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Breaking Tesla News Includes Free Supercharging, Elon's Cousin, Consumer Reports Math

This week's Tesla News has updates for those that enjoy free Supercharging, a status report on Elon Musk's cousin, and the final verdict on Tesla's solar roof calculator.

This week's breaking Tesla News From Alex Guberman and Everything Tesla is sure to bring a smile to the roughly 12,000 new Tesla owners in the U.S. who bought a new Model S or Model X in 2017. Tesla is reversing the earlier decision to include these owners in the second class owners' group that do not enjoy free Supercharging for life, Tesla has announced they will, in fact, enjoy free Supercharging. As it stands now, only Model 3 owners will become second-class Tesla owners.

Tesla has an update on the employment status of Elon Musk's cousin, the now former CEO of Solar City. The latest word is that he is out and will do something new "sometime next year."

Tesla also is pleased to be in agreement with Consumer Reports on how much a solar roof from Solar City will cost or save an owner. This is a topic that was much debated on both the Consumer Reports Facebook page and the Tesla Model S Owners Club page. Many who did the calculations found the payback for a solar roof in energy savings was 40+ years. For others, the savings came quicker. The refreshing news for everyone is that the fuzzy math that did not add up when Tesla first created its cost calculator for the Model S has been put to bed.

Alex concludes the weekly news with a stock update. Has the upturn in stock prices run into a second week, or has the stock declined? Watch the video and see.