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Tesla Weibo Announces It Will Accept Pre-Order of the Made in China Model 3

Tesla weibo announcement of Model 3 preorders in China

Tesla just announced from its official Weibo that it will accept pre-order of the Made in China Model 3. I question why Tesla is making this announcement now. It may certainly damage the Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 sales because some people would rather wait for a cheaper and made-in-China version rather than purchasing their Model 3 now. It looks like the the made-in-China Model 3 preorder date is set May 31, 2019.

UPDATE: Tesla Announces Made In China Model 3 Price and Specs

There is no hint on deposit amount or production time frames. We will report it once we know it.

Think of it this way. These are pre-orders from a plant that is unfinished yet. No equipment, no production. In my opinion, this is not going to help with sales before production begins. I wonder what the demand looks like today?

Tesla will make a big announcement on the subject on May 31 and until then asked the followers and enthusiasts to guess what the price of the made-in-China Model 3 will be. I expect the May 31st announcement to be about the pricing and availability of the Model 3 made in China, but I hope that Tesla will also share a little more and have a different version of pricing for the Chinese market, which is overcrowded by EVs. Yesterday we reported, that according to Bloomberg, Tesla Model 3 made in China is expected to start at $43,400 dollars.

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Armen Hareyan is the editor of Torque News and you can follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

Torque News thanks Twitter user Vincent, who tweets on Tesla for this tip. If you have car news tips, please send them to us.