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What Real MPG Are Toyota RAV4 Hybrid Owners Getting Out Of Their Cars

There is lots of talk about the new 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid's MPG. But what MPG do hybrid owners get in the real world? This is what the owners of the Toyota RAV4 Hybrid are discussing in this story.

By now, we all know that the Toyota RAV4 Hybrid is one of the best hybrid SUVs if not the best hybrid SUV on the market today. It's spacious, safe, pretty posh, and comes in a variety of colors. Car and driver give the 2022 Toyota RAV4 an 8.5/10 rating.

However, a question recently rose on the Toyota RAV4 Hybrid group on Facebook about the true MPG of the 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid. Alexander Didriksen asked, “What kind of real-world mpg or L/100km are you getting out of this (2022 Toyota RAV4 hybrid) car?” Here’s what a few of the other owners said.

Dan Ashey said, “43 mpg here in South Florida year-round. The terrain is all flat, but the temperature goes from pleasant to surface of the sun.”

What Real MPG Are Toyota RAV4 Hybrid Owners Getting Out Of Their Cars

A car’s MPG depends on a lot of things. Most of it is engine efficiency but the rest are things like the terrain, the weather, tire pressure, exhaust backpressure, how high or low the car is, and what fuel the car uses. The 2022 Toyota RAV4 hybrid is an SUV, a quiet SUV, and can handle some uneasy terrain because of its ground clearance.

However, you are more likely to get the rated MPG if you stick to the highway and smooth terrain. Here’s what a few other 2022 Toyota RAV4 owners said about their MPG.

Phillip Auberzinsky, another owner said, “I’ve owned my car since October so with cold weather I’ve averaged 44mpg since I have owned it but with it getting warmer here now, I’m getting 48-49mpg.”

So, it seems that most owners get the rated MPG on their Toyota RAV4 Hybrid. Mind you, some owners have the 2021 model while others might have 2020. The majority average for highway drivers is around 38-40mpg. If you decide to take your 2022 Toyota Hybrid offroad, it may decrease the MPG, but it is still significantly better than most other SUVs on the market.

Here’s an interesting response. Angie Hamilton also responded to the question by saying, “I’m in Tennessee. I get 32-35 usually. I’m a lead foot…am I live on a ridge that I have to pull on my commute.”

Basically, your 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid’s real-world MPG really depends on where and how you drive it. Mountainous region drivers are going to get low thirties while a highway driver in Texas will get high forties. If you live in a densely populated city, I suggest getting the RAV4 Prime so you could drive the stop-and-go traffic on the EV charge.

My 2012 Prius gets about an average of 47mpg on my 15-minute daily commute. The road I take is on somewhat of a hill and is curvy. Toyota’s hybrid drivetrains do a great job at adapting to the terrain and making changes so that you still get the optimal MPG.

So as far as the real-world MPG on your 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid, anywhere from low thirties for non-flat road drivers to high forties for highways drivers.

What do you think? What is your daily MPG on your hybrid? Let us know in the comments below.

Harutiun Hareyan is reporting Toyota news at Torque News. His automotive interests and vast experience test-riding new cars give his stories a sense of authenticity and unique insights. Follow Harutiun on Twitter at @HareyanHarutiun for daily Toyota news.


Paul (not verified)    April 27, 2022 - 9:17PM

My Rav4 Hybrid got 46 mpg overall during the one year I owned it and I drive like I'm on a race track all day. Taking it nice and easy, I was able to get 73.4 miles per gallon. I live in upstate NY and have a mountainous 37 mile commute one way to work. My Rav4 Prime actually gets worse mpg in hybrid mode than the actual Rav4 Hybrid did but I guess that's normal since it weighs more than 1000 lbs more. The Prime is rated at 94 mpgE, but again, I drive it like a race car all the time so I am averaging 49.9 mpg currently over 40,000 miles. I should note that I am only able to commute to work in EV mode as my workplace does not have charging available so I am returning in Hybrid mode only.

Leanna S. (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 12:38AM

I bought my 2021 Rav4 Hybrid XSE with 15k miles on it about 7 weeks ago. I have gotten 47 to 50.4 mpg in Portland, OR. I'm so amazed!

John Henry (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 12:50AM

On a 100km trip with no luggage, no passengers, cruise control not used,monitoring relevant gauges for fuel efficiency and harvesting of the battery level and trying to stay on 100kmh through hill sections ( but sometimes exceeding 100 downhill with foot off the throttle),the best I have achieved is 4.2L per 100km.The same journey with the same load with cruise control on, the best result was 4.6L per 100km.The same journey with a passenger and full load in the luggage space with cruise control mostly on was 5.2L per 100km.A five kilometre drive to town l am getting 5.3 L per 100km on average.The vehicle has 3500km on the odometer.

Mr X (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 1:40AM

I live in the UK and have a late 2021 model and my average mpg is 47.9 and I have a heavy foot. This is a fantastic vehicle

patrick (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 8:06AM

my 2022 Venza says 39.5 mpg right now over the last 600 miles. During the break-in period in winter it was getting 34mpg. I am driving in ECO and in little old lady style.

Illa Taylor (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 9:44AM

We live in a highly populated city in Florida and on daily commutes, we get 41 to 42 mpg on our 2020 rav4 hybrid

Peter Gerrard (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 9:44AM

What about problems with the high voltage wire harness connector reported in Ontario and Quebec (Canada)?
Deterioration to the connector after warranty is costing $4K to $6K CDN to fix. Could be a Northern Climate (road salt) problem but any comments?
Any Stateside comments?

Donald Bergeron (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 10:07AM

I have a 2021 RAV4 XLE Premium. It has been in service in general and some long haul use and is getting 40.2mpg. 20000 miles and a nine miles over limit driver.

Tony (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 11:12AM

2020 and at 49.5 after 15,000+ miles. But I work at it. Make it a game to see how high I can get. Mileage definitely goes down in the winter when it's cold.

Mark (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 12:08PM

2021 Rav4 Hybrid XLE and live in Iowa
We get 37-38 in town.
1800 mi trips to CA:
37 in April, 27 in Jan with headwinds, 32 on return trip
Cold definitely affects mpg

Rob Mcneil (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 12:11PM

So far the best we can get with our 2022 RAV4 hybrid limited is 36mpg. We do live in eastern Oregon lots of hills and mountains. Most of the time it's more like 29mpg.

Robert (not verified)    May 22, 2022 - 10:58PM

In reply to by Rob Mcneil (not verified)

Hello I also live in eastern Oregon near Lagrande. I was think about buy a 2022 Rav4 hybrid. We only drive about 10 to 15 miles a day at best. If we drive to Cove or Union that will bump it up to 30miles but i’m curious do you need to drive certain miles per day to make the hybrid work best. Thanks in advance Robert.

Robert (not verified)    May 22, 2022 - 11:41PM

In reply to by Rob Mcneil (not verified)

Rob, I live too live in eastern Oregon just outside of Lagrande Oregon. I was thinking about buying a 2022 Rav4 hybrid but was worried that my fuel mileage would not be what Toyota said it should be. Some days I only drive about 10 miles a day. When we need to go to Boise for Costco I’m sure the mileage would be closer to what Toyota said. So I’m on the fence seeing your fuel mileage of about 29 and living in the same neck of the woods. Any suggestions. Thanks in advance Robert

Chris (not verified)    April 28, 2022 - 11:46PM

2019 Rav4 Hybrid AWD.(constantly loaded at max with kids/stuff.) Winter months 38mpg+. Warmer temps 42mpg+. Love mine!!!

Cindy K. (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 12:26AM

I have a 2018 RAV4 Hybrid XLE. Ang get a consistent 29 MPG. I live in Delaware, where it's rather fast & I drive all local miles. Always drive on ECO mode too. My Dad gets better mileage on his older non-hybrid Subaru Forrester!

Dave jones (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 7:24AM

What an actual bag of crap. My vw golf gti gets 45 on a straight flat road lol. Hybrid a waste of time, thanks for destroying the planet losers

Barbara (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 10:33AM

I have a 2019 Rave4 hybrid and we get 42-44. We live in Tennessee and between mountain ridges. We heard of hyperdrive and since we have been watch how we drive our MPG has gone from 35 to 44.

Jerry Haney (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 10:37AM

We live in Metropolitan Denver and have a weekend mountain house that we go to and our a 2019 RAV4 hybrid average is 36 to 38 mpg.

Michael Gage (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 10:46AM

I've owned my 2021 Rav4 since October. If you depress the gas pedal one hair at a time , my high has been 59.2 but regularly get 44 + . Depends on if I'm the only one driving or if both my wife and I drive.
It's not how fast or slow you go, it's how steady.

Paul Volltrauer (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 12:58PM

I bought a 2022 Rav4 XLE Hybrid in March of this year. I have 2555 miles on it. Totally my MGP is 47.9. I live in the Chicago area the roads I drive on are city streets and Expressways. I filled the tank today and I got 48.2 MPG. The last fill up I got 51.97 MPG. I try to stay in electric mode as much as I possibly can. Obviously I like the vehicle very much.

Sally (not verified)    November 15, 2022 - 9:05AM

In reply to by Paul Volltrauer (not verified)

Had the 2022 rav4 hybrid little more than a month getting between 48.3 to 48.7 mpg. I am still learning to drive it to get the most out of it. So far I love it and would recommend it highly

Michael J CHEEK (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 3:22PM

I have less than 500 miles on my 2022 RAV4 Hybrid and I am *averaging* 40.9 MPG. I realize it is barely broken in, but it has surpassed my expectations!

John Thurgood (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 5:34PM

UK 2020 RAF 4, I was getting between 55-65 mpg most I managed was 70 mpg
in the winter it went down to 45mpg , I received my RAF4 plug in begin of March 2022 and use no petrol.

John Wolfe (not verified)    April 29, 2022 - 10:23PM

We live in the mountains of western North Carolina. 2021 RAV Hybrid getting 40.2 mpg.
Surrounded by mtns

Trevor (not verified)    April 30, 2022 - 8:22AM

My 2021 Rav4 Hybrid XLE Got a poor 32-35 in my first winter months of driving in Michigan. As the warmer Temps are starting to creep up, so is my mileage. Up to 37-39 now. Hoping summer returns sooner than later.

Kyle (not verified)    January 12, 2023 - 8:38AM

Well in the winter of the north I get 31mpg avg on this tank. I have to warm her up and my commute is short and straight up hill going in but almost all downhill on the way home. Drove from Colorado last week back to Michigan in the winter storm and had a ski rack with a snowboard. Avg was like 22mpg. Car was encapsulated in ice at a couple points creating a lot of drag and the roads were slushy for a good section. I’ve gotten 33mpg in the summer but that was pushing 85mph for a lot of the drive.