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Tesla Tells Model Y Reservation Holder Giga Berlin May Deliver Earlier

Tesla could be expecting to deliver the Model Y electric crossover from Giga Berlin earlier than expected, according to some reservation holders.

While production of the Tesla Model Y in the Gigafactory in Grünheide is expected to start in July 2021, one pre-orderer reported a different time frame.

The construction site of the Gigafactory four in Grünheide, Brandenburg, is in full swing. Production should start in the middle of next year. At least that was the current state of planning that was communicated publicly.

Torque News guest EV reporter Dean McManis comments, writing, "It is always good for Tesla to project deliveries way out in the future for Giga Berlin and Giga Texas, because they cannot foresee problems in construction and permitting. But now that the construction in Giga Berlin construction is progressing so well, Tesla has more confidence in earlier deliveries. This is good news if it proves to be true."

Pre-orderers of Model Y (to be delivered from Tesla Giga Berlin) are given an amazing delivery time.

On Tuesday, a Dutch buyer of a Tesla Model Y had a question about his order and picked up the phone to call Tesla. There he received the information that his vehicle was being built in the Gigafactory Grünheide, which Tesla calls Giga Berlin, and that delivery is planned for the first or second quarter. In response to the Dutchman's puzzling question about the delivery date, the Tesla employee explained that they had just received an update on the construction progress. Teslarati reports.

Of course, Tesla has not officially commented on this question. So will the Tesla Model Y actually reach the first buyers in the first half of next year?

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.