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New Cybertruck Owner Asks If It Is Okay to Transport His Dog in The Cargo Bed During a Long Trip

Is the Tesla Cybertruck cargo bed safe for putting the family dog into for any trip, regardless of how long or short the trip? Here is what the law and dog owners have to say about it.

According to a recent post in the Cybertruck Owners Club Forum, Austin, a first-time new Cybertruck owner awaiting delivery of his CT, wants to know if it is okay to put his dog in the cargo bed with the tonneau partially closed during a long trip.

I'm wondering if it's a good or bad idea to have your dog in the back with the tonneau cover slightly closed. My dog is about 50 lbs.

I'm imagining having a gate close off half of the bed, and closing the tonneau cover over the front half so she's enclosed in back there. Throwing in a soft pad for her to lay on. And then packing luggage or whatever in the back half and strapping it down.

We will have 2 car seats in the cab, so I'm trying to think of a creative solution for the furry friend. Any thoughts from owners?

The first few responses to this question ranged from disbelief to concerns about the dog's safety based on:

  1. The abrupt acceleration of the Cybertruck could jettison a pet out of the vehicle or cause injury when leashed to the back.
  2. The complete closing of the Tonneau cover results in poor air circulation and a dark and potentially frightening environment for a pet.
  3. Even one response envisions the situation of "…idiot 'bubbas' keeping their dogs in the back of their pickups," but he points out that he is in agreement with the recommendation of secure kennel crates in the back as the better alternative.

However, even under the best of circumstances, he rightfully also points out a view that even non-Cybertruck owners hold when it comes to pets riding in the back of any vehicle:

Other users have pointed out the downsides of doing this―Airflow (what is it when the cover is partially open), temperature, acoustics, lighting, cargo shift, etc. It seems cruel to me treating what most of us see as family members as cargo. Regardless of those points or state/local legalities, securing dogs in a crate or inside the cab is safest for both the pet and other drivers.

Unfortunately, driving around with a dog in the cargo area of their truck is not limited to "Bubba" truck owners, as shown in this video:

Dog Rides in Back of Cybertruck


What The Law Says About Pets in The Back of Trucks

It does not take much looking to find numerous examples of outrage over pet fatalities related to riding in the back of a vehicle.

Reddit posts on social media not linked to the Cybertruck question, in particular, reveal that dog owners witness numerous on-the-road experiences with pets hurt riding unrestrained freestyle in the back or while leashed, with fatal consequences.

Watched a large lab get ejected from a truck then get obliterated by cars tailgating on EB 50 this morning. Please don't put your dogs in your truck bed, no one wants to watch that first thing in the morning. The worst part is, I don't think the owner even noticed.

My dad as well. His buddy put his dog in the back of my dad's truck and tied him up. Tried to jump out of the bed and strangled himself.

If you put your pup in your truck bed, you do not deserve to have that pup.

In short, many pet owners are outraged by anyone transporting their pet outside of their vehicle's cabin.

Related article: Ford Rear Occupant Alert Video Highlights Summer Dangers for Children and Pets

According to a summary posted concerning the California Law Vehicle Code. Division 11. Rules of the Road. Chapter 12. Public Offenses. Article 1. Driving Offenses. § 23117. Transportation of animals; enclosure or restraint requirements:

"This California law prohibits any person from transporting any animal in the open back of a vehicle on a highway unless the vehicle has sides that extend 46" vertically, or the animal is secured in a cage and cross-tethered to prevent it from jumping out of the vehicle. The law targets the transporting of dogs in the back of pickup trucks. Exclusions include the transportation of livestock and farm dogs.

(a) No person driving a motor vehicle shall transport any animal in the back of the vehicle in a space intended for any load on the vehicle on a highway unless the space is enclosed or has side and tail racks to a height of at least 46 inches extending vertically from the floor, the vehicle has installed means of preventing the animal from being discharged, or the animal is cross tethered to the vehicle, or is protected by a secured container or cage, in a manner which will prevent the animal from being thrown, falling, or jumping from the vehicle.

(b) This section does not apply to any of the following:

(1) The transportation of livestock.

(2) The transportation of a dog whose owner either owns or is employed by a ranching or farming operation who is traveling on a road in a rural area or who is traveling to and from a livestock auction.

(3) The transportation of a dog for purposes associated with ranching or farming.

And It's Not Just in California:

A recent news report this year states that Pennsylvania lawmakers are looking to create legislation to ban dog owners from transporting dogs in the back of their vehicles:

Proposed Bill Bans Dogs from Riding in Truck Beds


Cybertruck Owner Solutions

To cover all of the salient concerns of safety and comfort for pets, one Cybertruck recently owner explained and shows what he does to address this problem with his Golden Retriever and how the Cybertrucks' features make it better for his pet:

I have done it with my Golden Retriever, and she has been totally fine, never for longer than 1.5 hrs. I use a Ruffwear harness with a centered cable strap. Any gear goes in front of the Tesla divider which creates a kennel-like space, she's got plush towels and a blanket underneath her, and ample room, about a third of the bed all to herself. I drive in chill mode to avoid any quick acceleration.

Cybertruck Owner Cares for HIs Dog's Safety with These Measures


However, he also points out that training-conditioning is important to ensure that any dog is happy with the setup and that this may depend largely on the dog as well.

Recently took a trip with family and with three kids all in car seats in the back there was no room for her in the cabin, but we still took her along on the trip since it was a dog-friendly hotel; she does great in the bed, but I've trained her for it. You just need a couple of the right things to ensure the dog is safe and secure. I ensure the cable is connected to the furthest anchor points, it keeps her underneath the highest part of the tonneau, so I'm able to close it safely knowing her head stays below it and she's comfortable. It's great knowing she's safe back there and covered from the constant wind, something unique to the Cybertruck.

What Are You Thoughts and Experiences with Dogs Riding in the Cargo Bed

Do you agree that as long as Cybertruck dog owners use the same level of safety as the aforementioned Cybertruck owner's solution, which he shared, that it is okay and the way it should be done? Or do you see a problem with it and have an even better solution to the problem?

Aside from how it is done, do you believe the Cybertruck is safe or unsafe for this and is really any different from a traditional truck or in the back of a SUV when it comes to transporting pets?

Please let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati who currently researches and works on restoring older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. He also reports on modern cars (including EVs) with a focus on DIY mechanics, buying and using tools, and other related topical automotive repair news. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites as well as on Facebook and his automotive blog "Zen and the Art of DIY Car Repair" for useful daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.

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Terok Nor (not verified)    March 6, 2025 - 10:57AM

As someone who works with animals professionally, you should never put your pet in a place where you would not put an equally sized child. Pets and children are never safe in uncovered vehicles, and given the CT's problem with bricking and locking up, you could potentially be trapping your pet inside with no way to get them out. Plus, it's a metal box of either bare metal or metal painted black. When the sun hits it, it becomes an OVEN. Even when you are driving. Just don't do it. If you can't carry your pet in your cab, then board them or hire a professional sitter to care for them while you are gone.

Timothy Boyer    March 9, 2025 - 9:23PM

In reply to by Terok Nor (not verified)

All are good valid points. I would not do it with my dog. It's just not worth the risk of unintentionally causing suffering. The problem I see, however, is that there are videos of owners of Tesla sedans leaving their dogs behind inside the car, and say it is ok as long as they can control the environmental controls and visually monitor their pets with their iPhone. However, will they do the same with their kids?! I hope not. If something can go wrong, it will.

Thank you for your experience-backed views.