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Tesla Cybertruck Immediately Dies in Canadian Winter – Owner Bricks the Truck Trying to Use the Defroster, Says “In Love to Heartbroken on the Same Day”

A brand new Cybertruck owner from Canada says his truck bricked itself as he was trying to defrost it. After the truck died in less than 24 hours, the Cybertruck owner says he went from being “In love to heartbroken on the same day.”

Rob Roth is a brand new Cybertruck owner from Alberta, Canada, and says his heart is broken after his truck completely fell apart less than 24 hours into ownership.

Rob adds that the Cybertruck bricked itself as he was attempting to defrost the truck before driving it.

Rob shared his story on the Tesla Cybertruck Canada group on Facebook and simply titled it “Heartbroken.”

 Here is what he wrote…

“I picked up my Cyberbeast yesterday afternoon, drove two hours home, and had a blast driving it last night with friends and family. This morning, I defrosted it and drove to work. At lunchtime, the defrost did not engage(46% battery left), would not go into Drive or Reverse, started giving me errors/warnings, and then shut right down.”

This is not an ideal situation for a truck with a starting price of $165,999 in Canada. Continuing his post, Rob provides more details about his failed attempts to revive the truck.

“I Spent the next 4 hours on the phone with Tesla service, trying to revive it by “boosting” it. We did revive power, and some things activated, but others did not. Eventually, nothing worked…even with boosting. I went back to meet the tow truck driver, and we were able to get some power with boosting again(maybe it’s because we boosted frunk again?) and got it in some sort of emergency mode and was able to limp drive it onto the tow truck.”

What’s interesting here is that Rob only drove his Cybertruck for approximately two hours; however, he has already spent four hours trying to revive it.

I don’t know about you, but I would be unhappy if I had to spend twice as much time trying to solve the issue with my brand-new vehicle than the entire time I was able to drive it.

As for what exactly went wrong, Rob hasn’t yet received a definitive answer from Tesla but says he believes it has something to do with the truck’s heating system.

Rob continues to write…

“I am unsure what happened, but I noticed later at night that the fan noise under the dash seemed louder than before. I just assumed it was because of the cold temperature (-18C) (-0.4F), but maybe something else was going on?”

Tesla employs a heat pump on the Cybertruck to increase the heating and cooling efficiency. This is good for preserving battery power and range, but there are questions about how effective this system is in harsh environments.

Whatever the cause, Rob is not thrilled with the whole situation and continues to write…

“Anyhow, I sure hope Telsa makes me whole on this. I feel like spending this type of money and having this sort of hassle within 24 hours is unacceptable. In love to heartbroken on the same day.😭💔

Finally, Rob concludes his post with a picture of his Cybertruck loaded onto a flatbed. Most people would be unhappy with this sight, but Rob doesn’t seem too bothered writing, “Note: My Cybertruck does look awesome on that tow truck!”

Overall, the Cybertruck appears to be failing its first test in the Canadian winter and at the same time, breaking some hearts. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Share your ideas by clicking the red “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Screenshot from IMCARS YouTube channel

For more information, check out: Tesla’s Autonomous Cybercab Involved in First Minor Accident

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


Woke Hater (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 3:47PM

Cybertrucks might be trash OR the coordinated attack on Musk incentifies publicizing any and all issues. Due to media bias, I had the impression that EVs catch fire often. Turns out, with a per capita adjustment, EVs are 5x less likely to catch fire. All these articles remind me of covid misinformation. Cherry picking anecdotes such as "30 year old man dies of covid" to paint a picture of fear to push a product that ultimately caused a doubling of the M1 money supply.
The harsh reality is, news is classified under entertainment in many countries due to its deliberate attempts to promote advertisers (who happen to be significant shareholders and board members) and smear the competition removing any merit from the word independent and thus by doing so smear their own reputation.
Is that the case here? I don't know. No one does as the data set is anecdotal and do I trust Hareyan Publishing to have fact driven reporting? God no. Take your millions from Ford and woke oligarchs, your hands are about as clean as a 4pm mechanics.

Brad (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 6:07PM

Rob is a tool for buying that truck. It's a well documented POS at this point and he should have bought a Rivian, or just a regular truck.
The fact he thinks it "looks cool on a flat bed" is a concept he better get very familiar with.

Jeff (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 7:09PM

Well that sucks, but that's what you get for buying a tesla in alberta. That's where real winter occurs, was his head buried in the sand? These are obvious problems that everyone already knows is an issue, you drive by a tesla almost daily in the winter in alberta. $160k is more money than brains, especially when they put on their green "environmentally friendly" hat and red clown nose.

Stonepiggie (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 7:10PM

Sorry to hear....really.
Seriously though I believe elon to be a big scammer. With his employees, businesses, stocks, political affiliation, citizenship etc....a Donald twin. Surely you will get your money back. Might take some time though.

Lady Dee (not verified)    December 4, 2024 - 11:25PM

First off spending over a hundred and sixty five thousand dollars is ridiculous on a big tin box that you can only go two hours and then you gotta go charge up. I will never get an electric car. I got one over the weekend during Thanksgiving vacation and it took 9 hours and 30 minutes to charge up a car for 214 miles. No, thank you. Give me my gas and all you. People who think that we're killing the environment. Yes, we are by allowing them to use these batteries for these electric cars and destroy the woods and wildlife have no place to live.

Sean (not verified)    December 5, 2024 - 1:45AM

The thing about electric cars in places that have very cold winters, like Alberta, is that batteries are prone to draining extremely fast or not working at all like they do when the weather is warmer. Add the fact that a considerable amount of energy must be used for heating the interior, which takes away from the distance the vehicle can travel before needing a recharge, it makes a 100% electric vehicle an impractical and potentially dangerous choice to drive in a winter environment. What happens if the car/truck experiences a catastrophic battery failure while driving in a rural area? Not only will the car not work, it won’t keep you warm, and emergency services aren’t equipped to provide anything that could help get you back on the road, besides a tow to a mechanic that probably isn’t certified for Tesla or other EVs.
Electric vehicles are a great idea, in theory. Mining the materials, like lithium, needed for the batteries is devastating to the planet. It’s the paradox of lithium, sure you avoid fossil fuels, but the lithium needed for (non-repairable) EV batteries is also extremely damaging to the environment.
That’s why I think there needs to be more R&D into alternative fuels, like bio-diesel, hydrogen, even ethanol, etc. and legitimate investment into their long-term success, including bringing viable vehicle choices to market ASAP, ultimately reducing the dependency on lithium mining.
Hybrid cars? Go for it. Pure electric? Not if it gets cold where you live.

Jay (not verified)    December 5, 2024 - 3:34AM

How estly anyone that thinks an electric vehicle is safe in western or northern Canada is safe is a fool. Stuck on the ring road in Calgary or Edmonton due to a multi car pile up when it is -20°C or lower just running thw heater to keep warm...well what do you have 2 or 3 hours of heat. Or imagine being caught on the transcanada in Manitoba or Saskatchewan stuck between 2 cities hours away.

At least a gasoline vehicle with a full tank has over 24 hours giving heat. Full electric unless you Liv in a 15 minute city and that suits you life style and career great. Hybrid is really the only technology that ould be the direction.

Marlin (not verified)    December 5, 2024 - 5:47AM

My old chevy tahoe 167,000 miles started just fine and all system work great in this same weather. 😂 ps - sorry Tesla owners, its not for sale. Best vehicle ever.

D. Alcombrack (not verified)    December 5, 2024 - 2:25PM

Just looking at Elon Musk and hear him speak you can tell he is not trustworthy and what is known as a snake oil salesman. The Cybertrunk is just one example. Can't understand why people keep giving their money to him !

Dan (not verified)    December 5, 2024 - 7:30PM

Why would anyone, especially from Alberta, buy this crap for this much money?!? He got what he deserved. Be clever, go gasoline and diesel, forget BEV and FCEV. Btw, I am an engineer.

Craig (not verified)    December 6, 2024 - 2:16AM

Me personally I think that Tesla cybertruck is the biggest piece of crap on the planet. I hear of plenty of people having nothing but problems with them. Some people getting the vehicle dead on delivery. Numerous problems with the inverters among other things. I wouldn't want one of those pieces of junk for free. I think anybody who buys a cyber truck needs there head checked out but that's just me. Too bad they didn't make that cybertruck gas powered.⛽

Badwolf (not verified)    December 6, 2024 - 6:14AM

Yet another Cybercuck forced to swallow Elons load, both of them smiling the whole time.

You have to be some kind of miserable, less than well endowed loser to even want this ugly thing. Who tf wakes up and decides they want to drive a *Rhombus*?

"Oh man, you know what would really tell people I'm the king of the road? What would really exude "cool"? A Rhombus.

It's like the Corvette of the 21st century, reserved for tryhards blessed with money and a rare genetic condition called micropeen.

Anyone who owns a cyber truck, I promise none of us are looking onwards in envy or awe as you pass. We're laughing at the tryhard who was willing to pay 100k+ to say "LOOK AT ME EVERYONE, I HAVE VALUE"

Yes, at a comedy show as cuck of the month.

Steve B (not verified)    December 6, 2024 - 10:29AM

I always thought that the Cybertruck looked like design coughed up by a 10 year old with a crayon and a ruler.

I saw one for the first time on the road here in the interior of British Columbia. I paced it down the road for about 5 minutes.

It looks even more ungainly, boxy and childish in person. I think the 10 year old went on to build a model out of U-Haul moving boxes and duct tape.

The driver appeared to be trying to hide behind the B pillar.

Who cares (not verified)    December 6, 2024 - 12:10PM

One day people might finally understand that cybertrucks are not cars, but merely car shaped objects. Until then we get to enjoy idiots reaping what they've sown :)

Alex Paylor (not verified)    December 6, 2024 - 1:20PM

Still looked awesome on the tow truck? Well, cannabis is legal in Canada, but this guy needs to limit his intake. This truck is the ugliest thing on four wheels and the only thing that would make it look awesome is a couple of sticks of dynamite.

Steve (not verified)    December 6, 2024 - 5:28PM

$165,000 brick. Way to go Tesla personally I have no use for an electric vehicle. And as the Tesla truck has had a lot of problems Op was stupid for buying one before doing any research on the electric trucks. Or just pay attention and you'll notice that people are having a problem with the things.

Gopher (not verified)    December 7, 2024 - 11:24AM

Well, can't blame anyone but himself. Seems to be a common issue w CT. Yet...he went and bought it anyway. You can fool some of the people some it the time. 🤔

ByUrOwn clunkr (not verified)    December 7, 2024 - 12:26PM

Well you get what U pay for. Since the technology is to run these off of a lot of batteries instead of a motor that doesn't need batteries except to start it. For cold weather you could bash a battery or 2 so it can ignite to warm up the entire vehicle.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

B (not verified)    December 7, 2024 - 1:21PM

Although we want to believe electric is the wave of the future believing and reality are two vastly different realms. I do not have the answers for our planets energy concerns. I do know the technology we posses currently does not support this belief. Elon Musk's stolen or bought technology, depending on who you believe, fails without the science to support it. And will continue to fail until we develop a way to produce (large usable quantities of) and store electricity.