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Tesla To Allow Independent European Body Shopw To Provide Official Tesla Service

Tesla will now license and authorize European independent body shops as official Service Centers if they meet the following 3 requirements.

Eva Fox from the reports how independent repairers in Europe can now be officially licensed by Tesla to serve as Tesla Centers.

To become a Tesla Official Authorized Service Center and gain free account access, independent repairers must complete the certification program. Tesla offers training for technicians and repair shops interested in working with Tesla vehicles.

Training Requirements

Tesla's goal is to provide body shops with the training, procedures, parts, and tools to return the car to its originally-engineered state of safety, performance, and aesthetics, in an easy and economical manner.

Tooling Requirements
Tesla provides a master list of required tooling for Tesla-certified shops in order to begin repairs on its vehicles.

Operating Requirements
Operating standards ensure repairers return Tesla vehicles to their originally designed state of safety, provide repair methods and resources that shorten the time the customer is without their car, and to make repair procedures, and the requirements to perform them correctly and affordably.

Independent repairers can gain access to repair and maintenance information including service manuals, service documents, wiring diagrams parts information, hardware tools, and diagnostic software tools.

We hope that Tesla may soon office this option worldwide and as Torque News Tesla reporter Paul Fosse reporters, Tesla should license independent body shop owners in the United States to improve the reputation and service at its Service Centers and meet the expectations of mainstream car buyers.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.