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I Bought a 2024 Ford F-150 Platinum and Someone Stole My Taillights, It Cost Over $3,000 For the Pair, and I Was the 6th Guy Into the Dealer That Day

Thieves are targeting the Ford F-150, but they aren’t stealing the trucks themselves; instead, they’re taking the taillights. Check out the story of a 2024 F-150 owner and what happened to his truck. Here’s what every Ford F-Series owner needs to know.   

The Ford F-150 is now being targeted by thieves for its taillights.

While researching the 2024 Ford F-150, I encountered a troubling report. In his TikTok video, Christopher Pearce (@thechristopherpearce) states that thieves are targeting Ford F-150 pickups for their taillights. He notes that Texas is a hotspot, but the issue is spreading nationwide. Here’s what Ford F-150 owners should know.

He says, 

"There's bad news for Ford F-150 owners. Your truck is becoming a big target for thieves because of a part for your truck that we had no idea was worth so much money."

He says that since September, thieves in the Houston, Texas, area have stolen over $92,000 worth of tail lights from Ford F-150 trucks. 

"These tail lights, I guess, are packed with expensive LED technology and backup sensors worth a lot of money," Christopher says.

To Replace the Tail lights is Expensive

The report says a replacement set for the taillights can cost between $2,500 and $6,000.

Here is the Worst Part

He says, "Locking your truck won't do anything about it. Thieves can pop a panel in the truck's tailgate, pull over to release the tailgate, unscrew your two tail lights in a couple of seconds, and be gone before you even come back out of the 7-11."

"It's gotten so bad that companies are now selling special mechanisms to lock in your tail lights so they can't be easily stolen. So, if you drive a Ford F-150 pickup, I definitely recommend you pick one of these up."

"Ford truck owners are dealing with this everywhere, but the one silver lining is it doesn't damage the truck too much, besides the missing lights and expense of replacing them."

"For example, the Porsche Taycan owners, on the other hand, are dealing with thieves cutting off part of the fender to get to the front lights to steal them, so that's much worse."  

A Theft Ring in Houston Targets Pricy F-150 Taillights

A report from Fox 26 Houston says a theft ring in Houston, TX, is targeting the Ford F-150. Three men were arrested: Sergio Sanfilippo, Jimmy Miller, and Jallel Faison, who were charged with one count of organized criminal activity. 

Webster, TX, police are investigating $92,000 worth of taillights stolen from 34 trucks. That's about $2,700 per set of taillights.  

The report says the thieves target the F-150, F-250, and F-350 pickup trucks.

Chief Pete Bacon says, "These are high-end LED taillights that have sensors in them so that when you put the truck in reverse, it shows an image of the rear view of the truck. These taillights have high-tech seniors, and that's why they are so valuable."

Chief Pete Bacon says the F-Series taillights can range from $5,000 up to $7500.  

Here is Another Personal F-150 Taillight Theft Story

Reddit user dgeniesse says,

"I came out and started backing up, but the backup camera didn't work. I went around and saw my tailgate was down. And someone had stolen my taillights Saturday night. On Monday at noon, I went to the local Ford to buy new lights." 

"I was the sixth guy so far that came in to replace his taillights. When I walked out with new lights, I saw two other trucks without taillights in the parking lot. Expensive for one and all."

dgeniesse says, "My truck was locked. It has a hard tonneau top, which they must have a tool for, allowing them access to the bed."

"From the open bed, they unscrewed a panel on the tailgate to pull a cord and drop the tailgate for taillight access. These guys came prepared. Note this was in a hotel parking lot that is patrolled."

"It costs $2800 for the pair to replace OEM from Ford. That's not counting the module for blind spot detection, which is on back order, he concludes."

Another Reddit user says,

Grand_Introduction36 says, "I work at Flint assembly (Chevy GMC HD trucks). The transport company that transports trucks to the rail yards has been removing the taillights from the new trucks before they get loaded on the rails. Chicago and Baltimore, I guess, are the biggest hot spots for stolen parts when they are in the rail yards." 

"The rail yards in Flint and Detroit, MI, have hired extra security to protect the big three from thefts. I heard the Ford lightning taillights are roughly $1900 for one. See, Toyota doesn't have that problem because all the new Tundras are parked due to the engines failing, so the demand goes down."

Final Thoughts and Questions For Ford F-150, F-250, and F-350 Owners

Given the high value of these taillights, it's likely that other thieves will target Ford F-Series trucks across the country. It's important to be aware of this risk and take necessary precautions. Remember, other trucks also have similar high-tech sensors in their taillights. 

Has Your Ford Truck Been Targeted?

Has your Ford F-150, F-250, or F-350 pickup been targeted, and have its taillights been stolen? If so, click the red Add New Comment link below and let us know.

Check out my Ford F-150 report titled; My Ford F-150 Has Lost So Much Value, $20K In Negative Equity Since Ford Decided to Tank the Brand Due to Reliability and Cutting Corners

I am Denis Flierl, a Senior Torque News Reporter since 2012. My 30+ year tenure in the automotive industry, initially in a consulting role with every major car brand and later as a freelance journalist test-driving new vehicles, has equipped me with a wealth of knowledge. I specialize in reporting the latest automotive news and providing expert analysis on Subaru, which you'll find here, ensuring that you, as a reader, are always well-informed and up-to-date. Follow me on my X SubaruReportAll Subaru, WRXSTI, @DenisFlierlFacebook, and Instagram.

Photo credit: Denis Flierl via Reddit user dgeniesse


Mike (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 3:48PM

Lmao. Exaggerate much? Those taillights are $850 each. Yeah, not cheap but a far cry from the $3000-$7500 for a pair as quoted multiple times in this stupid article. Whoever wrote this article…need to try again and stop lying.

Fark (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 7:17PM

In reply to by Mike (not verified)

You are an angry person on the internet I'm sorry that you're so sad that you have to be mean to people. We all know that it's tough to be as Superior as you and all of us including the guy that wrote the article are properly cowed and we bow down to you you are the master of the world and you will go around correcting everybody in the world that we might see the light!

Jason (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 8:20PM

In reply to by Mike (not verified)

Technology enhanced tail lights with sensors? Good lord. I broke my taillight on a tree on my 2021 Chevy hd 2500.the part was $38 shipped on eBay, came with the lights, housing and harness. Took about 7 minutes to swap it with the new one. These truck makers need to be more careful, there trucks are damn near unaffordable as it is. Your gonna have less buyers on their hands if they make insurance even .ore expensive than it already is. 5k for tail lights? GTFOH

Trey (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 8:58PM

In reply to by Mike (not verified)

You need to do better research before you get all high and mighty. On a Ford dealership website, one that's O N E tail light assembly cost 2k without the mass movement sensor. I didn't look up its' cost but doubt it's cheap. So yeah they aren't lying. Get your head out of your fourth point of contact. Ooo-rah

Bernie Ramirez (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 6:53PM

I had my 2019 Ford F150 King Ranch Broken into and they stole my taillights. Dealership told me they were $1500.00. This happened the week before Christmas while in San Antonio doing shopping, apparently there is also a design flaw with the driver door of the F150’s. If the doors are locked you can barely pull the driver side handle and it exposes the tumbler, they took pliers and pried the tumbler opening the truck and were able to drop my tailgate.

Chris Wielch (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 8:07PM

Someone selling tamper screws which most thieves won’t anticipate.
On the bright side , almost no other truck damage when this occurs.

Team Peackock (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 8:12PM

Literally just saw a tik tok about f150 tail light theft this morning. Apparently they’re a target because of the cost to replace them… Insane!!

Jackie (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 8:44PM

It's not just these taillights. Ford Motor Co. is ripping off the people who have been loyal throughout the history of Ford. And they give us nothing. Making a unit that is so easy to steal is just lining their pockets with gold. It's a win win situation for them. But it goes further than that. I went to Ford Motor Co.near me the other day to price a single visor for my passenger side window on a 2010 Ford Fusion hybrid. They wanted 600 bucks for that. Just the visor. I was getting dizzy and thought I was going to faint. They ought to have a couch
there when they give somebody a quote like that on a 2010
Visor. That's ludicrous. There ought to be rules about these things costing the public...the people thru bVe stood behind them in the past and and in the present for good or for bad and have to listen to all the Chevy jokes too you guys ought to be ashamed for what you're charging the public for simple things like this what if it were something I really needed for the car. You want my first born or what? We buy American because we believe in it. They should respect that. But they don't. They're too busy making cheap and easy to strL parts for their vehicles cuz whether they get stolen or not Ford knows it's Gonna make money off it cuz they designed it for that purpose. The only people making money besides Ford are the insurance companies that charging us a whole lot to replace it knowing that we have to have insurance because we can't afford the prices that Ford gives us in reality. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

Jackie (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 8:47PM

It's not just these taillights. Ford Motor Co. is ripping off the people who have been loyal throughout the history of Ford. And they give us nothing. Making a unit that is so easy to steal is just lining their pockets with gold. It's a win win situation for them. But it goes further than that. I went to Ford Motor Co.near me the other day to price a single visor for my passenger side window on a 2010 Ford Fusion hybrid. They wanted 600 bucks for that. Just the visor. I was getting dizzy and thought I was going to faint. They ought to have a couch
there when they give somebody a quote like that on a 2010
Visor. That's ludicrous. There ought to be rules about these things costing the public...the people thru bVe stood behind them in the past and and in the present for good or for bad and have to listen to all the Chevy jokes too you guys ought to be ashamed for what you're charging the public for simple things like this what if it were something I really needed for the car. You want my first born or what? We buy American because we believe in it. They should respect that. But they don't. They're too busy making cheap and easy to strL parts for their vehicles cuz whether they get stolen or not Ford knows it's Gonna make money off it cuz they designed it for that purpose. The only people making money besides Ford are the insurance companies that charging us a whole lot to replace it knowing that we have to have insurance because we can't afford the prices that Ford gives us in reality. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

Johnny Angel (not verified)    February 17, 2025 - 9:31PM

It Cost Over $3,000 For the Pair. That's why they steal them. One of those 5 guys ahead of you or even you yourself will pay to buy these same taillights back after a 3rd party Laundries them and sells them back into the system. You guys just keep paying 3k for each others stolen lights.