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Tesla Cybertruck Owners Propose: “Jeep Owners Leave Rubber Ducks on Each Other’s Vehicles; It’s Time to Start a Similar Tradition” – Movement Started After a Tesla Fan Was Caught on Sentry Camera Leaving Hot Wheels on Cybertrucks

Tesla Cybertruck owners suggest starting a new tradition akin to that of Jeep owners, who place rubber ducks on each other's vehicles to express appreciation. This idea began when a Tesla fan was spotted leaving Hot Wheels on Cybertrucks in parking lots.

Ryan Wycoff, a Cybertruck owner from Texas, initially felt uneasy when he saw that his Cybertruck’s sentry mode had been triggered while it was parked in an employee parking lot.

Given all the vandalism and anti-Tesla attacks, it’s not surprising that Ryan feared the worst. However, he says he was pleasantly surprised after watching the sentry footage.

Rather than a vandal, the person who triggered the Cybertruck’s Sentry camera is a Tesla fan.

This person approached Ryan’s Cybertruck to place a Hot Wheels Cybertruck on it as a show of support for the owner.

Ryan was definitely pleased with what he saw and he shared the story in the Tesla Cybertruck group on Facebook.

Here is what he wrote…

“So I got back from a four-day trip today, only to find that the sentry mode on my truck was activated in the employee lot.

Upon further review, I found that a big Cybertruck fan had left me a present on my tire—a Hot Wheels Cybertruck model!”

Below his post, Ryan included a video taken by his Cybertruck’s sentry camera.

As you can see below, a young man can be seen approaching a Cybertruck in a parking lot.

The guy approaches the vehicle, waves at the sentry camera, and holds up a Hot Wheels Cybertruck model in his hands.

He then signals that he’s leaving the Hot Wheels Cybertruck on the real Cybertruck fender, gives the camera a thumbs up, and simply leaves.

Given all the negativity surrounding Tesla and the Cybertruck, the owner was certainly pleased with this show of support. Looking at the comments, other Cybertruck owners also expressed their happiness and praised the young man for his actions.

A fellow Cybertruck owner, Joshua Cervini writes…

“Finally some positive Sentry footage for a change 👌🏻”

Another Cybertruck owner Manny Rodriguez adds…

“I was expecting acts of vandalism. Pleasantly surprised. Cool of that kid to do. I hope he gets a Cybertruck.”

A fellow Cybertruck owner, Marlon Valle, suggested that Elon Musk should be informed about this young man’s action writing...

“Put it on X and tag Elon Musk!”

Other Cybertruck owners go so far as to suggest that this young man deserves to be famous, and some suggested tracking him down to be able to send him money.

A fellow Cybertruck owner, Casey Bolen, writes..

“Friggin track this guy down and send him money!”

Overall, it would be an understatement to say that Cybertruck owners were happy with the young guys' actions.

They were actually so pleased that, following his footsteps, fellow Cybertruck owners suggested starting a similar trend where they leave Hot Wheels Cybertrucks to show support for other owners.

A Fellow Cybertruck owner, JD Snead, writes…

“Maybe all Cybertruck supporters should start leaving these on Cybertrucks!

Like the Jeep people leave rubber ducks!

What about it people!?”

JD shares this story on the Cybertruck Owners Club forum, where he expands on his idea and writes…

“The Jeep people leave rubber ducks on each other’s Jeeps as a sign of appreciation.

Should we all start leaving Cybertruck Hot Wheels to show our support for Cybertrucks?

I know I’m going to start!”

Cybertruck owners on Facebook were enthusiastic about this idea; however, Tesla fans in the Cybertruck Owners Club forum were surprisingly dismissive of it.

One Cybertruck owner, Jeff says, no matter the intention, he doesn’t want random people touching his truck.

He writes…

“Yeah, no.

Last thing I want is strangers messing with my truck, regardless of how enthused they might be.”

This is an interesting point; however, please let me know what you think in the comments. Share your ideas by clicking the “Add new comment” button below. Also, make sure to visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

For more information, check out: Tesla Fans Are Celebrating the Growing Anti-Tesla Sentiment as More & More Tesla Owners Dump Their Teslas at a Huge Loss – One Tesla Buyer Says “I Can’t Wait to Score a Deal on a Cybertruck”

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


Patrick January (not verified)    March 15, 2025 - 4:40PM

I'm not a cyber truck owner, but this story is absolutely awesome. Look at how many people enjoyed this random act from the individual.
Should call him "The Hot Wheel Kid".

Keith Oelrich (not verified)    March 15, 2025 - 8:50PM

This is a Hot Wheels/diecast collector's activity. This is a R.O.A.K. (Random Act Of Kindness) where a collector admiring a 1:1 scale vehicle of their hobby wants to share enthusiasm with someone who owns the real thing. It could bring a little light it to someone's day.

Sd (not verified)    March 15, 2025 - 9:21PM

What a bunch of dorks! Tesla Dorks just like jeep dorks. The worst part is they both think they are cool. Ugh can't stand it when Tesla dorks talk about how quick their cars are, ALL electric cars are quick. It's so funny because you know they had shitty cars before and now they want to be part of something. Jeep dorks rake their doors off please put them back on your are not cool nor do you look good. When was the last time you saw a jeep dork with the doors off that you wanted to look at.

Jonny (not verified)    March 15, 2025 - 9:58PM

Anyone who owns anything from tesla will soon be regretting that purchase.They will all be torched sooner or later.

Melissa Smith (not verified)    March 16, 2025 - 6:42AM

Cyber trucks aren't always available! They only have been out limited times so putting them on each others isn't really doable unless you pay $20 each off other collectors.or scalpers!

Just Me (not verified)    March 16, 2025 - 11:11AM

They could try being original. And maybe the guy that placed the toy car doesn’t want public acknowledgement given the anti-Tesla movement. Won’t be me supporting Musk.

Anonymous8 (not verified)    March 16, 2025 - 3:57PM

The Cybertruck was hawked so bad by Elon, it became synonymous with him and that's why people been treating them badly. They're taking their angry out on Teslas, especially the Cybertruck, because they represent Elon and they have no way of torturing the man themselves. I'm a car enthusiast, and as much as I hate the man behind Tesla's success, I'm not about to defile Tesla cars.

Rachel Sue Hopkins (not verified)    March 17, 2025 - 3:33PM

Buy the kid a cybertruck everyone who wants to make the kid famous or send him money just get the kid a truck! Pool the money together witg Elon Musk so that way nobodys getting robbed.
As far as Jeeps go being a former owner i hate the duck concept myself Jeep owners already had a thing it was the Jeep wave.

AndersonNetwork (not verified)    March 17, 2025 - 4:41PM

Elon’s team must have started this story. He’s trying to get Tesla owners happy about their purchase. It’s not working. I have a 2023 Model 3 and 2024 Model Y which I purchased BEFORE Musk went crazy. Now I want to remove the Tesla emblems because of my disgust for him. I’m buried in the loans, so can’t trade-in for another make. Teslas have lost their value quickly due to that fool! Ugh! No little toy is going to change this. At this point, Musk would have to leave Tesla altogether, to help restore its value. No more Teslas for me!

Master cylinder (not verified)    March 18, 2025 - 9:18AM

They should leave penis extenders. It acknowledges the broke dick most associated with cybertrucks and is probably useful to most of the drivers.

ODB (not verified)    March 18, 2025 - 1:42PM

I really don't like the Cybertruck - but vehicles can be very personal so I try not to.offend those that have them...just like I don't want people offending me over what I drive. (Years ago a passerby said my Scion Xb was ugly like a toaster) SO - I might just buy a few of those Hot Wheels and (carefully) put them on Cybertrucks I come across - the world needs more love and humor now, not more division!

Scott E (not verified)    March 19, 2025 - 1:18AM

Great..... Jeep owners already look like a bunch of dumazz dbags with these stupid looking lame squeaky ducks in their windshield , now promoting another generation of douchbagery. Thank you.

TomBo (not verified)    March 19, 2025 - 7:43AM

Little rubber ducks on Jeeps stay put on the vehicles dashboard. The last thing you want for a safe driving experience is 15 HotWheels rolling around on your dash, when to take hard corners, and accelerate fiercely.
Please consider cutting the wheels off, or possibly hot gluing to the dash, those trinkets of admiration.