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Rare Images of Tesla Giga Berlin Show Interior Progress

Tesla Giga Berlin is already making some great progress in the interior of the buildings. Today Torque News friend and Tesla enthusiast Jurgen provided some very rare images of inside the Body in White building of Giga Berlin factory show the progress of interior work.

Calling it a Gigaleaks, Jurgen tweeted "December 02 / 2020. A secret insight into the 'Body in White' (BiW) Ground floor. On the first floor among other things, offices and canteens are located there. Credit: Construction worker."

Body in White building at Giga Berlin is where the frame of a car’s body is joined together. In other words, the first few steps of manufacturing a car at Tesla's Berlin Gigafactory will occur here. You also see the office area, which still needs a lot of work and polishing.

The Tesla plant could become the largest private employer in all of East Germany. The factory is to start with 7,000 employees, later 40,000 could work there. How does Tesla intend to do this and what does that mean for the regional economy?

From managers, chemists, engineers, car mechanics, painters to unskilled assembly line workers: the US car manufacturer Tesla is looking for more than 100 different professions for its plant in Grünheide (Oder-Spree). The company is already eagerly hiring, as skilled workers and managers with university degrees are rare. Therefore, Tesla often has to poach them from other companies.

As RBB 24 reports, Tesla has already secured the services of Rene Reif. The 57-year-old is currently still in charge of the Mercedes plant in Berlin-Marienfelde, but he should switch to Tesla in January 2021 and is also considered a hot candidate for the position of plant manager.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.