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Several Tesla Cybertruck Owners Share They Have Been Targets of “Anti-Elon Musk Hate Crimes” – Suggest Giving Each Other Elon Musk’s “My Heart Goes Out to You” Salute to Show Solidarity in Public

Multiple Cybertruck owners have shared that they have been victims of what they call “anit-Elon Musk motivated hate crimes.” Some owners suggest giving each other Elon Musk’s “My Heart Goes Out to You” salute in order to show solidarity in public.

A Tesla Cybertruck enthusiast from San Fransisco says he really wants to buy a Cybertruck, but he’s afraid he’ll be at the receiving end of an anti-Elon Musk motivated hate crime.

The person who goes by the username DerpDerper shared he works at the University of California, Berkely, and is afraid the people there might not look too kindly on his Cybertruck.

The conflicted Cybertruck buyer shared his concerns on the Cybertruck Owners Club forum, titled “Worried about hate crime—Want to buy a Cybertruck.”

Here is what he wrote…

“Hey everyone,

I am planning on buying a Cybertruck soon. I am located in the Bay Area, but I commute to a university in Berkeley (you can probably guess which one). I was hoping to buy a Cybertruck, but the news about vandalizing Cybertrucks has been worrying me lately.

Especially in Berkeley, where it's very left-wing and probably hates Elon Musk way more now and the Cybertruck. Is this a cause of concern? I really wanted to buy it!”

This sentiment is surprising, given that Tesla was the darling of left-leaning individuals just a few years prior. However, looking at the comments, DerpDerper’s fears about driving a Cybertruck around Berkeley appear to be well-founded.

Several Cybertruck owners, especially those on the West Coast, shared that they are subjected to negative interactions on a daily basis, and some even shared that they have experienced multiple instances of vandalism.

As an example, a recent Cybertruck owner from California shared his first day driving his truck around Berkeley.

In response to DerpDerper’s post, the Cybertruck owner writes…

“Wow. This is such a good timing.

I recently purchased a Cybertruck and had a couple of experiences around UC Berkeley just yesterday.

Here are my three experiences in 1 day:

1. I pulled up a block from ASUC. A female student walked by, talking on the phone, and said that a Cybertruck just ruined her day, obviously wanting me to hear it.

2. I went into the parking lot of Berkeley Bowl, and a person walked by and said, “Nice car, jerk,” while making a rude gesture with his finger.

3. While driving by, a Cybertruck rode by across incoming traffic, and a cyclist next to the Cybertruck made rude gestures using his fingers.

I was shocked by these encounters and wondered why these individuals would comment on a subjective matter. I wouldn’t approach them and hurl derogatory words at them.

So, yes, this is indeed real.”

This is definitely not an ideal first day after purchasing a $100,000 vehicle. However, other Cybertruck owners shared even worse experiences involving physical acts of vandalism, most of which involved throwing food items at the truck.

A Cybertruck owner from Arizona, Shawn, writes…

“My wife and I came out of the grocery store to find a banana peel tossed on the vault cover of our Cybertruck. No harm, but obviously, someone was jealous.”

A Tesla Cybertruck owner from North Carolina writes…

“I got cheesed when I was visiting my nearest metro city. They really are a hub of poorly behaved people.”

Another Cybertruck owner, Tony, says the anti-Tesla sentiment is not limited to the Cybertruck. He writes…

“My stepfather's new Tesla Model 3 got chocolate thrown on it. People just hate... You're driving around in a $100k car from the future, and they are too lazy to reflect upon themselves and admit to their horrible choices.”

Another Cybertruck owner, Lance from Washington State, writes…

“I live near Seattle, and I’ve experienced a number of “hate crime” incidents, including a key swipe on the passenger side door. In Berkeley, I can only imagine things could be at least as negative.”

Looking at the comments, the Cybertruck owners say they are tired of these negative interactions, and some even suggest installing deterrent measures on the truck.

Jacob from Michigan humorously writes…

“I think the Cybertruck is the perfect vessel for experimenting with my new, "CyberZapper." It's basically an electric "taser" that electrifies the entire exoskeleton upon a "tampering detected" condition to stun the opponent.

I'm also working on "tear gas" grenades that deploy from the vehicle at the touch of a button. Wheel "tredges" are in the works as well.”

Other Cybertruck owners suggest installing flame throwers all around the side of their trucks.

This is for physical deterrence. However, on the emotional side, some Cybertruck owners feel that Cybertruck drivers should show solidarity when they see each other on the roads.

One Cybertruck owner from Southern California says they should develop a special wave to show solidarity when Cybertruck drivers run into each other in public.

He writes…

“We really should salute each other like Elon threw out his heart to the crowd. Deep down inside, we all think like Elon, which is why we purchase his products to support his and his quest to help humanity.”

Yes, vandalism is a crime and is not acceptable in any situation; however, I’m not sure if this salute will necessarily help to stop the crimes. However, please let me know what you think in the comments. Share your ideas by clicking the “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site,, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Courtesy of Tesla, inc.

For more information, check out: My Tesla Cybertruck has been Stuck in a Shipping Container for the Past Three Months. I Shipped it From the US to Europe, and Now The Battery is Slowly Dying Out at Sea

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.


Bill (not verified)    January 29, 2025 - 2:42PM

I also saw one in the Berkeley Bowl parking lot a couple months ago. I would never say anything to it's owner but it was unattended. What I did do was burst out laughing because it looks so ridiculous; people looked at me so I pointed to the ridiculous truck. I wouldn't want the owner to see me making fun of it, but I couldn't help laughing, they look ridiculous! I don't blame Tesla owners for Elon being an insane Nazi monster.

Chris (not verified)    January 29, 2025 - 3:09PM

Elon's support to help humanity???!!!??_?!$?
You've got to be kidding.
I'm for anything to quash the stench of Musk emanating from a Tesla.

MAF (not verified)    January 29, 2025 - 3:48PM

Hmmm, now cybertruck owners know what it is like to drive an electric car in TX. We have been subject to similar abuse for years.

Sinagua (not verified)    January 29, 2025 - 4:39PM

I like when Elon Musk said, "From each as possible, And to each as needed." He must be a good guy having said that quote.

Chuck Smith (not verified)    January 29, 2025 - 9:33PM

People are not envious or desirous of a Tesla. They are showing proper hatred and revulsion of the Nazi regime and dumbass Elon for saluting not once but twice.

Elon is the grandson of two Nazis from WWII era Germany, born and raised in apartheid South Africa. He’s a racist scum and not a legal citizen. He violated the terms of his student Visa and the LAW is clear: he forfeits his citizenship. Now deport his ass.

Tom (not verified)    January 30, 2025 - 11:53AM

They don't like being picked on for owning a dumpster swasticar and think going full nazi will somehow remedy the issue is pure stupidity. Throwing nazi salutes will only multiply your problems ten-fold.