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Tesla Shows a New Image of Model Y at The 2018 Annual Shareholder Meeting

Here you can watch the live recording of Tesla's 2018 annual shareholder meeting in which Tesla showed a new image of model Y. Lots of investor eyes, Tesla owner eyes and Model 3 reservation holder eyes were on CEO Elon Musk who faced scrutiny at the shareholder meeting.

Watch the 2018 Tesla Shareholder Meeting here. The founder and CEO of Tesla Elon Musk may possibly lose his role in the company after the meeting with the investors.

According to RT despite the loud statements Tesla has not reached self-sufficiency. Shareholders year after year closed their eyes to all problems, but now the threat of bankruptcy forces them to take action. They, led by CtW Investment Group, believe that this is the right time for Tesla to change its leadership. The first most important question in their mind is can Tesla avoid running out of cache.

Another issue is the problem with Model 3 deliveries. Tesla collected hundreds of thousands of pre-orders for the Model 3 electric vehicle, but according to Techspot 23% of customers demanded an advance payment back.

This could be a serious problem for the company, as more than a third of Tesla's money was customer deposits, mainly for Model 3. Tesla is now paying more quickly than new deposits on Model 3.

Image by Alex Guberman of E for Electric who is at the Tesla Shareholder's Meeting and reporting live from there.

Tesla just showed a new image of Model Y at the shareholder meeting.

new image of tesla model y


Armen Hareyan    June 5, 2018 - 5:56PM

Elon is addressing the issue of safer employment environment and Tesla has significantly reduced the employee injury rate reaching 6 percent below the industry average. He says he really cares about this issue.

Armen Hareyan    June 5, 2018 - 5:57PM

Tesla has almost 10,000 superchargers worldwise. Next gen superchargers are coming. They are mostly finished in design and going to production soon. Announcement is hopefully this year.