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GEICO is Terminating Insurance Coverage of Tesla Cybertrucks, Says “This Type of Vehicle Doesn't Meet Our Underwriting Guidelines”

GEICO, the second-largest vehicle insurance underwriter in the US, has decided it will no longer cover Tesla Cybertrucks. The company is terminating current Cybertruck policies and says the truck “doesn’t meet our underwriting guidelines.”

Robert Stevenson, a Tesla Cybertruck owner, recently revealed that GEICO is kicking out his Cybertruck from his multi-vehicle insurance policy.

In a post that was first shared on X and later reposted on Reddit, Robert writes, “@GEICO said they can no longer insure my Cybertruck.”

Robert added, “It makes no sense, as there are other, riskier cars out there. Let me know if you recommend any insurer for the truck. I have eight cars with an amazing record. I will be canceling my entire Geico policy!! Bye-bye!”

Below his post, the Cybertruck owner included the letter he received from GEICO informing him that his Cybertruck insurance policy was terminated.

Here is what the letter reads…


VIN: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Policy Number: xxxxxxx

Dear xxxxx

We would like to thank you for choosing GEICO for your insurance needs. After a careful review of your policy records, we have determined that we are unable to continue your insurance coverage for the 2024 TESLA CYBERTRUCK.

We have taken this action for the following reason(s): We are unable to insure your 2024 TESLA CYBERTRUCK xxxxxxx because this type of vehicle doesn't meet our underwriting guidelines.

Therefore, we must notify you as follows:


We are able to continue coverage on the remaining vehicle(s) on your policy.

Your updated policy documents will follow shortly. We regret that circumstances require this action and urge you to obtain other coverage on the 2024 TESLA CYBERTRUCK prior to xx,xx, 2024.”

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the number below.

Many factors are likely at play when an insurance company stops covering an individual or a vehicle.

You might think the insurance company has deemed the driver unsafe because he/she has been in a lot of accidents or for some other reason; however, in Anderson’s case, he says he has an amazing record.

More importantly, Anderson has eight vehicles. GEICO is only choosing to terminate the insurance coverage from Cybertruck and is actively pursuing renewal of his vehicle coverage for the rest.

This leaves no doubt that GEICO’s issue is directly related to the Tesla Cybertruck and not to Anderson or other factors.

So what’s going on here?

As we have reported numerous times over the past few months, one possible factor might be that the Cybertruck is one of the most problem-ridden vehicles currently out on the road.

It’s common to see Cybertrucks breaking down in the middle of the street or being bricked for no apparent reason.

We’ve reported three such issues just in the past week. In one, the Cybertruck owner says that he was locked out of his truck for three weeks, unable to open the door after it got bricked for the second time.

In another story, we covered a man who says he still loves his Cybertruck despite Tesla failing to fix the issue with his truck after eight separate service visits over five months.

We’ve also reported that Tesla service technicians are awaiting upper management to issue a Cybertruck recall and refresh to address the truck's numerous issues.

A few weeks ago, we also reported about a Cybertruck owner who was left stranded in the middle of the road by his Cybertruck on four different occasions.

Tesla gave this person a brand new Cybertruck; however, the second truck also got bricked. Finally, Elon Musk had to get involved personally, instructing Tesla engineers to drill open the bricked Cybertruck to access the inside.

Many of these Cybertruck failures might have been covered by Tesla’s own warranty program; however, the Cybertruck is also beset with other issues that could frustrate the insurance companies.

Cybertruck repair cost and time

The biggest of these issues is the cost and wait time to repair a Cybertruck following a minor accident. A few months back, a Cybertruck owner shared that it cost $13,404 to fix his truck after a minor fender bender.

Other reports also show that Cybertrucks cost more than $20,000 to fix following relatively minor accidents.

Cybertruck glass

If the above wasn’t enough, there is also the issue with the Cybertruck glass. As of writing, several Cybertruck owners have reported that their “transparent metal” glass has spontaneously shattered after being left in the sun for too long.

Other Tesla Cybertruck owners have also reported that their windshields shattered into pieces after being cleaned with a microfiber cloth or a light hit by a wedding ring.

Cybertruck & stainless steel

So far, we’ve discussed issues faced by Cybertruck owners; however, the Cybertruck, due to its construction material, could also pose a risk to other road users. In this case, we are singling out the Cybertruck’s 30X cold-rolled stainless steel exoskeleton.

Over the past few months, we’ve seen several accidents, including a Cybertruck and other vehicles on the road.

In those instances, the Cybertruck emerges barely scratched while the other vehicle is totaled. We’ve reports covering Cybertruck collisions, including a Cybertruck and a Ram pickup truck, a Cybertruck and a semi-truck, and a Cybertruck and a red sedan.

There are also several run-ins between Cybertrucks and deers on the highway. We’ve covered three so far.

In all these instances, the Cybertruck has caused severe damage to other road users. Given the likelihood of Cybertrucks causing undue harm during an accident, GEICO might have thought it didn’t need the liability associated with this vehicle.

Elon Musk vs. Warren Buffett

Finally, there is also the issue of Elon Musk's animosity with Warren Buffett. GEICO is owned by Berkshire Hathaway which is in turn run by Warren Buffett.

Over the years, the two had crossed paths, especially in the late 2010s when Buffet was trying to stop Tesla’s solar deployments in Nevada.

Overall, these are all speculation. However, one thing that’s not in doubt is that GEICO doesn’t want the insurance business from a Tesla Cybertruck. Currently, we do not have any conclusive reason for that.

However, do let us know if you have any ideas. Share your thoughts by clicking the red “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Screenshot from Techie Dani on X

For more information, check out: Several Former Tesla Cybertruck Owners Share The Staggering Amount of Money They Lost When Selling Their Trucks – “$30,000 Gone in 2 Months”

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


Arthur. Meade JR (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 7:34PM

In reply to by Edward (not verified)

Just do what a lot of New Jersey residents do. Drive without it the insurance rates increased 20 percent or more and on average 1 out of every 7 drive without insurance because they cannot afford or are undocumented. This is not a racist comment it is the truth. The Insurance for vehicles and property taxes are the highest or second highest in the United States. The honest people all over The United States are paying for those who cannot afford or just do not care to pay for insurance. In Closing, The laws are backwards The police cannot due their jobs correctly because of being accused of targeting or racially profiling. The state needs to change the laws and stop bowing down to the powerful unions in North Jersey

Epinnoia (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 3:55AM

The USA understandably subsidizes EV production. But to maximize profits, Musk makes them effectively disposable. There should be changes made to the subsidy to where a vehicle will NOT qualify for the EV subsidy unless it can have its EV battery module replaced in 1 hour or less.

Ron (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 4:57AM

Elon Musk should have stayed out of politics, or at minimum should not have acted like a spoiled child. I use to love the Tesla brand but after his mockery of Kamala Harris I will never consider buying any of his prducts, nor will many others world wide.
I guess he's not such a genius

Raymond (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 7:12AM

They are ugly vehicles made by a despicable person. I bought a car from the 70s for less then 3 grand compared to 100 grand for that monstrosity and my car is more reliable and will last longer the that rust bucket. Also would ploy though that ill advised tin can with little damage while totalling the cybertruck. Seriously no better way to show you are worthless then wasting 100000 dollars on a tesla.

H8LBRLS (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 7:53AM

Geico is a dishonest and horrible company. Just dropped them after 15 years after they totally screwed us following an accident that was not our fault!!

Rand (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 8:18AM

It's wild that he blames Geico and doesn't blame Tesla for making an absolute crap car. Those Elon fanboys really do have more money than sense.

Capn' Jack (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 8:20AM

Maybe the Tesla was highly modified by the current owner.
Tesla model 3 insurance premium would have been double what my Niro EV cost for identical coverage. One big reason is that they can only be repaired by Tesla.
St Elon can gouge all he wants.
And the true believers are still sniffing his tail pipe?!?!?

Bryan (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 8:25AM

Love how this guy's solution to this is to swing his e-d!ck around "I have 8 cars." (irrelevant). "I have a clean record" (unlikely, unless he paid for it). Instead of just finding a new underwriter, with like Google or w/e he's gonna take his entitled ass to to Twitter to bitch about it and call for a boycott; Because all 100 Cyber knife, I mean "truck" owners together can really hurt Gieco's bottom line. /s

The entitled doucheness is strong here. As if he or his situation has any relevance to Gieco's decisions not to insure a liability nightmare.

So, obnoxious. Please die in a cheap car battery fire.

Ken F. (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 8:27AM

I wouldn't be surprised if other insurance companies follow suit.
Or raise premiums to account for the risk.
Insurance is about assumptions of financial risk. Geico decided the potential financial risks out weigh the premium of the insurance.
Similar to homes in (higher risk) flood or fire zones, the cost of insurance is much higher than homes in (lower risk) areas not prone to floods or fires.

Jim (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 8:37AM

Too bad Mr Big said good-bye AFTER they said good-bye to him. Why not self-insure with your great, 8 fancy car wealth. Sorry, I only have one car and am tired of paying for JOs like you!! Thank you Geico. Perhaps I will switch to Geico.

Eric (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 9:07AM

I believe this is due to all the cybertrucks batteries catching fire due to saltwater. Geico got hit with lots of insurance claims from fires in garages due to the flooding in the southeast of USA recently.

BitcoDavid (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 9:26AM

Maybe if Leon quit his new day job of running for Sycophant in Chief, he could build a product that didn't s**ck. Everybody who ever has anything to do with Trump goes crazy, looses his reputation, and ends up in legal jeopardy. Case in point, Rudy Giuliani. Older Teslas are great cars. Pretty soon, Leon will be a stumbling drunk talking about Krakens and dog-eaters.

BAK (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 10:30AM

I can assure you that all conspiracy theories mentioned here are all bogus and this is a result of the insuring the risk of a cybertruck. I work for a major carrier and we are finalizing our plans to cancel all cybertrucks. The cost of repair or likelihood of totaling is fair greater than most any other vehicle on the road. There is no good business case for insuring these vehicles and you are now seeing carries drop them.

John Smith (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 11:06AM

Insurance companies are nothing but a scam. They are in the business of providing insurance to policy holders but suddenly when people need them to cover a loss which they collect monthly premiums and deductibles for, they cancel policies they claim are risky or don't meet underwriting guidelines. We have seen this time and again with forest wildfires, hurricanes, floods, etc. Now it has begun with vehicle insurance. For all these years they collect premiums and deductibles with most people never filing a claim. Suddenly, when a policy holder files a claim, they either drop the person or raise their rates. The insurance comp claim that they are paying out more in claims then they rece. This is something that is not transparent. So there again, lots if room for manipulation and an opportunity for insurance companies to make profits head over heels. Such a scam to make billions off of people over a piece of paper.

Erik What (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 11:31AM

This is going to start happening across the board after the ridiculous amount of fires / explosions seen in the flooding on the east coast - not only the car but homes the cars/trucks were garaged in.

John (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 12:11PM

This policy is an accident policy not a mechanical breakdown policy.

Most of the ideas put forward have nothing to do with this situation.

If it's true the Insurer would have to issue a statement explaining why or risk getting sued.

Tom Convey (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 12:16PM

We received the same letter from GEICO canceling our CYBERTRUCK coverage. After inquiry we were told that the vehicle was deemed "an exotic vehicle". We have two other Teslas and an excellent driving record. We looked into all of our insurance coverages and found that if we bundled with State Farm we would save $1500.00 over what we were paying at GEICO. Thanks GEICO, by denying coverage you saved us money but lost a customer.

John (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 12:17PM

I have just done an internet search and this article has made incorrect assumptions. I suggest anyone worried about there insurance contact Geico directly. However they do still offer insurance for the CyberTruck.

Rodney B (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 12:21PM

I've never owned or driven a Tesla, but I had a GEICO policy for over 10 years until they refused to cover my Chevrolet, which was sandwiched by another pickup who was also insured by GEICO. I was hit from behind & shoved into the car in front of me!
They refused to cover the car in front of me as well. After 2 weeks of back & forth, I had to pay out of pocket to repair my pickup. I was not at fault, but the Houston cops didn't show up. At least my truck was inexpensive to repair. I replaced both bumpers, but my tailgate is still dented, but functional. My hood sits a little lower on one side now, but I still drive the truck. GEICO is useless!

Chris (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 12:23PM

If they are claiming it doesn't meet their underwriting guidelines, I'm curious to know why. And if they've insured them prior to this declaration, what changed? Insurance companies are in the business of taking risks but the one thing they hate is uncertainty.

Dana E Canfield (not verified)    October 7, 2024 - 12:31PM

When considering a new vehicle for insurance like the truck is with all the different specs. Well they should actually have to wait 10 years to find out how much trouble some they are to have on insurance. So they have some way of calculating the difference between the old vehicles in the new vehicles. If you give it 10 years it can pretty much give you an estimate of what a vehicle like that would cost and how you would be able to bring it to the table so that the insurance companies and the automaker are basically on the same page.
