This week’s Tesla Motor news from Alex Guberman covers four interesting topics ranging from political actions related to Tesla and Solar City, new Model S updates, some good news for Tesla stock holders and a heads up about a new book about the Tesla Model 3.
Alex’ first topic relates to a widely discussed internet story that a President-Elect Trump supporter is out to get Elon Musk. If that is news to you, congratulations, you are the last to hear that many of President-Elect Trumps supporters are not fans of green energy subsidies. Alex hits this topic at 30,000 feet.
Alex then hits on the news that all new Model S cars will come equipped with the hardware required for later autonomy. The software is not done yet, but this future-proofing of the Model S is an interesting move.
Tesla’s stock is overviewed, but we won’t spoil the good news in our summary. Watch the video for the latest price and curve. Finally, Alex points out a new book about owning the Model 3. It is fascinating that an author could fill a whole book with information about a car that nobody has seen yet in a production form, has not been rated by the EPA, NHTSA, or IIHS and may be years from being available.
Check out the video, and as we always point out, Alex produces these videos apart from any Torque News input. We find them excellent and bring them to our audience to offer some insight and balance to our own reporting.