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New Law Could Silence Loud Exhausts

Stop Loud and Excessive Exhaust Pollution (SLEEP) Act is about to become law in New York. Could this spark a trend in other states? Nationwide RPM Act looks to help save the assault on modifications and the aftermarket.

Earlier this spring I wrote a story imploring our federal legislatures to pass the RPM Act. The RPM Act stands for Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports. It basically seeks to clarify that racecars used exclusively for competition do not violate any portion of the Clean Air Act. So far, the bill is still in committees and hasn’t been brought to vote. We can hope it makes it to the floor of the House and becomes a law.

Although reading some of the comments (never read the comments!) on that story showcased that many people didn’t agree with the RPM Act for whatever reason and didn’t agree with my take either. To each their own. We are all entitled to our own opinions.

I saw a news blurb about a new bill that just passed through the legislative body in the state of New York. It has a cutesy name to make it sound more appealing.

But you can give a bill a cute name like the SLEEP Act but that doesn’t mean it is a good law. In New York state the Stop Loud and Excessive Exhaust Pollution (SLEEP) Act has passed through their legislature and is awaiting their Governor’s signature to make it a law.

Aftermarket exhaust systemWhat Is The SLEEP Act?
According to the write up by the bill’s co-sponsors, the SLEEP Act increases the maximum fine for certain equipment violations; amends the threshold for violations relating to mufflers and exhaust systems; requires police vehicles to be equipped with decibel readers.

"This bill will curtail dangerous behavior and let our neighbors get some peace and quiet once and for all," said bill sponsor Senator Andrew Gounardes. "Times are stressful and the last thing families need is to feel like they are living next to an airport runway with outrageously loud noises coming from souped-up automobiles."

This same state Senator has also proposed a bill to install noise cameras that could automatically issue citations for decibel violations. The law defines excessive or unusual noise as over 95 decibels for motorcycles and over 60 decibels for motor vehicles.

An excerpt from the SLEEP Act reads: “no such muffler or exhaust system shall be equipped with a cut-out, bypass, or similar device. No person shall modify the muffler or exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the motor or exhaust system of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler or exhaust system originally installed on the vehicle and such original muffler and exhaust system shall comply with all the requirements of this section.”

Read the full SLEEP Act here.

2019 Ford Mustang GT at SEMAWhy the SLEEP Act is a bad idea
We all like quiet neighborhoods. Much of this believed “necessity” for the SLEEP Act relates to bad behavior and people not being courteous members of society. Don’t rev your engine early in the morning or late at night. That’s just common courtesy.

But no law should tell people what they can and can’t do to a vehicle they rightfully own. The SLEEP Act goes too far, as laws usually do, even if they’re well intended.

The SLEEP Act will hurt car dealerships, private businesses and the aftermarket industry. Many aftermarket exhaust systems will now be illegal. SEMA, who has a been a vocal supporter of the RPM Act, points out that New York isn’t the only state with excessive noise regulations. 16 states, including New York, have aggressive laws that prohibit use of muffler that emits "excessive or unusual" noise AND prohibits modification if it causes the muffler to emit more noise than the original, factory-installed muffler, according to SEMA’s website.

24 additional states also have some form of legislation that Prohibits use of muffler that emits "excessive or unusual" noise, according to SEMA.

So I guess the SLEEP Act is just another step toward this and shows that New York is not alone in this stance.

See the breakdown by states and what laws are on the books here at SEMA's website.

2020 Ford GT exhaust

Can’t we have some common ground, along with some common courtesy to keep from the necessity of more governmental legislation into our lives? In the end, that’s the rub for me with the SLEEP Act.

I know plenty of muscle car enthusiasts and those in the tuner community who take pride in their vehicles and how loud they are. I personally think they have that right, but with that right comes some form of personal responsibility and accountability too. Surely we can find common ground and common courtesy to make laws like the SLEEP Act unnecessary.

What do you think about this act? Leave me your comments below (but let's keep it civil).

Jimmy Dinsmore has been an automotive journalist for more than a decade and been a writer since the high school. His Driver’s Side column features new car reviews and runs in several newspapers throughout the country. He is also co-author of the book “Mustang by Design” and “Ford Trucks: A Unique Look at the Technical History of America’s Most Popular Truck”. Also, Jimmy works in the social media marketing world for a Canadian automotive training aid manufacturing company. Follow Jimmy on Facebook, Twitter, at his special Ford F-150 coverage on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can read the most of Jimmy's stories by searching Torque News Ford for daily Ford vehicle report.


Helen (not verified)    February 13, 2022 - 8:06PM

In reply to by john (not verified)

If you believe you have the right to a vehicle that makes any unlimited amount of noise, then the community has the right to keep you off of public roads. Sit in your garage and make noise.

william brandon (not verified)    April 8, 2022 - 9:40PM

In reply to by Helen (not verified)

your lawnmower is by far louder than my Harley what about that, so I think the state should ban your lawnmower along with my exhaust. 1998 Heritage Softail and by the new law even though it's stock now I can't ride it.

noisematters (not verified)    November 30, 2021 - 1:14AM

I've been around fast cars for 6 decades and I remember a time when cars and bikes were REALLY regulated. Now in the age of all out race cars being disguised as new age muscle cars the owners go a step or three farther by removing any of the mufflers, it's way out hand. I have a stock Hellcat and every time I start it I wonder how can that be legal? Don't get me wrong, I love the car but how far is too far?

Alexey (not verified)    December 29, 2021 - 4:44PM

Got to this article having googled "Florida loud exhaust problem". Too much government involvement, really? Here in Miami area it feels like there is zero government involvement, even though there clearly, clearly *should* be some -- according even to already existing noise regulations. But nope -- police just won't bother to pull anyone over for all this insane noise. I just don't understand it. To me it's like blasting a radio on a crowded train car! You just don't do it! Pests is what these folks are, modifying their exhausts. Pests! And I sure hope some sort of an "exterminator" will take care of them one day, one way or another!

Nick (not verified)    January 1, 2022 - 5:13PM

It's clear to me that nearly everyone here is a fuddy-dutty boomer with no sense of the fact that you should leave people alone if they're not harming you. You all would be SO much fun at parties. And the fact that someone thinks that people with legally modified or loud factory exhausts should be "exterminated" is utterly psychopathic.

Are there people who make their cars loud for the sake of being loud? Yes, absolutely. The issue is that laws like this attack those who are modifying personal property as a hobby. And also attack industries that employ tons of local people. So basically, how would everyone who gardens or landscapes their property feel if there was a law against it because people didn't like looking at it. That it was an "assault on their vision"? Those of us who modify are cars properly don't do it to be annoying, we do it to have fun. We do it because it because it makes our lives better.

I've also found that most people who complain about this sort of thing are the sort of people who move to a place, knowing what it's like, and then complain about everything. You're the people who move next to a racetrack on purpose, and then get the racetrack shut down. And then you complain about all the reckless driving on the roads.

Laws like this, similar to the ones in CA, also forget the fact that there is a vast number of cars that are "loud" from the factory, you can't ticket or fine someone for buying something off the lot. It also ignores the fact that this doesn't stop people from going out of state to get their car modified. On top of that, this doesn't stop people who live out of state from making noise. It can't be enforced if someone from PA drives over with legal modifications and a NY law enforcement officer tries to ticket them. Yeah, they can hand them the ticket, but it will be dropped.

C (not verified)    January 9, 2022 - 3:04AM

In reply to by Nick (not verified)

They are outlawing GAS Powered leaf blowers now....and Parties? How old are you again.?? Listen kid, if you wanna drive an excessively loud car or truck by me I'm gonna FLIP YOU OFF, EVERY TIME; AND IF YOU MAKE THE MISTAKE OF ENGAGING ME ABOUT IT, IT WILL BE YOUR MISTAKE, NOT MINE...

Nick (not verified)    January 10, 2022 - 1:52PM

In reply to by C (not verified)'re so tuff leaving a threatening comment on a random website. Again, clearly your some bitter old fuddy-dutty boomer who says things likes this because their wife forced them to wear the striped polo and drive a minivan for the past 40 years. I would take a whole meet past your house just for the lolz.

SmarterThanNick (not verified)    February 19, 2024 - 4:48PM

In reply to by Nick (not verified)

I have lived at my properly for 30+ years. I have had good decent neighbors for most of those years. It used to be a super quiet street too. Now it's all crazy people doing their own modifications to their trucks. Driving them on the road does not bother me so much. What does is the idiots who sit 8 feet from my bedroom window revving up their loud ass truck hours upon hours upon hours every single day. Some people have health issues. I moved here because it was quiet. I have neurological issues, and now I have to move because the noise is causing my neurological issues to explode. IE, it's the equivalent of being kicked in the head with steel toe boots because some dumbass 25 year old next door thinks he has the right to torture others with his loud exhaust. Get a life punk.

David (not verified)    January 18, 2022 - 11:45AM

True there can be no compromise by the nature of the issue. Every decibel represents someone's greater freedom or greater torture. Also true, criminal enforcement with tech (beyond reasonable doubt) is unachievable. But civil enforcement (which could - but usually doesn't have even traffic consequences (noted above)) is possible just on officer testimony and experience (predominance of evidence). So, the RPM'ers are not ultimately safe from the SLEEPers. Not bashing cops here, but it is clear that they could make an impact in many urban/suburban areas where loud roads are well known - they choose not to or are directed to other more important details than non-traffic civil violations. (In FLA the judges can do $1000/pop, but enforcing that? We're going to need that too to get attention and compliance.)

This is a willingly plague infested country. Asking for quiet seems so quaint.

Vinny (not verified)    January 18, 2022 - 7:51PM

Nice informative article Jimmy.
lol, save the assault on RPM act, what about the assault on all the people trying to sleep at night and have to to work the next day. There's a little jerkoff mad at life out on the streets waking up every one and disrupting people intentionally with F_____ing stink junk noise, a coward with no respect for anyone especially himself.(Lots of people and a few little mad cowards) That's why we need congress to step up to the plate. They already proved they need to be fined and told they can't do this. (like a little kid who needs daddy to tell him he is wrong) If you want to implore people to protect the motor act, do it with sense decency for all the community. Allowing these guys to now become another road hazard is not the answer. Create a venue out in the woods somewhere and they can blow their socks off.(lol,my buddies comment)
"To each is own," comment that you made, well keep your loud disrespecting junk noise to yourself then it will be to your own. I advise people to read the comments of any post to get both sides of the story.
The cutsey name, is beautiful. It tells the bottom line of this new critical challenge on our roads in the last few years. People get woken up. I should go to this slime bags house with some nice Bose speakers and blow junk noise at him so he can understand how much he sucks. (girlfriend told me to record the punks junk and play it back for him)
It's not just a good law it's a needed law.
I disagree with u whole heartedly on this Jimmy, (You said this, "But no law should tell people what they can't do to a vehicle they rightfully own".) hahahah,. So, they are allowed to speed, that's ok with you? that is why laws are in place to keep the safety and peace and tranquility in society. We need laws cause of people who don't have a courtesy Jene.The courtesy is not so common when we are still getting disrupted on purpose by a jerk with a bad attitude. So the bottom line response to this closing is you can keep your sports cars but keep them with decency and courtesy for the whole community not just your selfish brag ego Jene.
These Mental midgets are going over the line big-time now and need to be told they can't do this because they are not mature enough to know any better.(they will get worse if the authority keeps ignoring this) what's even worse is the road authority is not doing their job, there is no debate here. It is just a matter of why? Thank you for least a chance to put some real awareness on this new critical challenge on our roads. Vinny

Paul Daniel Murphy (not verified)    September 20, 2023 - 8:27PM

In reply to by Vinny (not verified)

Totally agree Vinny, we need the laws because the clowns that modify their exhausts are too inconsiderate to even understand their ramifications, its all about trying to be cool.

Vinny (not verified)    August 6, 2024 - 5:58PM

In reply to by Paul Daniel Murphy (not verified)

Right Paul, the thing is they are not even close to cool. hahahahha
The cool people are the people who show consideration with their driving habits not brag with their privilege. People look at them like, poor little guy needs attention. Buddy says that one.(lol) There is a book that was just published called Modified Exhaust is a road hazard and addresses what we can do collectively to address this new critical epidemic on our road ways. New York is showing integrity and leadership with the sleepers act. We don't unite the United States by attacking and disrespecting each other with our privilege.

Benton (not verified)    February 9, 2022 - 5:42PM

First cut this pandemic shit out every time a group of ppl have a problem it’s a pandemic. Not everything is a pandemic and never will be one. Second this loud exhaust and motors started before 60’s back when they would straight pipe or run just headers or glass packs mufflers that weren’t baffled. They are more emissions than for noise they don’t check how loud your vehicle is during your state inspection but they are looking for emissions problems. Third this is more of another thing that the government is overstepping by telling use what’s loud or not what we can’t do. If we allow this it will be twisted into something way more than what it is. It will become the new way for you to get pulled over and have your privacy taken from you. 4th this how they force you to buy a battery car

TJ (not verified)    February 16, 2022 - 3:36AM

I am a car enthusiast who wants to pass the SLEEP act and ban loud cars and bikes! We can hear loud modified cars at wide open throttle for MILES as they speed up the highway at all hours of the night. These people have no regard for anyone else but themselves. When your hobby intrudes into my family’s home, wakes up my kids and intrudes into our peace and quiet, that’s when it becomes a problem! Impound and crush these cars; it’s the only thing that will stop these selfish people.

Elisabeth and Layton (not verified)    April 1, 2022 - 7:07PM

Of all the things that are needing attention, the needy, the sick, the elderly, the vulnerable, etc, this is a thing? NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DISTURB THE PEACE. NO ONE.

You obviously have never had a brain injury, been elderly or otherwise injured. DRIVING AROUND AND DOING THAT IS IGNORANT SELFISH SELF OBSESSED SELF CENTERED AND IGNOMINIOUS. It also correlates with education level. The states with the highest education least poverty and crime outlawed that behavior years ago.

Its for the racetrack. Why is this even an issue? Some of the most self obsessed humans self centered humans are from / in the Us. This isn't even an issue in many countries. Why? Why would you want to drive around, hurt people with sound, literally cause them physical pain, disturb the peace,? It sounds like a farting car. It's like a spoilt child saying I'm going to break the candy jar to get attention. Idiotic.

Defective thinking

Don Fenton (not verified)    April 11, 2022 - 6:41AM

Your loud exhaust is not a civil right. It is rude and obnoxious. If you need to be loud to feel like your life has meaning, you need to see a mental health counselor.

JrM (not verified)    April 23, 2022 - 2:26PM

The issue is the law, as you may want a noise law, so goes more free activity by all people. So then suppose the state decides thousands of students are injured every year playing sports, therefore we can all save insurance costs and reduce injury by banning sports. That would help parents save time and money and reduce interuptions in education yielding good results for all people. How about rationing McDonalds food - you get one stamp per month. All of this is carving away at your rights and the main reason the USA exists - freedom. The number os noisy cars is really very small, some few people may be sensitive, and they make noise to deal with their issues. We all can not have what we want with the use of laws - this process will result in more reduced freedom and unintended consequesnces for your children. The law is poorly written, not specific enough, and pits offices and inspectors against the public where this should be more clear and between only government elected officials and the public. Overall it should be recalled. Your roads will still have noisy race cars and judges will have a hard time with it while people feel slighted for their loss of rights and mistrust politicians even more devisively than they already do. Recall this law.

vinny (not verified)    June 4, 2022 - 1:00PM

In reply to by JrM (not verified)

JRM, your missing the point.(your convoluting the issue is with privileged fluff tactics) These vehicles are breaking the law now and are another road danger, same as speeding. We have race tracks if people want to speed. If you want to make an unsafe illegal vehicle that spews out hate disgruntled noises at the community, create a venue for it. It is very illegal and without a doubt law enforcement should be pulling over this type of illegal vehicle. The real doubt is why law enforcement is not doing their job with this new critical situation on our road ways across the country.

Alex rizo (not verified)    May 15, 2022 - 10:59PM

Take your “freedom” and stick it up your ass. People deserve a quiet night not interrupted by fucktards with little dicks over compensating for sad meaningless lives. I hope they ban them everywhere

Car (not verified)    May 16, 2022 - 11:28AM

"But no law should tell people what they can and can’t do to a vehicle they rightfully own. The SLEEP Act goes too far, as laws usually do, even if they’re well intended."

You can still do whatever you please. Just don't use it -i.e. don't make excessive noise.

HAS (not verified)    June 29, 2022 - 10:59AM

Freedom also means those who are bothered by loud vehicles have rights. What happens when your "freedom" " forces" everyone on a entire suburban block to listen to your motor coming down the block at 2am. No one on this thread that advocates for "freedom" to make lots of noise, has offered a solution to those who's freedom from excessive and unnecessary noise is violated.

Bill (not verified)    June 29, 2022 - 7:36PM

A loud noise/exhaust causes pain, and hearing damage. It is a PHYSICAL ASSAULT. Loud car (and esp motorcycle) people should be arrested for PHYSICAL ASSAULT.

Yes a person should have the right to do whatever they want, but a lot of those activities dictate they can't be done near other people, in neighborhoods, etc (shooting, racing, rock concerts, landing an airplane etc) - they dictate using locations far from non-participating people.

Don (not verified)    July 7, 2022 - 4:14PM

We already have a law in Florida and it needs to be enforced this is quite dangerous on different fronts.
#1 these Harley heads cannot hear what's going on around them and you really can't hear a horn knock because the pipes are louder or the music is louder than a horn.
#2 when cruising up to a stoplight then the stop light turns green and the Harley head to your left or right or behind you lays on it to go around you and scares the hell out of you some old people could very easily panic and cause an accident because of that.
It's noise pollution and air pollution combined.

John Winston (not verified)    July 25, 2022 - 12:28PM

"But no law should tell people what they can and can’t do to a vehicle they rightfully own."

What a sophomoric comment. Of course we need laws that restrict what people can do to their vehicles. Whether they "rightfully own" the vehicle or not is of no consideration. The sound pollution levels caused by immature operators of cars and motorcycles incesently reving the throttle at intersection stops and then going full boar at take off to achieve the desired effect "oh gee! Look at me!" has gotten out of hand and needs to be addressed. In regards to motorcycles, the whole "Loud pipes save lives" thing is total BS. These are the same riders who fly down the center line between cars in heavy traffic in total disregard for anyone's safety. You can't allow vehicle operators to decide what is safe, legal and acceptable for the road. In short order our roads will look like a bad movie with all of these mature load exhaust vehicle owners welding axe blades to their wheels. Hey! It comes in handy at a lane drop to prevent the guy next to you from getting in front of you. Stop the madness. Silence these morons.

Katharine MacAlister (not verified)    March 28, 2023 - 6:36PM

Well, I live on the corner where I have 3 to 4 all three exhaust system pick up trucks in my living room every hour unbeknownst to me. I moved into a corner that was just a truck route and speaking with the police they say well we pulled him over and we give them tickets, but then they just pay the money and keep the Problem so the police can’t really enforce anything but a fine and frankly, the ones I’ve spoken to don’t really care they have other things more important to deal with

Tim (not verified)    April 14, 2023 - 7:21PM

I think I will build an app called Asshole Alert. Let users snap a photo of the offender’s license plate and name and shame them online. Revise state laws so that drivers who get reported through the app have to get their vehicles certified for having a legal muffler. There I fixed the problem.

Norm (not verified)    April 19, 2023 - 3:45PM

hahahaha, Tim that is a great idea.It is needed big time. lol, good one.:)))))
There is a book on preorder that will be out in I think in September. I saw up on the Barnes and Nobel Web-site; and the Smashwords book store.
Titled: Illegal Modified Exhaust is a Road hazard, Research series; why is this law not being enforced across the country?What the people can do to address it together.:O)
anywho, this new driving hazard will cause more accidents, cause these selfish Americans are startling people on purpose now.What is more sick, is the road authority which has the power to stop this is ignoring their sworn duty. Doesn't make any sense. If the people want to make this type of vehicle, create a venue for it not on our streets where the cowards hide behind their vehicle and bully people with their unearned privilege. OUr buddie says this all the time, lol
but in all seriousness, this has to be addressed because accidents that could have been prevented will happen or people will start shooting each other at this blatant disrespect. We are suppose to be on the same team in the United States, not attacking each other. moronic mental attitude. lol

Dexter Vegas (not verified)    May 14, 2023 - 9:44AM

Saying that such laws to limit the noise cars make will hurt the automotive industry is like saying limiting smoking areas with laws would damage the tobacco industry. Most people do not want to hear loud cars and the automotive industry will adapt.

Noise hurts us (not verified)    September 10, 2023 - 12:17PM

Do what you want if it doesn’t hurt anyone, right? Well then, any after-market exhaust system should be banned. It’s like adding after-market headlights that you think is cool but they’re hurting other people’s eyes. Stop hurting everyone you drive by!!!! You need therapy! Lol

Paul Daniel Murphy (not verified)    September 20, 2023 - 8:20PM

The sleep law will not affect new car sales, that's bullshit. It NEEDs to be in place becuse you motorheads won't respect the rest of the world and have to show how cool your car is by trashing the stock exhaust and installing a modified one that not only adds noise to the world but adds additional pollution as well. have you noticed the wildfires Jimmy, how about the rest of the shit going on because pollution levels are so high. Get with the program and support laws that add to the quality of EVERYONE's life. doid youy know that 90 decibels is so loud that over extended periods of time listening to level of noise will probably cause permanent hearing damage, but who cares as long as my ride is cool. Wake up pal. I love performance cars as much as the next guy, but none of my garage queens have any mods to the exhaust, most of the mods don't dfo a damn thing anyway as far as performance is concerned, BTW we have laws about how our cars must be used safely they tre called speeding restrictions, so don't give us the freedom BS about laws taking our freedom away, get real