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Why Honda Civic Si Seat comfort can be a challenge

Civic Si comes to market with what is arguably the most comfortable aggressively bolstered seat in the compact performance car segment. Yet some drivers find Civic Si to be downright painful. Can Civic Si’s seat be adjusted for extended drive comfort?

Honda engineering and design does a commendable job of accommodating a broad cross-section of body types. While the car manufacturers most often use the 6 foot 2 inch height maximum for cabin design, thanks to near infinite position adjust ability, a long seat track, and exceptional headroom, the taller, larger driver, can more often than not achieve a decent, relatively comfortable seating position in Civic Si coupe and sedan. I drive the backroads of Western Oregon in Civic Si.

The 10th generation Honda Civic lives large, approaching midsize in dimension, comfort and drive feel. Yet, Civic Si is a performance platformed club car with true racetrack tested components, tuned suspension, and cabin ergonomics. While Si is not a Civic Type-R, it is the quickest coupe and 4-door sedan in Honda’s lineup and comes complete with an aggressively bolstered driver’s and front passenger fabric covered bucket seat. This becomes problematic for those of us with broad hips, large of frame, or weighing in at more than a competitive jockey, Formula 1 driver size.

Civic Si’s stiffer suspension, tighter handling, turbo power, and a seat that holds

While the high bolstered seat can be problematic, Civic’s new found 10th generation lowered seating position also comes into play. As shared with Torque News by our friends at, the lowered seating position effectively changes the angle of the leg and knee in relative position to butt and lower torso. In my case, with the seat adjusted to the far back position, I’m having to reach far forward for the steering wheel, while in the case of Civic Si, handling the manual shifting duties. This can and does result in leg, lower back, and neck strain. After experiencing Civic Si, I wasn’t convinced that I needed this car.

After a day or two behind the wheel of 2017 Civic Si, I found the perfect seat setting, or as close as my 6 foot, 5 inch, 230 lb frame can come to it. Adjust the seat as you will, Honda Si is not the perfect compact performance offering for all drivers, although I’ve yet to find a better bargain in the segment.

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Dustin (not verified)    December 11, 2017 - 4:02PM

When I️ had my Civic it hurt my back and butt, also the thigh support was terrible. I’ve never had such an uncomfortable seat. My current vehicle has lumbar and a thigh extender that I love and could drive for MILES with no pain or comfort issues.

Tommy (not verified)    December 11, 2017 - 4:03PM

Seats in my ex's Civic sometimes hurt my lower back but my real complaint (had this problem with every vehicle I have owned except my ford escape) is that my right knee hits the dash/trans tunnel.

Jack (not verified)    December 11, 2017 - 4:04PM

I don't have an Civic Si, but I have problems getting comfortable in my EX-T seat that I didn't have in my '08 EX.

Parks McCants    December 11, 2017 - 5:38PM

In reply to by Jack (not verified)

Good point Jack. Honda redesigned the lower and wider 10th generation with what they refer to as a "one with the car" lower seating position. I like the visual forward, but getting in and out of the seat, as well as the hip-point can be problematic for some drivers.

Topher (not verified)    February 15, 2018 - 3:34PM

Late to the party...

My 2018 Si's seats are killing me. 6'4, 220, I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny. I have yet to find a comfortable seating position - those bolsters make it extremely difficult to get comfortable on my 90 minute commute. And after about 30 minutes, I start fidgeting pretty bad.

I love the car, but man, those seats....

Parks McCants    February 15, 2018 - 9:01PM

In reply to by Topher (not verified)

Welcome Topher. You and I are the same size. I have to admit, although I've made the Si seats work in a dive review and at the track, the fit is not perfect. However, in talking with other sport compact drivers, they may be the best in the segment. I believe it is possible to change out your seats for less aggressive bolstering. Talk to your friendly Honda dealer for advice . Thanks for your comment, keep us posted. P.

JSMSKS (not verified)    May 18, 2018 - 8:06AM

You drive and wear a good sports car. Getting a good fit is like buying a good pair of shoes. Many wonderful cars just don’t fit me as well as others. Proper fit for my body type and good driving dynamics are what I look for.