect.. I had Jiffy Lube do the discharge/recharge for about $100. A month later, so far so good.

Monty K. (not verified)    April 13, 2021 - 7:33PM

I have had the same issues with my 2014 Silverado. The compressor first went out around September 2019 with about 105000 miles on it. I have had the "whole" system replaced, and it keeps happening. Blowing o-rings, cracked tube, damaged hoses also had the compressor replaced a second time because the first replacement quit after about 4 months of usage.

scott (not verified)    May 21, 2021 - 12:24PM

my2014 silverado ac went out they want 1800:oo to repair GM needs to recall this problem or Im going back to ford

Gary (not verified)    June 8, 2021 - 9:29AM

In reply to by scott (not verified)

Put me on the list too. I have a 2014 Silverado LT with 39k on it and just lost my A/C as well. The truck may be 7 years old now but it’s like new. My daughters 2009 Hyundai Accent 200k on it has ice cold A/C ..... what is wrong with GM?!

john t clark sr (not verified)    June 15, 2021 - 10:08AM

i have a 2014 silverado bought with 3 miles in 2014. condenser went bad in 2017 was told by dealer nothing could be done. i replaced it by myself. they said the whole nose of the truck would have to be removed (BULLSHIT) you just slide it down between the rad. and front piece. they wanted a little over $1800.00. my email is [email protected]. i will describe just what i did

John Z. (not verified)    June 25, 2021 - 1:39PM

I have a 2014 Chevy Silverado LT with 39,000 miles on it 2 weeks ago turned air on and all it did was blow hot air. I checked GM Recall sites and nothing is Mentioned about AC condenser recall. I guess I'll have to pay to have it fixed at my expense. With all the complaints that are on the internet over this you would think GM would do something for us. Like the other people on this site I agree it is time to look at a different make of truck. Although I don't think I could own a truck with a foreign name on it. But may go out and test ride them.

Rebecca Robertson (not verified)    July 19, 2021 - 4:40PM

I’m also am a owner of a Chevrolet Silverado that needs a condenser replaced because A/c doesn’t work! I’m so upset with GM!

Dan Determan n… (not verified)    July 22, 2021 - 9:40AM

add me to the list.... bought 2014 silverado new. Oil pump went out at 40k miles, now dealing with A/C problems at 99k miles. first fix was cracked condensor spring of 2021. cost me $1300. 2 months later warm air - this time seals in the compressor. another $400. bad feeling this will not end. GM all my life - will not buy another. my 2007 silverado had oil usage issues. for what these trucks cost they need to stand behind them.

Tisha Barry (not verified)    October 29, 2021 - 2:06PM

I bought a brand new 2014 Chevy Silverado in December 2014. This being my first and most likely the last brand new vehicle I ever purchased on my life! I paid cash, and was never more proud, until everything just started going downhill! Recall after recall, I've now been without A/C 3 years! I just recently hit 79k, and I now have to have it serviced for the brake recall, my paint is chipping and peeling, and now I'm having electrical problems! I could never be more disappointed in something that was supposed to bring me great joy and a sense of vehicle stability! 1 major point for my purchase was to finally have a vehicle that I got to drive more than repair! I've always been a Chevy girl since I was a little girl! But wow! What a let down for a first time buyer, with big expectations and high praise!!! IF I were ever able to purchase another new vehicle in this lifetime, I would have to give it some serious and deep thought if it would be another Chevy! But rest assured, it would NEVER be a Ford! Good luck to all of you fellow owners, I hope eventually things stop going wrong, and GM looks to appreciate us more! Thank you for allowing me to vent this all!! BTW, I was contacted by a lawyer firm regarding a possible class action suit for the A/C though I have not heard anything since the initial correspondence, idk if that lets a little ray of sunshine peek in for anyone or not, but wanted to pass that on!!!
Stay safe!

Taylor L Ferguson (not verified)    January 5, 2022 - 7:25AM

I bought my 2014 Chevy Silverado in June 2014. I became pregnant with my daughter in 2015. My truck was shutting off randomly in the middle of the road. I'd have to quickly put it back in park and crank it back up and go. Luckily I never got hurt. I took it to the dealership and they fought me hard blowing me off. Eventually they did find a ground bolt that was loose. In April 2018. I delivered my little boy. He was a NICU baby and was unable to breathe on his own after delivery. The day we leave the hospital to take him home my condenser went out in my truck. We did not live close to the hospital either. I replaced the condenser. Now In Dec 2021 in Florida where we are still having weather in the 80s and very muggy, my ac is blowing hot again. It's not needing freeon. I cannot afford to put more money in this truck and I also put oil in it just about every 2 weeks because my oil level low sensor comes on and it's indeed low each time and needs more than a quart to get it to a sufficient level.

Eric (not verified)    February 10, 2022 - 12:49PM

In reply to by Taylor L Ferguson (not verified)

Bought my first new truck in Oct 2013 a new 2014 Chevy 1500 Silverado. AC went out in 2017 due to design flaw. Had to replace the entire aluminum line. Cost 2k as they had to drop transmission to get to it. Transmission went out at 129k. AC just went out again 2/04/22.-same issue. Not happy with the truck. Next purchase will not be in the GMC family.

Danny Griffin (not verified)    September 27, 2022 - 12:05AM

2014 Z71 has been having issues with AC condensor leaking Freon. I’ve had to add Freon 5 times just this summer at $140 dollars each time. General Motors should have one or establish a recall for this issue. I’m damn tired of this crap.

Edwin Demerson (not verified)    May 31, 2023 - 9:40PM

Bought the truck 2016 changed out the condenser 2020 it just went out again same problem same location on the truck. Went on youtube and the are hundreds of videos of the same problem not only that the dealer who I bought the truck from promised that as long as I own the truck my oil changes would be $12.99 fixed rate now I am paying $77.00 can anyone stand on there word anymore and that was the saling point that made me buy the truck stared into my eyes shook my hand the very first oil change he tried to charge me full price. Chevy has gone down the drain

Mark Bates (not verified)    June 27, 2023 - 6:50AM

i have a 2014 silverado LT had mine 2 years and the A/C quit working...brand new truck. GM replaced an A/C hose charged me $900. A/C has quit working again...I replaced it has another leak...the condensor. I've taken care of my truck but the a/c is crap. My son has a 1989 Chevy s-10...he bought it used with the original A/C on it never been gone in still works! blows cold air. Why can't thy make them like they used too???

Florina Beardsley (not verified)    September 12, 2023 - 1:53PM

In reply to by Mark Bates (not verified)

Same problem with my 2014 Chevy 1500 crew cab ac went out and charged it blew cold for half a day and nothing but hot air blows out ever since. It’s going to cost 1000$ to fix and I don’t have that kind of money. Please add me on the class suit and I wish they would recall the ac problem.

Ben (not verified)    September 20, 2023 - 3:52PM

Hello I’m writing to see if anyone knows if the 2014 Silverado ac condenser has been recalled because this some b””””””” I took my truck in to a dealer back in 2017 for the ac because out of the blue it started blowing hot so they said it was the condenser so they said they changed it so here we go again6 years later I have to buy another one I love Chevy’s but this is the worst one I’ve ever had

Steven Allmond (not verified)    May 31, 2024 - 5:29PM

05/31/24 - Just had condenser replaced today on 2014 Chevy Silverado. The Russell Chevrolet service team in Sherwood Arkansas did a great job as usual taking care of my service, but I feel it's ridiculous to spend $1,000.00 on a condenser installation that was clearly not designed right. Also, traded a 2014 Camaro because of evaporator coil under dash was going to cost almost $4,000.00 to replace. I love Chevrolet but this had burnt me.