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Subaru Sees A Huge Drop In Sales-2 SUVs Are A Bright Spot In The Dark

Subaru reports April sales and the news is bad. But two SUVs, the 2020 Forester, and all-new Ascent are bright spots in the dark report.

When Subaru started 2020 they had expectations of another record year. In fact, it would be the automaker’s 12th consecutive year of sales records. The coronavirus pandemic has killed any chance of SOA achieving any records this year. Subaru of America (SOA) reported 30,620 vehicle sales for April 2020, a 47 percent decrease compared with April 2019, the same 47 percent drop the Camden, N.J. automaker reported in March. Subaru reported year-to-date sales of 161,211, a 25 percent decrease compared to the same period in 2019.

But two SUVs, the redesigned 2020 Subaru Forester compact SUV and all-new 2020 Subaru Ascent 3-Row family hauler are bright spots. While all other Subaru all-wheel-drive SUVs in the stable dropped more than 50 percent in April, Forester only dropped 36.2 percent and Ascent declined 39.3 percent for the month. It’s not much, but it’s a little light in a dismal April report.

2020 Subaru Forester, 2020 Subaru Ascent, best SUVs 2020 Subaru Forester is the brand’s number-one-selling vehicle

In contrast, the remodeled 2020 Subaru Outback dropped 50.8 percent, Crosstrek declined 51.8 percent, Impreza compact was down 61.5 percent, and Legacy sedan declined 54.6 percent. The WRX and WRX STI performance cars were only down 37.7 percent for the month. The rear-drive BRZ sports coupe was down 63.4 percent.

Customers are choosing more newly-redesigned Forester compact SUVs over the other models and it continues as the brand’s number one selling model in the U.S. and around the globe. Forester has now passed the Outback wagon as the number one selling model in the U.S. for the first time in three years. Forester has overtaken the popular Outback even though the wagon received a complete remodel and a new 2.4-liter turbocharged engine, something the Forester doesn’t have.

2020 Subaru Forester, 2020 Subaru Ascent, best SUVs Ascent 3-Row SUV is another bright spot for Subaru

The 2020 Subaru Forester compact SUV and 2020 Ascent family hauler are two bright spots in an otherwise dismal April report. The coronavirus also shut down the Subaru plant in Lafayette, Indiana and it will remain closed until May 11 when Subaru Indiana Automotive (SIA) will begin manufacturing Subaru vehicles again. SIA is saying plant operations are not expected to resume fully until May 18. Stay tuned.

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Denis Flierl has invested over 30 years in the automotive industry in a variety of roles. All of his reports are archived on our Subaru page. Follow Denis on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Subaru Report. Check back tomorrow for more Subaru news and updates at Torque News!

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Photo credit: Timmons Subaru, Crosscreek Subaru


Jack Thomas (not verified)    May 3, 2020 - 12:26AM

What’s not to like on my 2020 Forester? Nimble, comfy, practical, great styling inside & out, latest tech, actually seeing a moon through the moonroof from the big back seat ... could be quicker but then wouldn’t get 25-33 mpg with range of 400 miles

KuriernaWegrypig (not verified)    May 5, 2020 - 7:22PM

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Zaufaj najlepszy i pozwól daj sobie pomóc. Udowodnimy Pokażemy Ci, że przesył nadawanie wysyłanie sprzedawanie paczek towarów poza granice za granicę poza Polskę może być może okazać się łatwiejsze prostsze szybsze sprawniejsze niż to prowadzone w kraju dostępne w Polsce działające na terenie naszego Państwa Jesteśmy po to działamy po to Zostaliśmy stworzeni po to aby każdego dnia na co dzień pomagać takim firmom tego typu firmom jak Twoja. Nie szukaj niesprawdzonych kurierów Nie marnuj czasu na przeglądanie internetu w poszukiwaniu innych nie trać cennych godzin na znalezienie odpowiedniego kuriera wybierz zaufaj tym, na których możesz polegać.