We at Torque News have covered Tesla Motors and its vehicles since the beginning. We have had talented green-car advocates who covered the topic, as well as skeptics, and some who are not in either camp. We’d like to step aside for a moment and introduce a person who may be one of the most qualified people in America to report Tesla news, Alex Guberman.
Alex currently owns two Model S cars, and has had three total. He is a high tech industry veteran specializing in User Experience design, and all-around interesting guy who was an early adopter of the Model S back in the early production runs of 2012. So early, that he was the founder of the Facebook Tesla Model S Owners Club. The club has an active membership, respectful dialogue, and entertains topics and posts not always favorable to Tesla. If you think about it, allowing the fan-base and ownership to weigh in on such topics is a way to strengthen the brand.
Since Alex must approve every post, he is constantly reading and considering what the actual owners of Tesla cars feel most passionate about, and what their opinions are. As an owner, located in the heart of Tesla country in California, Alex walks the walk of a Tesla owner every day. When a new software update is announced, he sees it first-hand. He also knows what’s happening at the Supersharger network first-hand and he understands the economics of owning a Tesla Model S as well as anyone in the country.
Below is Alex’ first newscast. In the future we won’t preface his news with this long bio. We hope you enjoy this newscast, which Alex produced independent of Torqe News. We are simply highlighting what we think is an excellent new source of Tesla info. Follow Alex directly via Youtube, FB, or watch for updates here.
Welcome Aboard Alex!!
Welcome Aboard Alex!!
Just for clarification, Alex
In reply to Welcome Aboard Alex!! by Marc Stern
Just for clarification, Alex is not a member of Torque News at this time. See closing. Thanks.
Thanks for the clarification!
Thanks for the clarification! Alex is still a welcomed addition to the effort no matter what his role. :)
Thank you, Marc! I'm excited
Thank you, Marc! I'm excited to do the segment every week :-)
You are quite welcome ;)
You are quite welcome ;)